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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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So on my female agent, assuming Temple will be one of the SGR companions later, would I still be able romance her after maxing out her affections? Or should I keep her affection low and wait for the content update?


Unfortunately we don't know the answer to this just yet. We're hoping that with the addition of "story content" this will also include a way to romance them later in the story once the SGRAs have been activated for the appropriate companions.

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So on my female agent, assuming Temple will be one of the SGR companions later, would I still be able romance her after maxing out her affections? Or should I keep her affection low and wait for the content update?


Yeah, this is also a good idea; we need a comprehensive list of what we feel it is especially crucial to hear more on, because it's affecting how we can currently play our characters. It's absolutely awesome that we got this info, but... well. Like I said. Affecting our current play; if someone could find some time semi-soon to let us know a little more, we'd really appreciate it.





1. Can we go back and romance a companion if we've already run through their conversations?

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So on my female agent, assuming Temple will be one of the SGR companions later, would I still be able romance her after maxing out her affections? Or should I keep her affection low and wait for the content update?

I would guess that, if Temple's affection is maxed and she becomes SGR-enabled, you'd be able to start the SGR right away.


I'm guessing this because when my SW finished a part of his storyline wherein he'd been getting a ton of Vette affection along the way, suddenly he had four different conversations with Vette one right after the other. One of these was what I'm pretty sure was the start of the romance. So it seems that you don't miss out on conversations just because you couldn't have them at the moment they're available.


Hope this helps. Also hoping that BW fills us in on these things when more SGR news becomes available.

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I'll send you something via PayPal whenever I need to use that word. Because I can see myself needing to use it a lot.


Nonsense. Just make sure to mention my ever-lasting charm and unchallenged brilliance whenever you use said-phrase. That should be payment enough, I think. :cool:



But seeing as how Elara's left the Empire behind, the trooper might be able to help open her mind. I wonder if there's an official Republic procedure for that sort of thing. :p


You know who might know?


I'm sure that girl has a form stashed away for this exact situation... :D


Ah, yes, rule #37. Good to see a fellow follower of The Seven Maxims of Highly Effective Mercenaries. :cool:



Stay classy, my friend. :cool:

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One thing I'm a little concerned about is that with OGRAs, your romanced companion would occasionally have special lines during your class quest that we're going to end up missing out on. A way to, say, replay class quests just for fun would be kinda nice so we can still get that sort of thing.
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One thing I'm a little concerned about is that with OGRAs, your romanced companion would occasionally have special lines during your class quest that we're going to end up missing out on. A way to, say, replay class quests just for fun would be kinda nice so we can still get that sort of thing.


Yeah, definitely. I mean, at least for my JK I'm willing to replay her all the way through if I have to just to romance Kira but... it would suck to have to.

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One thing I'm a little concerned about is that with OGRAs, your romanced companion would occasionally have special lines during your class quest that we're going to end up missing out on. A way to, say, replay class quests just for fun would be kinda nice so we can still get that sort of thing.


I could really get behind a sort of "newgame +" feature, of sorts. Perhaps once reaching fifty on a character and finishing the story, you have the option to "reset" it to the beginning? Could be rebalanced and everything to allow you to keep your level, with you "zoning" into special shards on each planet that bump the levels of enemies up to fifty to match.


Might be a difficult thing to rebalance everything to provide a challenge that isn't just a cheap "Nintendo Hard" mode, but down-the-line? I would really love a chance to go back through and see the other choices I could've made without rolling a whole new character. :D

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I could really get behind a sort of "newgame +" feature, of sorts. Perhaps once reaching fifty on a character and finishing the story, you have the option to "reset" it to the beginning? Could be rebalanced and everything to allow you to keep your level, with you "zoning" into special shards on each planet that bump the levels of enemies up to fifty to match.


Might be a difficult thing to rebalance everything to provide a challenge that isn't just a cheap "Nintendo Hard" mode, but down-the-line? I would really love a chance to go back through and see the other choices I could've made without rolling a whole new character. :D


Yeah, this is pretty much exactly what I'd want. Maybe a bit harder to implement with an increasing level cap and new story being added, but I bet there'd be a way.

