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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Yep, Aric Jorgan. I'm not sure if I'm gonna go for a romance with him or not, but as a player I just love him because Tim Omundson (Carlton Lassiter from Psych) voiced him. They even share some traits, lol! He gets love for that alone...I just don't know if he'll be getting love from my trooper yet. ;)


Hm, yeah, I can't actually remember his voice, but on that note, I hope some of the male companions they make available for SGRA has nice masculine voices. I like that :D




I have a toggle comment that's been building up from all the time spent lurking with no subscription. When I first came here I was toggle-neutral. I was willing to do all sorts of stuff to get SGRAs, and I couldn't be bothered by how others wanted to play the game, with toggles or what not.


Now however, when things are the way they are. There are two important things together that make toggles seems very inappropriate.


First, the argument that almost nobody saw such a toggle as necessary before SGRA came into the mix, and the unavoidable message it will send that homosexuality needs to be singled out as potentially worse than any other game content, can't be ignored.


Second, the timing of this whole thing. When SGRA comes one year after the game release, adding a toggle will be a bit like visiting a restaurant, having to wait for the main course of fish that I ordered until the others who ordered steak are already on the dessert, and then on top of that being asked by the waiter if I could please move to a small room in the back to eat, because some of the other guests don't like fish.


So to me, it's all about timing. Had they included toggles and all kinds of romances from the start, no problem. Now, if they add it, I'll be really, really disappointed.

Edited by gekko_s
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I just looked up the Consular companions and I hope the SGR option isn't Theran Cedrax or the Twi'lek. :/ I don't like their back stories....


Well, I can only speak for myself, but I'd rather have Zenith (Twi'lek) than all the others males, since they bore me to tears. Zenith at least have sexy voice working for him... I can't agree more about Tharan. I thought I was going to love him, but he turned out to be pretty annoying.


EDIT: Typos.

Edited by LeJay
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Make Mako, Kira, Dorne, Ashara (because Togruta are cool), and Vette and/or Jaesa SGR options and you've got me for life. :D I'd say Kaliyo, but isn't that a little obvious? :eek:


Kaliyo is obvious. Unfortunately if they end up only making one female SGRA per class she'll get it even though I don't like her as a person so much. Which means no Temple love. :(

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Hi all, I've resubbed because I after the news from the guild summit and since the reasons I had for stopping playing are not as valid anymore. Also, I couldn't keep myself from reading these threads and I wanted to participate here again. I don't think NOK 105,- per month is too much to pay to get the privilege of chatting with all you nice people. ;)

Hey, I remember you! Welcome back! :D


It's great to hear that they're working on this and that they want to do it properly. I think it's a bit late, but since it's Bioware and all things considering, I'll be a good sport.

Yeah, it really seems like not including SGRs was a mistake they're amending, and it is good to hear that it was because of time and budget issues that they weren't in the game from the start. Really looking forward to completely new romance storylines for these.


I'm actually still a bit on the fence as to whether I should start playing the game again. I really wish I could've had the full experience including SGRAs from the start when that sense of wonder from playing a new game is still there. It all gets so much less magical after having played a game for a while and the game mechanics become just that, mechanics.

Interesting point. Speaking for myself, though, it's the companion relationships that add the magic to the game. I know that, at its heart, this is an MMO - the playstyle is close enough to, for example, WoW that I felt right at home playing it. But never in WoW did I feel as attached to my characters as I do my TOR characters. And I know it's having the companions, getting to share my characters' story with them, that has made all the difference.


Well, I can only speak for myself, but I'd rather have Zenith (Twi'lek) than all the others males, since they bore me to tears. Zenith at least have sexy voice working for him... I can't agree more about Tharan. I thought I was going to love him, but he turned out to be pretty annoying.

I've seen several posts on Torhead from people who really like Zenith and wish he was a romance option. Who knows, maybe he will be; my Consular is only 19th level so I haven't met the guy.


That's one thing I haven't seen discussed much in this thread, and I think it'd be a great topic - what non-romanceable companions would you like to see opened up for SGRs?


