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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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If PVP was being over run by Healers then this would not be a discussion at all.


But the opposite is true, healers are the hardest to play in PVP hands down.


It is 75% tougher to play a healer in PVP then Tank or Damage. This is a fact!


lol :D

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Actually you can mark in Rift. My guild and I did it all the time. And GW gear looks so distinct the healer stands out a mile away. Once again, adapt or die, there is no middle ground here. MMOs as old as SWG have allowed for marking healers. You're whining about an MMO standard, and will find no mercy or relief from it.


I can play heals or smite in my on my Monk in Obsidian Armor on.I can all so put heal skills on my Elementalist so you can not know if someone is healer in GW until they cast! You can not mark them in GW . Woot /Emote rank 9 bunny/tiger AND in GW the top end PVP is 100% comp. Fight for Favor we have favor

Edited by Misspriss
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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.


I agree. It is not only a massive hindrance on healers, but also a huge crutch for the opposition.

Just get rid of marking in PvP.

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I dont agree. I think its a good implementation.


The difference is, that without markings, teams that uses voice communications have an extreme advantage over teams that are unable to use markings.


With markings, the gap in communication is smaller.


If you have a problem as a healer with markings, then you are not standing near your tank that is guarding you or is trying to los the attackers.


If 6 attackers is marking you, and you would line of sight them: How much damage is your team taking?

You heal a LOT more by being marked and kiting, line of sighting, then actually throwing heals, but maybe due to lack of mechanic and pvp understanding you have not understood this yet. Not to be blunt or anything, but I can understand that people stare too much at numbers.


In a premade, if you are a target, and can make sure their dps have a hard time getting to you, you are in a way "healing". It just wont show on any charts, but the team knows.


And this is why markings should stay since it will be required for rated battlegrounds to narrow the gap between the teams (such as the ones I play in) that uses teamspeak, ventrilo, skype or other voice communication methods.


The whole topic should be locked and thrown away.

Markings in PVP is a great implementation. It swings both ways.

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Marks are one of the things that save the worthless noobs that join in the pvp wzs , rly taking that way is the same as asking to any good player to play only in premades , or leave till they hit a wz with other people in their teams that actually got a brain.
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If the healer is marked and rage-targeted the whole game, this wont be an issue if the healer has a decent tank. This nonsense about getting in the fight and getting insta-killed and cc'd...just doesn't fit. I mean seriously, all it takes is 2 people doing their job. Tank guards healer, healer stay in back and keeps group up, especially the tank guarding you.



tl;dr - target maker means nothing if the healer and tank are both doing their job


I will have someone pull you away from the tank or knock you away from the tank 15m GUARD drops you die. All so most of you say have you team help protect you. The same team that can not kill a heal with out a mark is now going to be so good that then can guard there healer I just got to LOL at the idea that they can do one( guard protect ) and cant see the green heals rofl

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I will have someone pull you away from the tank or knock you away from the tank 15m GUARD drops you die. All so most of you say have you team help protect you. The same team that can not kill a heal with out a mark is now going to be so good that then can guard there healer I just got to LOL at the idea that they can do one( guard protect ) and cant see the green heals rofl


This is your first PVP experience. As with anyone that have an issue with PVP markings.


Mods: Just lock this thread. Although its an interesting discussion its pointless.

Markers is a must for pugs to have a remote chance vs premades that is using "marks" over their voice communications.


And to the OP: Learn to understand that line of sighting 4-5 dps means you have 60% of your team that can free roam and kill as they wish while you are kiting their dps.

Just cause you dont see "3k" heal over your head does not mean you are not healing by line of sighting.

People need to stop staring at numbers and understand pvp.

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The reason why it is fair is because it is too difficult to quickly tell a sorc DPS from a sorc healer. The same is true for BH/Trooper and Smugg/Agent. You all look the same. Additionaly, they hide the green beam from us. Why? And names..... People have fourteen sentences above their heads and there is no setting to make the name <first name only>


Yes, it wouldn't take forever to read and make a mental note of who is the healer once he is spotted, but in SWTOR you do not have the advantage of a cleric having a shield and a cross with no sword.


I think what should be done is to remove the big icon when you are far away. That would probably solve the problem. There is no reason you should know where a healer is from 160 meters away.


But a mark is fair, it makes up for the fact that a healer is not easily recognized and names are not easily read. Prefixes, suffixes, titles etc. Especially since they dont have (which they should) noticable spell effects.



