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No Interrupts for Commandos


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Different classes are different and the grass is always greener? Also, BH don't get an interrupt either and you don't hear them complaining as they're Tracer Missling the boss for 20K a hit.


Sorcs have no high burst damage like snipers do. I demand burst damage!


I have never seen a BH fighting against Ironfist so far :).


Ironfist is causing the problem. And Imperials dont have this flashpoint. Ever tried to do Esseless with two commandos? than you might see the problem.

And if you say: "than dont use two commandos" than you only support that commandos need it.


If BW is adding content/mobs where you need interrupt, than every class should have this, to do this content.

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I have never seen a BH fighting against Ironfist so far :).


Ironfist is causing the problem. And Imperials dont have this flashpoint. Ever tried to do Esseless with two commandos? than you might see the problem.

And if you say: "than dont use two commandos" than you only support that commandos need it.


If BW is adding content/mobs where you need interrupt, than every class should have this, to do this content.


/trollin Then get a better healer to heal through the damage /trollin


Seriously though, asking to give a class an ability just because they can't do one FP while composing half of the group (2/4 people being commandos) is kinda silly. As has been stated before, commandos do great damage and have other uses.

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I've been for getting us an interrupt but I started to agree with the points of that we don't really need one in a group situation as everyone else can take care of it, that was until last night.


I started carrying some guildies through HM's to get them some gear lately and last night we were running False Emperor. On the last boss we got him to 15% and as the tank is moving him he got thrown across the room. Immediately after that the boss started casting Unlimited Power, which if you don't know 1 shots the entire group in Hardmode and needs to be interrupted, the tank was out of range, our other DPS was lagging behind, and our healer doesn't have the boss targeted and didn't know he was casting. I was in melee range of the boss and I had more than enough time to interrupt the cast, but the only problem was that I had no interrupt. In short we wiped when I could have saved us simply because Commando has no interrupt and we had to do the fight again. This is the first time this has ever happened to me so it doesn't happen often but it DOES happen and simply because of that I think that we should get our interrupt.

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Different classes are different and the grass is always greener? Also, BH don't get an interrupt either and you don't hear them complaining as they're Tracer Missling the boss for 20K a hit.


Sorcs have no high burst damage like snipers do. I demand burst damage!


Sorcs aren't burst classes.

Of course the Mercs would get an interrupt as well. I'm not saying give Repubs a distinct advantage.

Commando's can demo for 20K if they have enough in the raid.


Things are not as one-sided as you think.



Grav Round.


Lightning (infinite slow) Spam.


Frankly I don't care about PvP interrupts right now. Just add a modifier as a temporary fix so we don't wipe everytime our tank's interrupt is on cooldown.

Edited by gluefoot
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I've been for getting us an interrupt but I started to agree with the points of that we don't really need one in a group situation as everyone else can take care of it, that was until last night.


I started carrying some guildies through HM's to get them some gear lately and last night we were running False Emperor. On the last boss we got him to 15% and as the tank is moving him he got thrown across the room. Immediately after that the boss started casting Unlimited Power, which if you don't know 1 shots the entire group in Hardmode and needs to be interrupted, the tank was out of range, our other DPS was lagging behind, and our healer doesn't have the boss targeted and didn't know he was casting. I was in melee range of the boss and I had more than enough time to interrupt the cast, but the only problem was that I had no interrupt. In short we wiped when I could have saved us simply because Commando has no interrupt and we had to do the fight again. This is the first time this has ever happened to me so it doesn't happen often but it DOES happen and simply because of that I think that we should get our interrupt.


Ok.. tank out of position for the interrupt: Fail.

DPS didnt do the interrupt: Fail.

Healer didnt do the interrupt: Fail.


You dont have the ability. Eh... But the GROUP failed. But.. you knew this might happen as "I started carrying some guildies through HM's to get them some gear".


This game is about team building. A good team is build of a mix of classes. People who you can rely on.


Hell, choosing a class and playing it for 50 levels, you KNEW about the lack of an interrupt.


If you want an interrupt, play a different class. I dont get to tank on my sage.


Just because my tank DCs, as a Sage I should not expect to survive the fight if it requires a tank. Likewise, having 3 other people with me having the exact same weaknesses I do, I should expect some problems down the line.

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Ok.. tank out of position for the interrupt: Fail.

DPS didnt do the interrupt: Fail.

Healer didnt do the interrupt: Fail.


You dont have the ability. Eh... But the GROUP failed. But.. you knew this might happen as "I started carrying some guildies through HM's to get them some gear".


This game is about team building. A good team is build of a mix of classes. People who you can rely on.


Hell, choosing a class and playing it for 50 levels, you KNEW about the lack of an interrupt.


If you want an interrupt, play a different class. I dont get to tank on my sage.


Just because my tank DCs, as a Sage I should not expect to survive the fight if it requires a tank. Likewise, having 3 other people with me having the exact same weaknesses I do, I should expect some problems down the line.


Willful blindness to excuse condescension: Fail.


Want a tank: any tank will do.

Want a healer: any healer will do.