I can't really speak to this, as I haven't gotten any of my characters to a point where they have all their companions. :o So the completely non-romanceable companions I've encountered are... Bowdaar, Khem Val, and a few droids. Granted, I think Bowdaar should be romanceable by both genders, as there's a ridiculous amount of cuddle potential there. :p


Anyone else, discuss?


Kaliyo is obvious. Unfortunately if they end up only making one female SGRA per class she'll get it even though I don't like her as a person so much. Which means no Temple love. :(

Hey, you never know. Every class has at least one male and one female OGR opportunity, so I'm hoping each class has at least one male and one female SGR opportunity. Just as some classes have more than one OGR, some might have more than one SGR. And that's part of why we should keep discussing this - let BioWare know what we want. :D

Edited by MusedMoose
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Unfortunately, every single female companion in the game is romanceable (under the right conditions, for Jaesa), so none of that opening up. Although I'd wub Bioware big-time if LS Jaesa became romanceable by my noble lady Warrior.
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Hey, I remember you! Welcome back! :D

Aww, thanks! It's nice to be remembered. :D


Yeah, it really seems like not including SGRs was a mistake they're amending, and it is good to hear that it was because of time and budget issues that they weren't in the game from the start. Really looking forward to completely new romance storylines for these.



Interesting point. Speaking for myself, though, it's the companion relationships that add the magic to the game. I know that, at its heart, this is an MMO - the playstyle is close enough to, for example, WoW that I felt right at home playing it. But never in WoW did I feel as attached to my characters as I do my TOR characters. And I know it's having the companions, getting to share my characters' story with them, that has made all the difference.

That sounds encouraging. I'm looking forward to that since I've also played WoW for years.

Hey, you never know. Every class has at least one male and one female OGR opportunity, so I'm hoping each class has at least one male and one female SGR opportunity. Just as some classes have more than one OGR, some might have more than one SGR. And that's part of why we should keep discussing this - let BioWare know what we want. :D


I was also wondering about that after reading about their new statements. It's hard to say if they intend on keeping all companions class specific, but I haven't read anywhere that they plan to add cross-class companions. If they don't, it'll be strange if some classes have no SGR option.

Edited by gekko_s
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Unfortunately, every single female companion in the game is romanceable (under the right conditions, for Jaesa), so none of that opening up. Although I'd wub Bioware big-time if LS Jaesa became romanceable by my noble lady Warrior.

If I remember right, they said they were working on SGRs for certain characters, but wouldn't say who. I understand your trepidation, but I don't think that any character currently being available for OGR will make them unavailable for SGR. BioWare's written bisexual characters before, why stop now?


I was also wondering about that after reading about their new statements. It's hard to say if they intend on keeping all companions class specific, but I haven't read anywhere that they plan to add cross-class companions. If they don't, it'll be strange if some classes have no SGR option.

It would indeed be strange. But yeah, as far as I know there's been no word of cross-class companions, so hopefully it won't work out that SGRs are only from companions that anyone can get. I really wouldn't like that, would feel very much like those characters were the "token gay companions".


My guess/hope is that SGRs will work out like OGRs, in that every class will have at least one male and one female SGR option. All we can do is wait and see, and keep talking here so BioWare knows what we would like to see.

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If I remember right, they said they were working on SGRs for certain characters, but wouldn't say who. I understand your trepidation, but I don't think that any character currently being available for OGR will make them unavailable for SGR. BioWare's written bisexual characters before, why stop now?



It would indeed be strange. But yeah, as far as I know there's been no word of cross-class companions, so hopefully it won't work out that SGRs are only from companions that anyone can get. I really wouldn't like that, would feel very much like those characters were the "token gay companions".


My guess/hope is that SGRs will work out like OGRs, in that every class will have at least one male and one female SGR option. All we can do is wait and see, and keep talking here so BioWare knows what we would like to see.


