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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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I wouldn't see a problem with no markings, but it is also nice. You don't know how many times I have seen 3 people in a group trying to DPS a tank while a healer just sits there healing him away. I attack the healer, but it would be nice to get others to do so.


I do agree that the markings are too big, especially from far away and it is dumb that they can be seen through walls, ect. Marks going away on death wouldn't be a bad idea. Another idea could be give certain classes the ability to mark players (Not for the entire match obviously). Perhaps a slight debuff or DoT as well, but with a longer cooldown. Mark of Death comes to mind, give 5% armor penetration and an X over your head. Obviously, if you don't like this idea feel free to tell me why, as it is not well thought out at all.


I believe that would help out with tactics, be beneficial for some classes, and would work better than simply letting the ops leader mark targets.

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No, it's ok for them to be relentlessly zerged all match because they're healers, it's part of the territory, it happens in every MMO. Is it fair that healers automatically get all the MVP votes for doing their jobs? No, but it happens every time anyhow. Anyhow, it's because others ALSO have to deal with bright neon signs indicating their presence to everyone in the WZ.


No it don"t its been gone From other MMO's they do NOT let you mark enemy PLAYERS. maybe you have played some other mmo's? . sounds like you need to go make a QQ about sniper mark LMAO but THE two are no where the same

Edited by Misspriss
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No it don"t its been gone over other MMO's do NOT let you mark enemy PLAYERS. maybe you have played some other mmo's? . sounds like you need to go make a QQ about sniper mark LMAO but THE two are no where the same


Oh, right, WoW doesn't let you mark other players, it just gives you addons that do it FOR you. Much better...

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No it don"t its been gone over other MMO's do NOT let you mark enemy PLAYERS. maybe you have played some other mmo's? . sounds like you need to go make a QQ about sniper mark LMAO but THE two are no where the same


The MMOs that don't let you specifically mark the healers have much BETTER methods for getting teammates to assist and focus down a healer.


Things like addons or target of target, or healers that don't look exactly like dps until they hit a heal button.


Oyeah, and they also have integrated voice chat, so you can like.. CALL focus on the healer instead of marking.

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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.


A good team would protect their healer, make a premade with some friends/guildies and make them guard you and stop people from attacking you :)

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I sometimes mark healers when im the leader, its just good teamleading.

But last night was the first time i noticed this, i got a "buff" on my self, called republic raid mark.(i play empire) So if im not mistaken that meant i was marked by the other team.


But the interesting thing was that since it showed up as a buff on my character i could click it and it was gone.


Im not sure if this is just implemented, but have a look, and confirm/deny it.

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A good team would protect their healer, make a premade with some friends/guildies and make them guard you and stop people from attacking you :)


The OP did not say she was in a premade/vent/comp group . if the team is so good they don't need a mark

Edited by Misspriss
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Healers are SUPPOSED to be relentlessly zerged all match.


We only have to mark them because they aren't being zerged nearly enough when we play w/ pug groups.


The average SWTOR pugger is unfortunately, not on the same level as your average MMO player. We have people here from all walks of life, star wars fans, console kotor fans, etc. Not everyone has been doing this for as many years as the rest of us.


If they all knew to focus healers every single time they see them, I wouldn't need to mark them at all. Unfortunately they don't.


As a healer, however, they probably knew exactly what they were getting into when they rolled that AC. They're the guy who keeps people alive, and thus the most beneficial target to kill.


If they did not step into the warzone w/ a plan of what to do when that happens, then they weren't going to contribute to their team anyway.


As a healer I expect to have to deal with people trying to kill me all match, what I don't expect is to have 3-5 players see me coming from across the war zone after a respawn and instantly zerg me down before I get a heal off.

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As a healer I expect to have to deal with people trying to kill me all match, what I don't expect is to have 3-5 players see me coming from across the war zone after a respawn and instantly zerg me down before I get a heal off.


Guess what, once people know you're a healer, they remember who the healer is and it happens with or without marks.

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I sometimes mark healers when im the leader, its just good teamleading.

But last night was the first time i noticed this, i got a "buff" on my self, called republic raid mark.(i play empire) So if im not mistaken that meant i was marked by the other team.


But the interesting thing was that since it showed up as a buff on my character i could click it and it was gone.


Im not sure if this is just implemented, but have a look, and confirm/deny it.


Ahaha, that isn't the actual target marker, but the item that you can buy from social vendors that you got marked with.


In that case, you can just click the buff off.


Normally, if someone sets a mark for you (by right clicking your portrait and setting the operation mark through that interface), you won't notice it at all.

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As a healer I expect to have to deal with people trying to kill me all match, what I don't expect is to have 3-5 players see me coming from across the war zone after a respawn and instantly zerg me down before I get a heal off.


If you died recently, I know that you're going to be coming from the respawn.


If you're a healer, you're worth killing again as soon as you come out of the box. I do this whether or not you're marked, because it's my job.