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I will have someone pull you away from the tank or knock you away from the tank 15m GUARD drops you die. All so most of you say have you team help protect you. The same team that can not kill a heal with out a mark is now going to be so good that then can guard there healer I just got to LOL at the idea that they can do one( guard protect ) and cant see the green heals rofl


I heard that pulls and knockbacks fill the Resolve bar, and that it's way easier for 2 people to walk back toward eachother than it is for you to try to separate them alone.



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Might as well ban the use of vent for rated wzs too, cause you can just call out names and it's just as effective as marking.


if it the same then Why not take it out. ITS not the same you have to find them after the Call out. don't see the OP say it was in a vent/comp/premade if a vent/comp/premade need a mark i say find new peeps to Q with

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Wow your not to smart even the so called God of MMO WoW seen how dumb and how it hurts pvp more than helps it thats why they banned the mark the healer mod.


if you cant mark the healer you shouldnt be able to mark at all.tor has no pure heal,med class!

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if it the same then Why not take it out. ITS not the same you have to find them after the Call out. don't see the OP say it was in a vent/comp/premade if a vent/comp/premade need a mark i say find new peeps to Q with


The OP didn't say anything at all about the team composition.


For all we know, it could be anything at all. In fact, the OP doesn't even know for certain that they were marked at all, just that they were trained and killed.

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if it the same then Why not take it out. ITS not the same you have to find them after the Call out. don't see the OP say it was in a vent/comp/premade if a vent/comp/premade need a mark i say find new peeps to Q with


because it doesn't affect 100% of healers...


some have no problem with it all, some do... so adapt or re roll

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So you're complaining because they use tactics? Really!?!? PvPers have degraded to this level, that they will whine about the use of tactics? Sad.



Nice of you to turn it around. All I said was that it made those with a advantage even better. Please don't twist what I say.


If it was all about tactics then why add the handycap to the other team. That is all it really is. You just made the other team easier to beat. You removed a challenge.


Admit it. You want to keep the ability to mark because it gives your group an advantage. You could care less about the group you crush doing it.


Oh and I want the option to hide my name. Why do I want it called out in the other teams vent. They don't know who I am. Just that I am a Jedi. Why should I be on a first name basis with the enemy?

Edited by Gryphandor
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The way things are now, if you are a healer on a team with vent or at least an active op chat, just use the healer as bait. Let them go for the healer and then nuke them down with focused AOE.


Because if you have better communications than the opposing team then you can be even more unfair to the poor bastards.


In fact, if you are complaining that is probably just because you can no longer run around being immortal because you have a pocket healer, which, from the same perspective is just as unfair as being able to mark targets.

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Ok let me put it this way, and you got to Read The Post. And think about the post.


Now Imagine If You Will. Two parallel worlds. Where there is Target of a Target and Assist Target. One Healer Without a mark one with a mark.


Now Healer without the mark is in Hutball by the acid pit in between the 2 pillars 4 people attacking the Healer.


#1 Attacker Stun breaker is on a 1:35 sec cooldown

#2 Attacker Stun breaker is on a 1:00 sec cooldown

#3 Attacker Stun breaker is on a 45 sec cooldown

#4 Attacker Stun breaker is on a 20 sec cooldown


Now the healers team mate is doing what He/She is suppose to do. The sniper throws his Aoe stun at all 4 of the the attacking players and stuns them for 8 sec.


"And yes I have done this so many times on my Sniper and Sith Marauder to disarm bombs and cap gun turrets and to get people off the healer."


Now the Sniper did his job to help his healer.


Now that all 4 attackers using target of target and assist target are all stunned The Healer with out a Icon above him Force speeds away around the corner.


Now pay a attention.


Now what did the Healer Do? Did He/She do,


A. He/She Kept going straight all way down to the other acid pit back side.


B. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs to the left.


C. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs to the right.


D. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs and straight and down on to the air blower and thrown up into the air on top of the ledge above you on the far left.


Your Target of Target and Assist does not show you where he went, Because you can not see where He/She Went through a wall.


Now parallel world, Healer With The ICON.


Now what did the Healer Do?


A. He/She Kept going straight all way down to the other acid pit back side. I know this Because of the Icon I seen through the wall.


B. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs to the left. I know this Because of the Icon I seen through the wall.


C. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs to the right. I know this Because of the Icon I seen through the wall.


D. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs and straight and down on to the air blower and thrown on top of the ledge above me on the far left. I know this Because of the Icon I seen through the wall.



That more than anything shows right there even tho you all keep talking about not having Target of Target or Assist Target,

You Still even with thoses two UI things would still have to go find the healer you do not know where He/She Went.

That is just one of many reasons even with ALL your crying this shows why it should be taken out.

Even with Target of Target or Assist Target And Voice Chat you would have to go find him/her.


Now go Find and Hunt down that Healer or any DPS or Tank without a mark.

It makes you have to play the game without easy mode showing you where He/She is.

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Ok let me put it this way, and you got to Read The Post. And think about the post.


Now Imagine If You Will. Two parallel worlds. Where there is Target of a Target and Assist Target. One Healer Without a mark one with a mark.


Now Healer without the mark is in Hutball by the acid pit in between the 2 pillars 4 people attacking the Healer.


#1 Attacker Stun breaker is on a 1:35 sec cooldown

#2 Attacker Stun breaker is on a 1:00 sec cooldown

#3 Attacker Stun breaker is on a 45 sec cooldown

#4 Attacker Stun breaker is on a 20 sec cooldown


Now the healers team mate is doing what He/She is suppose to do. The sniper throws his Aoe stun at all 4 of the the attacking players and stuns them for 8 sec.


"And yes I have done this so many times on my Sniper and Sith Marauder to disarm bombs and cap gun turrets and to get people off the healer."


Now the Sniper did his job to help his healer.


Now that all 4 attackers using target of target and assist target are all stunned The Healer with out a Icon above him Force speeds away around the corner.


Now pay a attention.


Now what did the Healer Do? Did He/She do,


A. He/She Kept going straight all way down to the other acid pit back side.


B. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs to the left.


C. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs to the right.


D. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs and straight and down on to the air blower and thrown up into the air on top of the ledge above you on the far left.


Your Target of Target and Assist does not show you where he went, Because you can not see where He/She Went through a wall.


Now parallel world, Healer With The ICON.


Now what did the Healer Do?


A. He/She Kept going straight all way down to the other acid pit back side. I know this Because of the Icon I seen through the wall.


B. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs to the left. I know this Because of the Icon I seen through the wall.


C. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs to the right. I know this Because of the Icon I seen through the wall.


D. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs and straight and down on to the air blower and thrown on top of the ledge above me on the far left. I know this Because of the Icon I seen through the wall.



That more than anything shows right there even tho you all keep talking about not having Target of Target or Assist Target,

You Still even with thoses two UI things would still have to go find the healer you do not know where He/She Went.

That is just one of many reasons even with ALL your crying this shows why it should be taken out.

Even with Target of Target or Assist Target And Voice Chat you would have to go find him/her.


Now go Find and Hunt down that Healer or any DPS or Tank without a mark.

It makes you have to play the game without easy mode showing you where He/She is.


What you are saying is they need a GPS system on the heals at all time for there Crutch.


Next in RL they will have a good hunter go out and put a GPS on the deer so they can find them as well ( I there it is in the headlight's)

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Ok let me put it this way, and you got to Read The Post. And think about the post.


Now Imagine If You Will. Two parallel worlds. Where there is Target of a Target and Assist Target. One Healer Without a mark one with a mark.


Now Healer without the mark is in Hutball by the acid pit in between the 2 pillars 4 people attacking the Healer.


#1 Attacker Stun breaker is on a 1:35 sec cooldown

#2 Attacker Stun breaker is on a 1:00 sec cooldown

#3 Attacker Stun breaker is on a 45 sec cooldown

#4 Attacker Stun breaker is on a 20 sec cooldown


Now the healers team mate is doing what He/She is suppose to do. The sniper throws his Aoe stun at all 4 of the the attacking players and stuns them for 8 sec.


"And yes I have done this so many times on my Sniper and Sith Marauder to disarm bombs and cap gun turrets and to get people off the healer."


Now the Sniper did his job to help his healer.


Now that all 4 attackers using target of target and assist target are all stunned The Healer with out a Icon above him Force speeds away around the corner.


Now pay a attention.


Now what did the Healer Do? Did He/She do,


A. He/She Kept going straight all way down to the other acid pit back side.


B. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs to the left.


C. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs to the right.


D. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs and straight and down on to the air blower and thrown up into the air on top of the ledge above you on the far left.