I agree, but it sounded like they were intending to add SGR options to some existing companions, and if that's correct it will at least not be the worst case scenario of one bi male romancable by all 8 classes and one bi female, hehe.


I guess they could add SGR options to existing companions for some classes and add new ones for others. The story addition will probably add some OGR companions as well, don't you think?


To fill the gaps, they could also add companions that are not class specific, but also not available to all. Like a bi companion that's only available to force using republic classes, as an example. I wouldn't mind that. That could be rounded out so that each class in the end has at least one SGR option without taking too much resources. And there would still be a selection of several SGR options in total when playing different classes.

Edited by gekko_s
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Hello again every one was great to hear info on this topic today. With that I have re-subbed.

I hope they give us info a Little more often. and I am going to be so looking forward to this content.

Have been checking this thread every day. It's great to see your ideas and opinions. Was glad they let me post questions on the guild summit chat.

Still a little iffy on how to progress my characters with out a tiny bit more info but thinking I will re-roll and take a lot of time crafting :t_tongue:

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Now this is total speculation but I kinda think this is how its going to work out at least IMP side. (( where i play ))


I think for a SW Vette stays straight but DS Jaessa goes bi. I can honestly see Pierce being the Gay option for males.


I think for INQ as of Female Ashara may go bi but that may be one of the new companion possibilities. Like the SW I could totally see Tallos being the gay male option.


I think for BH its much of the same for them possibly Mako or New companion. Same with Torian but if they do make Gault a Gay Male option I am totally rolling a guy to explore that !!!


Agent Kaylio makes sense to do such as Jaessa. Makes sense she is bi and leaves out the other. Now with Vector I can see more of a chance of him being a romance option then Torian but still another possible new companion.


Now this is total speculation I can totally be wrong but in my lil warped mind it makes sense. After all this is a discussion thread.

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Out of all the npcs i worked with on my bounty hunter the one i really wanted to flirt with was the slicer on Nar Shaddaa who was friends with mako. I thought he was adorable! He was one of the few npcs who really made me sad when he died.



I still really want Gault to have sexy snuggle time with my BhH.

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That's one thing I haven't seen discussed much in this thread, and I think it'd be a great topic - what non-romanceable companions would you like to see opened up for SGRs?


Hmm, I'd say...


Bounty Hunter - Gault, hands down.

Inquisitor - ...does Pierce counts? He's just a fling, anyway.

Consular - Zenith, obviously.


I'm sure there are more non-romanceable and very interesting companions I'd like to romance, but I'm a slow player and I haven't been able to see all companions for all classes yet.

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As a lady...


DS Jaesa(although having LS Jaesa be romance-able for all would be spiffy.)


Mako: Need I say more?


Kira: Seriously, it seems like the male toons get the love interest I have connected with.


Kaliyo: Honestly, I think she's a hop, skip and a pronoun away from being bi as it is.



I've only played SW and JK; my husband played a BH. We were both grumbling a little bit that we couldn't romance the toons we wanted to. He was playing a female as well.

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Wow, I stop paying attention for like two days, and we finally get more information! Woot!


But now I'm seriously considering unsubbing until they go in. We have no information on how, exactly, this is going to work (at least, so it would seem). I don't want to level a character to 50 and find out that one of my favourite companions is now SGRable, but I've locked myself out by levelling to 50 and doing all the affection grinding/conversations.


As for a list of existing companions I'd like to see? Okay, I'm biased by gender and class, as you'll see by my list.


Equal first: Watcher Two, Rania Temple (and/or, I don't mind)

Then, in no particular order:






Jasea (LS, not really interested in DS)




New companions would be wonderful too, provided they were mostly neutral or LS.


Female companion I DON'T want to see as SGRable - Kaliyo, she's just too obvious (not to mention she'd be yet another sociopathic bisexual, and we really don't need more of those), and I (and Jan'neria) just don't like her that much. If she ends up being the only s/s choice for a female Agent, I'll just have to play a different class. :(


As for m/m? I'm not interested enough to care. (I never play male characters.)

