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The death of pvp, thy name is ranked warzones


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Im sorry but if I have to see another person call someone with 90 valor rank a skilled player im going to vomit.


Something ranked that will require skill is beyond necissary for this game.


It backs trash talking, it allows for that guild vs guild settle it rated style.



I agree, dont make stats better. The best players shouldnt have to have better gear to win.


Equal gear and better skill should be rank 1 nothing else.


I would love to have my gear different color then a 90 valor rank no life kill trader.


Just saying I am excited.

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You know I say all these arguments for Rakata gear. I should not have to join raids to get Rakata gear, that is simply rediculous, I should be able to do a single person instance and get the same calibur of gear. Just because this is a multiplayer game doesn't mean you should punish players who choose to play alone! Not to mention I cannot get Columi gear without at least a 4 person group. THIS IS A LARGER TRAVESTY AND MUST BE ADDRESSED FIRST


/sarcasm off


Now lets think this entire thing through, people who play ranked are playing ranked for the competition. These people are not gearing themselves up to "pubstomp" unranked games, they are gearing up to boost their ranked status. One thing that has always annoyed me in games is that PvE players (yes that's you complainers) always raise a storm about how they are unable to get PvP gear which they will rarely ever use, and the reason they get it is to aquire the skin, or the title, or the mount, etc. No matter what you give as a reward someone will cry foul, so just slap a "Only usable in ranked matches" on there and let these whiners rage about not being able to wear it around the fleets.

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you know i say all these arguments for rakata gear. I should not have to join raids to get rakata gear, that is simply rediculous, i should be able to do a single person instance and get the same calibur of gear. Just because this is a multiplayer game doesn't mean you should punish players who choose to play alone! Not to mention i cannot get columi gear without at least a 4 person group. This is a larger travesty and must be addressed first


/sarcasm off


now lets think this entire thing through, people who play ranked are playing ranked for the competition. These people are not gearing themselves up to "pubstomp" unranked games, they are gearing up to boost their ranked status. One thing that has always annoyed me in games is that pve players (yes that's you complainers) always raise a storm about how they are unable to get pvp gear which they will rarely ever use, and the reason they get it is to aquire the skin, or the title, or the mount, etc. No matter what you give as a reward someone will cry foul, so just slap a "only usable in ranked matches" on there and let these whiners rage about not being able to wear it around the fleets.


quote for agree.

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Heres an example


"Can i come to pvp and get that gear?"

"No, you havent wasted your life getting 3 diferent progressive full gears to be able to 'compete' with our pro team therefore you will never get it unless you grind insanely moar"

Edited by Labradoraki
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Heres an example


"Can i come to pvp and get that gear?"

"No, you havent wasted your life getting 3 diferent progressive full gears to be able to 'compete' with our pro team therefore you will never get it unless you grind insanely moar"


I have nothing against you but my friend. I am afraid and very sorry.


PVP is not for you. I would suggest that you remain pve friendly, do not try to interact in a pvp community, your post is grief and nobody cares to hear it. You obviously post in ignorance because you can't come up with anything else to do ( maybe work on your pvp skills could be one)


I have heard griefing like this for years. Im going to tell you what I told every single one of them(you twice)














PROBABLY PLAYED 50000 WARZONES AND GOT 100 VALOR. Im glad for you but once



again, sorry in a competitive pvp environment, Ranked is 100% necissary

Edited by Parali
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Another QQ post...


ill refer back to my argument that I use every time...


Define MMORPG: Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of computer role-playing games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.


Notice the MULTIPLAYER in the definition. If you want to solo queue go play Skyrim. Great game where you can slay dragons and do everything by yourself. Leave the multiplayer games for the people who want to play as a team. OR level 8 characters since you can do that solo.


Why people moan about making friends is beyond me.


This is the worst argument I've ever seen posted on this forum.


1. It's fallacious.

2. It solves nothing.

3. It's pedantic.

4. You miss the point completely.


Bioware should implement a system that prevents the ranked warzone players from entering in to non-ranked warzone matches with that higher tier of gear. Probably an item level restriction, which would be the best.


I don't agree with his point necessarily, as I could still hold my own against the highest Arena tier in WoW but that's his point.

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This is the worst argument I've ever seen posted on this forum.


1. It's fallacious.

2. It solves nothing.

3. It's pedantic.

4. You miss the point completely.


Bioware should implement a system that prevents the ranked warzone players from entering in to non-ranked warzone matches with that higher tier of gear. Probably an item level restriction, which would be the best.


I don't agree with his point necessarily, as I could still hold my own against the highest Arena tier in WoW but that's his point.


well you forget that there is also open world guild pvp... and that ranked gear is going to make a big difference... the ranked gear should simply be only usable on ranked matches

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of course... bioware copies wow blindly without even reading the opinion of blizzard in what they did right/wrong


And wow is an original game in itself right? It didnt borrow anything from EQ or UO, am I right? I the classes and idea of wow are not that of EQ's....oh wait.....a lot of the base spells, mechanics and classes are very similar. Well wow implemented some new ideas like instances....no no wait, EQ had Dungeons of Norrath expansion that blazed that trail.


I get a kick out of it when wow fan boys say that every game copies off of wow. Wow copied off of EQ and UO, so its not like wow was this originator of mmo's lol. Im not knocking wow, I'm knocking the ill informed fan boys that think wow is the be all end all of mmo's and the original creator of everything that an mmo is.

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Yes, the NEW ranked warzones that are coming for pvp WILL BE THE DEATH OF PVP!


Why?? BECAUSE BIOWARE decided to give special gear to premades that play in warzones that will give them huge advantages against NORMAL SOLO PLAYERS that has solo warzone gear....

That is because you cant rank individuals but you can rank teams from their success... This means solo players wont be able to enter ranked warzones therefore wont be able to get that "top gear"

Therefore the moment those premade kids get that gear they are going to jump in to the normal warzone and faceroll everyone in it that doesnt hve that premade gear

Have to agree, didnt like it when competative pvp became gear focused in Wow and I wont like it here. Solo players are really getting the shaft, we get a great game from 1-49 but after that there is no end game content and far to much inaccessible gear.


I really enjoy pvp but wont be doing it anymore if we commonly encounter ranked geared players, which is what will happen. As a solo player you take pvp out of the equation there is now nothing to do so might as well cancel.

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Have to agree, didnt like it when competative pvp became gear focused in Wow and I wont like it here. Solo players are really getting the shaft, we get a great game from 1-49 but after that there is no end game content and far to much inaccessible gear.


I really enjoy pvp but wont be doing it anymore if we commonly encounter ranked geared players, which is what will happen. As a solo player you take pvp out of the equation there is now nothing to do so might as well cancel.


I also agree. I play fairly casually and if what the OP is saying comes to pass, I won't be able to enjoy a level playing field which will result in me cancelling my account. PvP is too gear-centric as it is.


However, if ranked Warzones allow casual/solo-queue players the ability to join and progress I don't the issue will be as severer.

Edited by Vincire
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