Your Target of Target and Assist does not show you where he went, Because you can not see where He/She Went through a wall.


Now parallel world, Healer With The ICON.


Now what did the Healer Do?


A. He/She Kept going straight all way down to the other acid pit back side. I know this Because of the Icon I seen through the wall.


B. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs to the left. I know this Because of the Icon I seen through the wall.


C. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs to the right. I know this Because of the Icon I seen through the wall.


D. He/She Went around the corner up the stairs and straight and down on to the air blower and thrown on top of the ledge above me on the far left. I know this Because of the Icon I seen through the wall.



That more than anything shows right there even tho you all keep talking about not having Target of Target or Assist Target,

You Still even with thoses two UI things would still have to go find the healer you do not know where He/She Went.

That is just one of many reasons even with ALL your crying this shows why it should be taken out.

Even with Target of Target or Assist Target And Voice Chat you would have to go find him/her.


Now go Find and Hunt down that Healer or any DPS or Tank without a mark.

It makes you have to play the game without easy mode showing you where He/She is.


However, your perspective assumes team cohesion on at least one side, and players actually helping each other as they are supposed to.


In pub randoms this does not happen, and the scenario instead becomes:


World 1

Each individual player on the opposing team: Damn, those AOE blinds (because they are actually blinds, which is why they break from damage, and not stuns) are so cheap, where did that player we were attacking go? I know! Let's kill this imperial agent! (or any other target or objective they can see at the moment) leaving the healer completely free to recover.


World 2

SHINY! Shiny icon means you have to die! *Runs after like pack of rabid dogs with no communication or common plan aside from the icon*


If you already have a common plan, you already have a bigger advantage than an icon.

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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.



You are complaining about the fact that the enemy is using teamwork to fight?

Marking healers is a good thing, sure, maybe you get targeted quicker but it means the enemy healers get downed just as quickly.

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However, your perspective assumes team cohesion on at least one side, and players actually helping each other as they are supposed to.


In pub randoms this does not happen, and the scenario instead becomes:


World 1

Each individual player on the opposing team: Damn, those AOE blinds (because they are actually blinds, which is why they break from damage, and not stuns) are so cheap, where did that player we were attacking go? I know! Let's kill this imperial agent! (or any other target or objective they can see at the moment) leaving the healer completely free to recover.


World 2

SHINY! Shiny icon means you have to die! *Runs after like pack of rabid dogs with no communication or common plan aside from the icon*


If you already have a common plan, you already have a bigger advantage than an icon.


However, your perspective assumes team cohesion on at least one side. That the OP was in a comp/vent.premade and with player's Capable of Guard and to assist the OP ( the peeps that need a mark CAN NOT be Capable of helping said heal. If mark alone can Negate premades/vent/comp then it way to powerful and needs to go.

Edited by Misspriss
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However, your perspective assumes team cohesion on at least one side, and players actually helping each other as they are supposed to.


In pub randoms this does not happen, and the scenario instead becomes:


World 1

Each individual player on the opposing team: Damn, those AOE blinds (because they are actually blinds, which is why they break from damage, and not stuns) are so cheap, where did that player we were attacking go? I know! Let's kill this imperial agent! (or any other target or objective they can see at the moment) leaving the healer completely free to recover.


World 2

SHINY! Shiny icon means you have to die! *Runs after like pack of rabid dogs with no communication or common plan aside from the icon*


If you already have a common plan, you already have a bigger advantage than an icon.


96% of my Wf I pug. I do not play with other people because of when I work and sleep and do not use Voice chat or in comps. It is just common sense and skill to see hey helping my healer, hey helping my ball handler, hey stop that cap, hey keep them off him to cap. hey where is my healer at.


Even with out comp or a common play it should just be to the PvPer Common Sense.

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96% of my Wf I pug. I do not play with other people because of when I work and sleep and do not use Voice chat or in comps. It is just common sense and skill to see hey helping my healer, hey helping my ball handler, hey stop that cap, hey keep them off him to cap. hey where is my healer at.


Even with out comp or a common play it should just be to the PvPer Common Sense.


I agree on that point, but too many players seem to be chasing kills for that to penetrate their thick skulls.

"who cares if the enemy healer keeps the guy I'm beating on alive or the enemy is capping a point right behind me, I have the most kills on my team so clearly I'm the most skilled player ever, just look at my medals"


And so on.

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