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Female companion I DON'T want to see as SGRable - Kaliyo, she's just too obvious (not to mention she'd be yet another sociopathic bisexual, and we really don't need more of those), and I (and Jan'neria) just don't like her that much. If she ends up being the only s/s choice for a female Agent, I'll just have to play a different class. :(


As for m/m? I'm not interested enough to care. (I never play male characters.)


Hmm, I guess I never pictured Kaliyo as sociopathic(not any more than a DS BH would be), but you do have a point about having all the bi female characters nuts. I really hope that isn't all we are left with. :(


Funny story(a little offtopic, but bear with me):



Right after I turned Jaesa DS, I couldn't help but notice how... enthusiastic she was. It did creep me out some(Seriously, "I taste your blood"?) and the whole, she doesn't remember if she killed the guy she slept with. When my husband was able to hear Jaesa through my speakers, he was creeped out too.



My SW is interested in Jaesa because she is one of two people in the galaxy my SW completely trusts. And she doesn't think of Vette in a romantic way. My SW loves Vette, but as a little sister. She will still force choke someone if they hurt her though. It's a shame about Pierce, for my SW adores him, but no Pierce for the ladies. And as far as Quinn...yeah, I don't talk about him. :mad:


I think crazy chicks should be an option, but not the ONLY option. Kaliyo isn't to everyone's taste, so they should really have more variety for SGRs for the lady(or male) IA. Plus, it would give the ladies more flirt options in general. I'm really hoping that by implementing SGRs, they open more OGR options as well. Seriously? One stinking LI for the lady SW? I hope if they make Pierce bi he'll become romancable for all.


Also, just to make sure, I know that SGR means Same Gender Romance. Does OGR mean Original Gender Romance?


edit: I needed to put things into a clearer context.

Edited by natashina
pronouns, pronouns, pronouns
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Opposite Gender romance.


Ah, okay. Thanks for the heads up. I wasn't sure, and trust me, I want SGRs in the game, but I wanted to be certain. Please take no offense to the question. :o

Edited by natashina
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Okay - so the Panel did give a good, substantial answer on same gender content.


  • They didn't expect the issue to balloon this much but they have been keeping abreast of what we have been asking.
  • The initial delay over launch implementation was a matter of time and money. They went over-deadline and over-budget.
  • Same-gender content is coming with story continuation, this year. So that is our ballpark ETA.
  • It really is being worked on, apparently by the writing team at this stage. That's given plenty of time because it takes that long. They want to stress doing it well rather than doing it fast.
  • There was no mention of new story content being tied to a retail expansion, so it looks like content patch is what we can expect.
  • There was a clear indication that romances will be available for some existing companion characters, where it would be appropriate for that character. They won't say who yet.
  • No mention was made regarding [Flirts] or same-gender content beside companion characters. No mention was made of a special filter option.


I call it a good answer. I am glad they made it live. :)


Sigh. Okay, yes, I will first say that I am satisfied with the answers they gave.


However, I see nothing there that is so incredibly specific and/or earth-shattering that it could not have been answered much, much, MUCH earlier, before so much unpleasantness erupted.


The fact that they stood by and said absolutely nothing for so long despite seeing what was going on in the forums and in the emails to customer support still says to me that they have no idea how to talk to their LGBT players, and further, it says that they will only do so with great reluctance.


So, though I am not going to complain about the information we received (it is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for...3 months ago!) I'm still not moved to renew my subscription. I mean, sure, I'm happy with what we got, but if its going to take that amount of work every single time to get information out of them on an issue that is substantively important to the LGBT community (or any minority community, for that matter) then this is obviously not the game for me. If communication is this difficult for them now, I see absolutely no indication that they will improve on it in the future. What I really needed from them was some kind of explanation as to why on Earth it took them so long to break their silence, and lacking that, I can only assume that the next time we have a question for them, we'll be treated exactly the same way.


No thank you.


Sorry to be a downer, guys. I am happy for all of you who are pleased, and I hope you continue to enjoy your time spent in STWOR. I simply can't anymore.

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