My job is to not let you do your job. See how that works?


Like I said, if I could count on 2-4 other players to always do this also, then marking would not be necessary.

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The OP did not say she was in a premade/vent/comp group . if the team is so good they don't need a mark


I Queue with a commando healer and i am a vanguard, i do everything i can to protect him with guard, stuns pull people away it realy helps him ALOT, and we arent battlemasters, but its only meant to be a friendly suggestion to help him out abit.

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Guess what, once people know you're a healer, they remember who the healer is and it happens with or without marks.


Agree that's game play by good players but the you have to find them again then get on them and in that time they can make a inpact in the game with a mark on them they can not even get out of the doors and they have every one on them can be picked out of the sea of peeps that would have taking some time for you and a lot of time for the bad's

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I Queue with a commando healer and i am a vanguard, i do everything i can to protect him with guard, stuns pull people away it realy helps him ALOT, and we arent battlemasters, but its only meant to be a friendly suggestion to help him out abit.


People here don't want tips, they just want to cry and act like they're amazing PvPers.

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I Queue with a commando healer and i am a vanguard, i do everything i can to protect him with guard, stuns pull people away it realy helps him ALOT, and we arent battlemasters, but its only meant to be a friendly suggestion to help him out abit.


you run comp GG have fun

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Agree that's game play by good players but the you have to find them again then get on them and in that time they can make a inpact in the game with a mark on them they can not even get out of the doors and they have every one on them can be picked out of the sea of peeps that would have taking some time for you and a lot of time for the bad's


This really doesn't happen if you have more than 1 healer on your team, or just 1 competent tank, or a couple dps who are paying minimal attention to their healers.


Basically, this doesn't happen against a team that has any sort of situational awareness.


If your team can't protect your healers, premade or pug, you were going to lose whether they were marked or not.

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This really doesn't happen if you have more than 1 healer on your team, or just 1 competent tank, or a couple dps who are paying minimal attention to their healers.


Basically, this doesn't happen against a team that has any sort of situational awareness.


If your team can't protect your healers, premade or pug, you were going to lose whether they were marked or not.


AGAIN who said there is a tank in this WARFRONT not the OP and a 1/2 way good player will get the healer more then 15M away and then guard DROPS. you should know this if you do any real pvp in swtor

Edited by Misspriss
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Guess what, once people know you're a healer, they remember who the healer is and it happens with or without marks.


No most people don't see you coming from across then zone and kill you before you can even heal once. Generally with out marks you can get a few heals off before people begin to notice you, then it becomes a game of can you keep yourself out of danger while keeping your dps alive long enough for them to kill the other teams healers. Right now there's no real point in healing pugs, you're dead before you can do your job so why bother? Just spec dps or run nothing but pre-mades where you can get the kind of support you need to live through 3-5 man zergs.

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People here don't want tips, they just want to cry and act like they're amazing PvPers.


Yep. Funny story, back in Beta when everyone thought Marauder/Sentinel was a terrible class. I would try and educate the frustrated ones about the intricacies of the class, what to do what not to do how to gear etc. Al I got was rage from people who claimed they "Loved" the class but thought that it needed...


More Damage

More CC

A second leap




Funny. Now everyone is rolling Sentinel alts. Probably the same people crying about Sorcs being OP.

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I can't seriously believe there's someone retarded enough to whine that he's a healer and is being targeted top prio O_O... seriously ppl, wt.f... If I won't kill/keep healer busy, he'll just keep healing my target and I'll die in the end and lose wz, wt.f am I really supposed to say that? And healers are usually very hard to notice in swtor, so ofc better teams/players mark them! It's natural! You don't like being targeted, I can understand it, but guess what, I also don't like it when I start killing someone and then some little ***** like you throws him a heal.


/edit to make sense >.>

Edited by VincentWolf
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off topic


Its to Q for warfront with a set of composition of players


Ah yer that is true but we mostly just queue 2 people and it works realy well for us, but its worth a shot to find a tank class to help OP, if he had played on our server i would even offer him a spot in the queue with us, we could use more competent healers on our server republic side :)

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"If we stand up and cry loud enough, BW will do something"


^^Mentality of a carebear.


Not all carebears are bads some of us just like being support and teaching others to play other than L2p... on that note i'm a care bear but don't care if i'm marked it doesn't turn off my skills magically and can still support my team. If somehow i'm getting focused so horribly that i get locked down that means that those X amount of people are not protecting a turret /door/ ball, so unless my team is bad we now have an advantage because i know that there are other healers other then me that can do the job in my absence and help my team win!


P.S. so basically in a way i'm agreeing with you, while politely disagreeing with you:jawa_wink:


P.S.S. I also think that although marking is a great tool it should be turned off after you re-spawn and should have a limit of 2-3 marks because when the other team has more then 3 healers ( or ops lead like marking EVERY ONE) that's a lot of HUGE marks running around kinda in the way even...

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