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Well I have no idea how long I have been awake, around 36-48 hours now, I should have gone bed earlier, but the prospect of finding out more of SGRAs, if anything, was too tempting, and I was greatly rewarded, but i am almost falling asleop at the computer now, good night my good friends.
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first i'd like to say WOOOOOOOOOO we got answers! sadly I couldn't be there to see them for myself, but thanks to all of you informative, wonderful people it's all posted here for me to catch up on ;)



I have a question i'd like to share and wonder if anyone has a viewpoint on it as far as companions go:


I'm currently romancing *companion A* i decide to switch once SGRA are implemented and romance *companion B*, would that result in a massive affection loss of *companion A*?

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Yeah, I caught the Blizz joke. It was when they commented they knew which companions from the beginning and someone in the audience yelled "Blizz!" and the guy doing the presentation went "Yes, Blizz! Exactly!" or something to that effect.
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When they were talking about which companions will be romancable and the decision making process on which companions would have romance options, the developer at the podium said something along the lines of "Not every companion we wanted to be romancable was" and a developer at the table said "...Blizz..."
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Late to the party, as ever, but hopping on with sparklecat's "Ten NPCs I'd like to see as SGRs" list from earlier, because I like lists! (Mine's a bit Empire-skewed, but it's what I know!)



1. Quinn (Is he the only companion that most refer to by his last name? ;P)

2. Juda, Juda, Juda! (Nem'ro the Hutt's paymaster)

3. Sanju Pyne (IA's contact on Balmorra)

4. Ashara

5. Vector

6. Mako

7. Torian

8. Watcher Two

9. Tharan (I can dream...)

10. Aitalla Girard*


*Involved in the Bounty Hunter quest on Alderaan.


She asked for a way to chase off unwanted suitors, and some of my lady hunter's potential advice was stuff like, "get a really obnoxious lover and cause a scandal" and whatnot. She would have been happy to volunteer. :p


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Yay, so glad to get some info from the summit! :D I am excited that there's somewhat more of a timeline. I only just started playing the game, and I was completely misinformed and thought SGRAs were already in. Not knowing when it might be implemented, at all, was rather disheartening, but this is awesome.


Now I'm trying to decide whether to hold off at least on one of my characters until it is in. Especially as I don't want to burn out on the game before then...decisions, decisions!

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Late to the party, as ever, but hopping on with sparklecat's "Ten NPCs I'd like to see as SGRs" list from earlier, because I like lists! (Mine's a bit Empire-skewed, but it's what I know!)




2. Juda, Juda, Juda! (Nem'ro the Hutt's paymaster)


Juda needs to be flirtable PERIOD. No love for my Guy Bounty Hunter either.

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Hi all, I've resubbed because I after the news from the guild summit and since the reasons I had for stopping playing are not as valid anymore. Also, I couldn't keep myself from reading these threads and I wanted to participate here again. I don't think NOK 105,- per month is too much to pay to get the privilege of chatting with all you nice people. ;)


It's great to hear that they're working on this and that they want to do it properly. I think it's a bit late, but since it's Bioware and all things considering, I'll be a good sport.


I'm actually still a bit on the fence as to whether I should start playing the game again. I really wish I could've had the full experience including SGRAs from the start when that sense of wonder from playing a new game is still there. It all gets so much less magical after having played a game for a while and the game mechanics become just that, mechanics.


But since I couldn't keep away from this thread, the small untentional spoilers that slowly but steadily add up has already told me so much about the game that I feel I might as well play it. I'm thinking perhaps a Jedi Knight or Consular that stays true to the code, so as not to spoil the freshness of the romance experience for later this year.


I can't chime in on which ones of the existing companions I'd like to be romanceable. I've only met that Jedi Knight droid and the trooper cat man. What is his name? Jorgan?


Anyway, I'm looking forward to following the discussion.

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Adding Nadia to the wishlist as well. I wish I knew if she would be or not, because then I could either keep my consular on hold or go ahead with playing her :o


I'm not playing my Consular because I want him to be a Chiss. :p But I don't know who I'd want to romance with him. :S I don't know the male Consular companions. :/

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I can't chime in on which ones of the existing companions I'd like to be romanceable. I've only met that Jedi Knight droid and the trooper cat man. What is his name? Jorgan?


Anyway, I'm looking forward to following the discussion.


Yep, Aric Jorgan. I'm not sure if I'm gonna go for a romance with him or not, but as a player I just love him because Tim Omundson (Carlton Lassiter from Psych) voiced him. They even share some traits, lol! He gets love for that alone...I just don't know if he'll be getting love from my trooper yet. ;)

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