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The death of pvp, thy name is ranked warzones


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Yes, the NEW ranked warzones that are coming for pvp WILL BE THE DEATH OF PVP!


Why?? BECAUSE BIOWARE decided to give special gear to premades that play in warzones that will give them huge advantages against NORMAL SOLO PLAYERS that has solo warzone gear....

That is because you cant rank individuals but you can rank teams from their success... This means solo players wont be able to enter ranked warzones therefore wont be able to get that "top gear"

Therefore the moment those premade kids get that gear they are going to jump in to the normal warzone and faceroll everyone in it that doesnt hve that premade gear



Apparently this game is so carebear focused that is even forcing group in the throat of pvpers by forcing them to find a group simply so you can get gear.... You will be forced to talk ith others even if you dont want too(sorry the ******** response go play single player doesnt work since i want to kill people, not talk to them) AND WORST OF ALL, you have to follow them aroundn playing the whole "l33t group" thing that will one shot everyone they see because they focus fire and feel so pro....


Sorry, 4 guys focus firing 1 guy after another isnt skill so premades dont rly ned skill either... so skilled pvpers have nowhere to go for pvp expect search for random RARE duels....

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Hum, I agree with the sentiment. New tiers of PvP gear from ranked warzones is nothing but bad. Well, new tiers of gear is bad in general, so yeah. The new tiers being tied to a narrow segment of content just exacerbates the issue.
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Another QQ post...


ill refer back to my argument that I use every time...


Define MMORPG: Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of computer role-playing games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.


Notice the MULTIPLAYER in the definition. If you want to solo queue go play Skyrim. Great game where you can slay dragons and do everything by yourself. Leave the multiplayer games for the people who want to play as a team. OR level 8 characters since you can do that solo.


Why people moan about making friends is beyond me.

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BECAUSE BIOWARE decided to give special gear to premades that play in warzones that will give them huge advantages against NORMAL SOLO PLAYERS that has solo warzone gear....


You're assuming the ranked gear will be better than non-ranked gear. Last I checked, all BW confirmed is that ranked gear will have unique colors.

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Another QQ post...


ill refer back to my argument that I use every time...


Define MMORPG: Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of computer role-playing games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.


Notice the MULTIPLAYER in the definition. If you want to solo queue go play Skyrim. Great game where you can slay dragons and do everything by yourself. Leave the multiplayer games for the people who want to play as a team. OR level 8 characters since you can do that solo.


Why people moan about making friends is beyond me.






So stop using multiplayer for only your "friend argument", multiplayer simply means more players and i prefer to kill those players instead of befriending them....

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So stop using multiplayer for only your "friend argument", multiplayer simply means more players and i prefer to kill those players instead of befriending them....


Ok I'll try another angle... people competing at max level in a team game are getting rewarded. How is this bad?

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You're assuming the ranked gear will be better than non-ranked gear. Last I checked, all BW confirmed is that ranked gear will have unique colors.


Yes just like the minimal difference of battlemaster.... Sorry, bioware is simply lying as usual so you wont go ****wtfbbq before you see that gear anihilated new 50s or 50s with medium gear...

Its just a way to reduce qq, when you ll see that new gear faceroll battlemasters then you ll remember me, the same thing happened with battlemasters and generally happens in every new mmo...plz learn some history

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Why people moan about making friends is beyond me.


Ranked WZs are NOT about making friends. They've NEVER been about making friends. They're about finding the best players who play the best PvP classes. You can be the nicest, most sociable person in the world, but if you're playing a bad class, or playing a good class poorly, you're not getting in.

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Ok I'll try another angle... people competing at max level in a team game are getting rewarded. How is this bad?


Because the game is MULTIPLAYER... it doesnt say TEAM GAME... Solo people also deserve a fair chance at getting top pvp gear by killing those multi PLAYERS....


Its not a mmotrpg...its an mmorpg


Ranked WZs are NOT about making friends. They've NEVER been about making friends. They're about finding the best players who play the best PvP classes. You can be the nicest, most sociable person in the world, but if you're playing a bad class, or playing a good class poorly, you're not getting in.



Edited by Labradoraki
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Ranked WZs are NOT about making friends. They've NEVER been about making friends. They're about finding the best players who play the best PvP classes. You can be the nicest, most sociable person in the world, but if you're playing a bad class, or playing a good class poorly, you're not getting in.


So you're saying people who aren't top tier players won't be able to get top tier gear? This is a problem, why, exactly?

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Another QQ post...


ill refer back to my argument that I use every time...


Define MMORPG: Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of computer role-playing games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.


Notice the MULTIPLAYER in the definition. If you want to solo queue go play Skyrim. Great game where you can slay dragons and do everything by yourself. Leave the multiplayer games for the people who want to play as a team. OR level 8 characters since you can do that solo.


Why people moan about making friends is beyond me.


How does one queueing solo keeping them from interacting with others. By definition, they are entering a zone with other players that they will be fighting or teamed with.


You make no sense.

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Because the game is MULTIPLAYER... it doesnt say TEAM GAME... Solo people also deserve a fair chance at getting top pvp gear by killing those multi PLAYERS....


Its not a mmotrpg...its an mmorpg


Cry more... so queue into a ranked WZ as a solo queue vs. an 8 man team. Be my guest... I'd love to see the forum rage then.

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So you're saying people who aren't top tier players won't be able to get top tier gear? This is a problem, why, exactly?


So you say people who already win should get even more advantages so they can win with 0 effort and faceroll everyone...



ALSO PLZ, this isnt a skill based game so noobs are easily going to get carried and get top gear too so stop saying "top tier" like this is some diamond sc2 league... its an mmo, there is little skill and gear is the main advantage... which is going to destroy pvp even more since the difference is going to be huuuuge

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everyone should just relax and wait to see how BW is going to handle the ranked WZ thing. i think some are getttng upset for nothing and i also think some are getting all happy for nothing. i dont think BW is going to make a system that is going to give premades uber gear that no one else has access to.
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everyone should just relax and wait to see how BW is going to handle the ranked WZ thing. i think some are getttng upset for nothing and i also think some are getting all happy for nothing. i dont think BW is going to make a system that is going to give premades uber gear that no one else has access to.


And I hope this isn't the case as well but I think you may be surprised.

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everyone should just relax and wait to see how BW is going to handle the ranked WZ thing. i think some are getttng upset for nothing and i also think some are getting all happy for nothing. i dont think BW is going to make a system that is going to give premades uber gear that no one else has access to.


This. Everyone is upset and arguing about speculative comments. It's not fact, it's speculation.

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everyone should just relax and wait to see how bw is going to handle the ranked wz thing. I think some are getttng upset for nothing and i also think some are getting all happy for nothing. I dont think bw is going to make a system that is going to give premades uber gear that no one else has access to.


how many times people have said that???1000 and bioware always disapointed us... Stop trying to win arguments and focus on reality,,, bioware is going to disapoint us.... Again and agian and agian and now


learn history plz

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