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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Vague enough? This year? That is really the best answer they have? I'm out folks. I'm not sitting here unable to play my characters till December waiting on things that should have been here for launch. Especially when we don't even know if we are going to get what we want or not. Later folks.


You are the only one who isn't content with this information... so bye. :D

Edited by Silthir
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Vague enough? This year? That is really the best answer they have? I'm out folks. I'm not sitting here unable to play my characters till December waiting on things that should have been here for launch. Especially when we don't even know if we are going to get what we want or not. Later folks.


Sad to see you go my dear friend, hope you come back to us soon.

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I'm doing a mildly reserved victory dance here. It's not all I'd hoped for, but it's very positive, and it's proof-positive that we're not being ignored. :D


Also: as a writer, I respect the hell out of the attitude that they want to do it right. Characterization is a huge thing, and I'm very glad to hear that BioWare is set on making these work with the characters.

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I'm doing a mildly reserved victory dance here. It's not all I'd hoped for, but it's very positive, and it's proof-positive that we're not being ignored. :D


Also: as a writer, I respect the hell out of the attitude that they want to do it right. Characterization is a huge thing, and I'm very glad to hear that BioWare is set on making these work with the characters.


Same here, I am very happy with that, I merely hope we do not need to wait another six months to find out more details on the subject.


I REALLY hope Jaesa and Mako and others are included here.

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I'm doing a mildly reserved victory dance here. It's not all I'd hoped for, but it's very positive, and it's proof-positive that we're not being ignored. :D


Also: as a writer, I respect the hell out of the attitude that they want to do it right. Characterization is a huge thing, and I'm very glad to hear that BioWare is set on making these work with the characters.


You and me both. And yeah, I totally respect the "want to do it right" mentality.

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Okay - so the Panel did give a good, substantial answer on same gender content.


  • They didn't expect the issue to balloon this much but they have been keeping abreast of what we have been asking.
  • The initial delay over launch implementation was a matter of time and money. They went over-deadline and over-budget.
  • Same-gender content is coming with story continuation, this year. So that is our ballpark ETA.
  • It really is being worked on, apparently by the writing team at this stage. That's given plenty of time because it takes that long. They want to stress doing it well rather than doing it fast.
  • There was no mention of new story content being tied to a retail expansion, so it looks like content patch is what we can expect.
  • There was a clear indication that romances will be available for some existing companion characters, where it would be appropriate for that character. They won't say who yet.
  • No mention was made regarding [Flirts] or same-gender content beside companion characters. No mention was made of a special filter option.


I call it a good answer. I am glad they made it live. :)

Edited by Uluain
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We got an ETA! :D




Ok, developers: thank you. Thank you very much, and I think I sent a giant "I LOVE YOU" in the livestream as well in my excitement. But... you *haven't* been telling us "soon", you've been telling us nothing before this. I'm very glad you've updated us, and I'm willing to resub based on you finally communicating, and giving us an ETA, but you really took entirely too long to answer what were some pretty simple questions. I recognize you're pretty busy, but... well. Like I said. Sometimes when you're dealing with a group that's had trouble getting equal treatment, they tend to be a little paranoid if it appears they're being swept under the rug/ignored.



In relation to the information you gave, I'm not so happy it's not going to be all the romanceable companions that are made available (I disagree that it's "bad writing"; the romances are good or bad in themselves, not based upon whom they're available to, for the most part), but I'm pleased to hear that you're intending to make this available on some current companions, at least, and that you're listening to our suggestions. Hoping you'll be including the flirts as well, since that's a big deal, immersion-wise.




Other people, do you think it's worthwhile discussing who we'd like to see specifically some more, now? It sounds like they might already have that pretty well planned out, but it's conceivable that if there's a lot of call for someone specific, they might consider them in future.

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I hope at least Risha, Kira , Nadia , Mako, and other sith females will be on this. =P

Yeah, I was feeling a little bit of trepidation when they talked about how they were doing it for certain characters and wouldn't give us further details. Kira and Mako are the ones I'm really set on having for SGRs; the SW's female companions would be good too. Can't say for any others because I haven't gotten them yet.


But since the SGRs are going to be character-based and not just gender-swapped rewrites of the OGRs, at least we can speculate on who's most likely to swing both ways. That's fodder for at least 10 pages, maybe 20. :p


Other people, do you think it's worthwhile discussing who we'd like to see specifically some more, now? It sounds like they might already have that pretty well planned out, but it's conceivable that if there's a lot of call for someone specific, they might consider them in future.

Oh, I think it's definitely worthwhile to keep discussing this. We should discuss this 'till the nerfs come home. :D BioWare is listening, so there's no reason to stop talking about how we'd like to see this done and who we'd like to see in SGRs.

Edited by MusedMoose
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Well i am kinda sad we dont really know WHEN it will be, I can finally start on a toon I have been sitting on. They made it sound like we will be able to go back later and pursue the romance when it is available. Though I do find it weird that as a gay player I only have one toon I knew I wanted to play as gay and another that as I played her I knew she was. All the others it just felt right to be straight on them.
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I'm doing a mildly reserved victory dance here. It's not all I'd hoped for, but it's very positive, and it's proof-positive that we're not being ignored. :D


Also: as a writer, I respect the hell out of the attitude that they want to do it right. Characterization is a huge thing, and I'm very glad to hear that BioWare is set on making these work with the characters.