Want a DPS: Any combination except 2 Commandos will do.


Notice anything?

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Willful blindness to excuse condescension: Fail.


Want a tank: any tank will do.

Want a healer: any healer will do.

Want a DPS: Any combination except 2 Commandos will do.


Notice anything?


You keep going back to this argument where half the group should be commandos. Apparently you've never played a certain other game where classes were sat routinely because they were sub optimal.


If you don't like it, the legacy system is calling for you to re-roll.

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ye tbh you shouldnt have 2 of the same adv. class in the group...add different classes to spread the loot more instead of having a arguement over that. if having commando's are such a pain...dont bring more then 1...healer...DPS? theres tons of dps out there...why does it have to be a commando?
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You keep going back to this argument where half the group should be commandos. Apparently you've never played a certain other game where classes were sat routinely because they were sub optimal.


If you don't like it, the legacy system is calling for you to re-roll.


That's because this is the only AC where this is a problem.


I keep going back to it because you keep waving the problem away...because the only option besides ignoring it is to admit that it is a problem. There is no logical excuse for it.


This is the only AC where you and a friend cannot DPS together if you both chose to play the same AC.


And that other game...is irrelevant. I played a shaman for years, including in BC where only certain classes got CC abilities and CC was required for heroics (until the end of BC when everyone overgeared them). Groups would regularly seek mages specifically or refuse to take shaman, paladin, or druid dps due to lack of CC. And guess what....they changed that because it is a dumb design.


So I guess your argument works if we want to play a 2007 game.

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ye tbh you shouldnt have 2 of the same adv. class in the group...add different classes to spread the loot more instead of having a arguement over that. if having commando's are such a pain...dont bring more then 1...healer...DPS? theres tons of dps out there...why does it have to be a commando?


Have any friends? Any of them the same class as you. Yeah...


The problem isn't the lack of DPS. The problem is that you can take 2 Gunslingers, 2 Sentinels, 2 Scoundrels (3 if one is a healer), 3 Sages, 3 Shadows....you see where this is going? The only class you have to turn away if you already have one as DPS is Commandos.

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Ok.. tank out of position for the interrupt: Fail.

DPS didnt do the interrupt: Fail.

Healer didnt do the interrupt: Fail.


You dont have the ability. Eh... But the GROUP failed. But.. you knew this might happen as "I started carrying some guildies through HM's to get them some gear".


This game is about team building. A good team is build of a mix of classes. People who you can rely on.


Hell, choosing a class and playing it for 50 levels, you KNEW about the lack of an interrupt.


If you want an interrupt, play a different class. I dont get to tank on my sage.


Just because my tank DCs, as a Sage I should not expect to survive the fight if it requires a tank. Likewise, having 3 other people with me having the exact same weaknesses I do, I should expect some problems down the line.


The tank got thrown across the room which is unavoidable RNG while moving him for the final phase of the fight. The other DPS was out of range so yes it was a fail on his part. It is not the healer's job to interrupt and without a viable target of target the healer cannot even see when they are needed to interrupt. In short it came down to me and due to Commando not having an interrupt we died. Had I been a Sage, which can do everything a Commando can do in that fight, I could have easily interrupted and finished the fight.


There is no excuse for us to not have an interrupt when all the other DPS have one and are just as capable as us in the DPS role. What reason is there to take a Commando over a Sage when they are both viable DPS, both have CC capabilities, and the Commando can't interrupt while the Sage can.

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Yeah because it's only timing that is stopping us from using cyro grenade to "interrupt" a boss.

Or the fact that cryo is a 1 min CD and subject to resolve immunity in pvp.


Commandos need an 8 second interrupt, just like every other class.

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/trollin Then get a better healer to heal through the damage /trollin


Seriously though, asking to give a class an ability just because they can't do one FP while composing half of the group (2/4 people being commandos) is kinda silly. As has been stated before, commandos do great damage and have other uses.





Everything a Commando can do, another class can do faster, easier, better, while providing more support.

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/trollin Then get a better healer to heal through the damage /trollin


Seriously though, asking to give a class an ability just because they can't do one FP while composing half of the group (2/4 people being commandos) is kinda silly. As has been stated before, commandos do great damage and have other uses.


Every AC except Commandos can do any FP while comprising 50-75% of the group. Only Commandos have this limitation. That is the problem.

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easy fix...dont take more then 1 commando in your group :D commando's do fine without interrupts...people are just looking for something to whine about. :D


So...the fix for not being able to take more than one Commando is to not take more than one Commando?


When you run out of gas in your car, do you consider "don't have gas in your car" to be a viable solution? I assume that when you are hungry, your solution is "be hungry."


How's that working out for you?

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lol sure if you want to mix reality into a game go for it, still doesnt change the fact you shouldnt need 2 of the same class in the group...4 people is needed should be easy to get any other then 2 commando's.


Need? No.


Want? Yes.


If a Commando has a friend who is also a Commando, they cannot run some content together. This would not be a problem if they had both rolled any other class.


This is a social game. These concerns matter, even if you are the type who forms no friendships/bonds in-game.

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