This. It's absolutely right that flipping gender pronouns in the current romance arcs is shoddy writing. To set it up that way just reeks of tokenism or "pandering to the crowd". I know that I want a unique experience when the SGRAs come. I don't want to play through the exact same dynamics I've already done on my straight toons.


SGRA are coming with the next story update. The next story update is sometime this year. We know it's coming, we were acknowledged, they have let us know why it's coming with a story update. They are showing writers' integrity and acknowledging that same-sex relationships have different dynamics than hetero relationships (by saying that it's new writing and that not all companions are eligible), and for that I couldn't be prouder. Anything else will be an SGRA simply for the sake of having one, as opposed to another option for a neat story.


Inasmuch as yes, there are LGBT people in the world and no, they should not be ignored, it's also important to realize that not everyone is LGBT; therefore, the expectation that characterization be thrown out the window to get an SGRA opportunity out there NOW NOW NOW NOW is just entitlement.


We know they're coming. We also now know that the issue is being treated with respect. Unfortunately, we have to wait, but I'd rather wait for quality content than to be given some harshly-done heteronormative relationship with the gender pronouns switched, kthx.

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Well i am kinda sad we dont really know WHEN it will be, I can finally start on a toon I have been sitting on.


Well, we have as much of an ETA as they do. This is MMO development, so take this as a target, not a promise. They plan to bring us new story content this year.

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Oh, I think it's definitely worthwhile to keep discussing this. We should discuss this 'till the nerfs come home. :D BioWare is listening, so there's no reason to stop talking about how we'd like to see this done and who we'd like to see in SGRs.


I'll start! :D


If Elara doesn't succumb to my FemTrooper's advances, I will set my game disc on fire.


And then promptly put it out, of course, because safety first! But the point still stands;

Dorne or bust, baby! :cool:


(To a lesser extent, Mako, Risha, and Kira. That is my list of demands, Bioware. And if you don't comply, I will email you many, many pictures of sad-looking kittens. Don't try me.)

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I'll start! :D



If Elara doesn't succumb to my FemTrooper's advances, I will set my game disc on fire.


And then promptly put it out, of course, because safety first! But the point still stands;

Dorne or bust, baby! :cool:

Hmm. Dorne I can see as a late-bloomer SGR, to use the same phrase that was used for Vette. I can see her being very confused about her feelings, because she's feeling something different than she expected to feel. It might take time, but the patient trooper will win her over.


(To a lesser extent, Mako, Risha, and Kira. That is my list of demands, Bioware. And if you don't comply, I will email you many, many pictures of sad-looking kittens. Don't try me.)

Hey, now. No need to go all "violating the Geneva Conventions" just yet. :p Kidding.

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I'll start! :D


If Elara doesn't succumb to my FemTrooper's advances, I will set my game disc on fire.


And then promptly put it out, of course, because safety first! But the point still stands;

Dorne or bust, baby! :cool:


(To a lesser extent, Mako, Risha, and Kira. That is my list of demands, Bioware. And if you don't comply, I will email you many, many pictures of sad-looking kittens. Don't try me.)


I haven't met Elara yet on my trooper but Kira! YES PLEASE. Honestly, I really really get the vibe from Kira that she would be interested in my JK as more than just her friend/fellow Jedi given the chance.



Just the way she reacts to Doc smacks of "MINE! Back off!" when you meet him.



Also, I'd love for my smuggler to be able to hook up with Risha. She doesn't give me quite as much of the "I'm interested in you as more than a friend" vibe but she's not totally just "oh we're buddies and that's all" either (imo of course).

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Oh, my Gunslinger has had his eyes on Corso since he landed on Ord Mantell. :) So here's hoping. The Panel did say that they have been paying attention to what we discuss here, and what companions people have been talking about. But they have planned on same-gender availability for some companions all along, so who can guess? :)
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Oh, my Gunslinger has had his eyes on Corso since he landed on Ord Mantell. :) So here's hoping. The Panel did say that they have been paying attention to what we discuss here, and what companions people have been talking about. But they have planned on same-gender availability for some companions all along, so who can guess? :)


Honestly there are some classes in which I'd prefer new characters for SGRAs cuz none of them really seem to fit, imo.


Talos Drellik maybe, but they need a new skin for him xD


I was also hoping Torian would be SGRA...

Edited by Silthir
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I haven't met Elara yet on my trooper but Kira! YES PLEASE. Honestly, I really really get the vibe from Kira that she would be interested in my JK as more than just her friend/fellow Jedi given the chance.

Yes. A squintillion times yes. There's just something about the relationship between Kira and the JK that suggests a deeper bond, regardless of the JK's gender. I think it's all in the things she says after all the trouble she gets into during her companion quests.


Sadly, it's because of those quests that I'm currently not playing my JK, although now that we know the SGRs will be different writing than the OGRs, I'm now kind of tempted to do the OGRs, so I can see both sides with the companions I really like. Would be a serious time investment, but it could be fun.


Also: Mako is my other "YES PLEASE" companion. Make her an SGR option, BioWare, and I'll remain subscribed for at least five years.


Make Mako, Kira, Dorne, Ashara (because Togruta are cool), and Vette and/or Jaesa SGR options and you've got me for life. :D I'd say Kaliyo, but isn't that a little obvious? :eek:

Edited by MusedMoose
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Hmm. Dorne I can see as a late-bloomer SGR, to use the same phrase that was used for Vette. I can see her being very confused about her feelings, because she's feeling something different than she expected to feel. It might take time, but the patient trooper will win her over.


Agreed. There is so much potential there to put her at odds with her reserved, Imperial nature. It just... reeks of pure cuddle-potential (TRADE-MARKED!).


While I agree that suddenly flipping a switch on a character is shoddy writing, actually setting the character at odds with their normal self and forcing a change through events? That has a lot of possibilities to make me smile. Maybe she never considered it? Imperials are obsessed with bloodlines and the like, so I'd imagine that it likely could never have crossed her mind. :D


Hey, now. No need to go all "violating the Geneva Conventions" just yet. :p Kidding.


I'm fighting a war here! There is no such thing as "overkill." There is only "open fire" and "I need to reload." :cool:


EDIT: I forgot the lovely Miss Temple! :eek: My Agent needs a partner, and Bugman just ain't up to it. So add her to my list of demands, and I'll up the stakes; give them to me, or I will send the sad-kittens PLUS a picture of Lil' Brudder! (Reference;

) Edited by Raiellyn
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Okay - so the Panel did give a good, substantial answer on same gender content.


  • They didn't expect the issue to balloon this much but they have been keeping abreast of what we have been asking.
  • The initial delay over launch implementation was a matter of time and money. They went over-deadline and over-budget.
  • Same-gender content is coming with story continuation, this year. So that is our ballpark ETA.
  • It really is being worked on, apparently by the writing team at this stage. That's given plenty of time because it takes that long. They want to stress doing it well rather than doing it fast.
  • There was no mention of new story content being tied to a retail expansion, so it looks like content patch is what we can expect.
  • There was a clear indication that romances will be available for some existing companion characters, where it would be appropriate for that character. They won't say who yet.
  • No mention was made regarding [Flirts] or same-gender content beside companion characters. No mention was made of a special filter option.


I call it a good answer. I am glad they made it live. :)


Thanks for that! Of COURSE I had to miss the last 2/3 of the "everything else" for my commute home. :| (But I got my livestream question in early! ;p)



I will second (third?) the request for a transcript, but since one hasn't popped up here yet, I'm guessing there isn't one, at least among our regulars. I'd be nice to have the exact wording so that in a week we're not all going "but I thought they said..." ;)

Edited by Jenovan
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Agreed. There is so much potential there to put her at odds with her reserved, Imperial nature. It just... reeks of pure cuddle-potential (TRADE-MARKED!).

I'll send you something via PayPal whenever I need to use that word. Because I can see myself needing to use it a lot.


While I agree that suddenly flipping a switch on a character is shoddy writing, actually setting the character at odds with their normal self and forcing a change through events? That has a lot of possibilities to make me smile. Maybe she never considered it? Imperials are obsessed with bloodlines and the like, so I'd imagine that it likely could never have crossed her mind. :D

Excellent point. I've written enough same-gender romance myself to know that there are good and bad ways to do it, and the "suddenly bi/gay" is usually done badly. I can see the Sith having issues with homosexuality due to the bloodline thing, but I don't know if that attitude extends to the rest of the Empire. But seeing as how Elara's left the Empire behind, the trooper might be able to help open her mind. I wonder if there's an official Republic procedure for that sort of thing. :p


I'm fighting a war here! There is no such thing as "overkill." There is only "open fire" and "I need to reload." :cool:

Ah, yes, rule #37. Good to see a fellow follower of The Seven Maxims of Highly Effective Mercenaries. :cool:

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Ok, so. Ten NPCs I'd especially like to see available for SGRAs, based on whom I've actually run into, thus far. Also partially based upon who already seems to be flirting with my same-gender characters:




1. Watcher Two. Yes, yes, not a companion yet (add her!), but it still needs to be said, and it's not like she and my agent aren't flirting constantly anyway.

2. Quinn

3. Jaesa

4. Kira

5. Corso

6. Approximately a ton of females, both companions and flirtable NPCs, for my smuggler, please. I'm not picky, I just want her doing the lesbian version of the galactic playboy thing.

7. You know, I'm pretty sure Kaliyo's going to end up on your list; just please still include #1 :(

8. Elara Dorne

9. Ok, here's a weird one - Lord Praven. As rivalmances go, it'd be awesome. I'm guessing there's approximately no chance at all (and please note that I'm not asking for Scourge!), but maybe something like this for a new companion?

10. Sith pureblood chick who gives you the bonus series on Nar Shaddaa

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