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In doubt? New Post-Nerfs Scrapper Video here!


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Thanks for the input, but sab charge is not worth the global cooldown and the second u actually gotta stand still. Some people use it, i do not, and i probably never will.


I use quickshot instead which on the video, u can see it crit 2.7k on that powertech. Way better then sab charge imo :) also do not forget, thats with constant movement.


If ur faceing a scrub opponent that does not move or is keyboard turning, then sab charge might be the better choice, but i do not adjust my playstyle because of the skill lvl of the opponent, i treat everyone the same.

I analyze situations at the same time as i go as hard and fast as the game allows me to do.


Tendon blast sucks, the dmg it does is laughable, and the slow it does is not worth it, ur a scoundrel, ur supposed to be on top of the opponents head 100% of the time, if for some reason ur not on top of the opponent, use ur ranged abilities, as long as i keep the dmg output constant, i dont lose...


About the flash grenade, i did not have to use it in the video because im not dying, also, flash grenade gives 100% resolve. Only use it in critical emergency.


I am specced into exploitory surgery, i only use it when i have to, i did not have to yesterday night, but normally i use it alot (especially in warzones or when fighting an operative)


In up front 1v1 fights, i have yet to find someone that can beat me :)


I thought you might be a bad player when I watched the vid, but seeing you try to defend your terrible play confirms it. Sabotage hits harder than Backblast. Its not worth the GCD? Hello?


Tendon Blast sucks? So your job is to be in melee range, but how do you do that if they snare you and run away? Oh, I guess you use Quick Shot. Perfect.


You don't even have Sneak on your bar. Your class is heavily reliant on a stealth opener. Think you might want to rectify that?


You don't use Flash Grenade in 1v1s because it gives 1000 resolve. So what? You only have 2 in-combat moves that have anything to do with resolve: Flash Grenade and Dirty Kick. Who cares if its 1000 resolve? You don't think it might be useful to CC someone for 8 seconds to heal and/or plant sabotage charge (oh wait, you don't use that). Holy crap.


I will agree with your statement in the original post. You make Scoundrel look overpowered.

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I think the OP has made it very clear that he is a closed minded player incapable of anything other than self gratification.


Nothing anyone says or does will convince him that he could possibly learn something or improve his game play, which is a shame, because I've seen some big names comment on this post with constructive comments and support.


Power to you if you want to make another video and prove us wrong, but I think we won't see anything from you again once you realise you're wrong :rolleyes:

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Thanks, again, im only here to entertain, not to educate people.



you know what would really entertain me?


a vid of someone doing the exact same crap youre pulling here, but clicking. and keyboard turning.


super funneh and just as enlightening.

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Watchman specced sentinel has absolutely no chance, you should know this if ur into pvp.

if you know anything about pvp, Focus is the way to go.


Lol. Are you serious?


Again, im not here to teach scrubs how to play, im here to entertain. If you fail to see what happends in the video in the indepth.


Scrubs? Shall I break down your video for you?


Fight 1: Grats. You used Shoot First/Vanish/Shoot First on a guy collecting armaments. Incredible feat.


Fight 2: Oh hey look, same bad from the first video, only this time you weren't able to kill him and didn't think to DoT him when you didn't get three lucky crits, thus ensuring his initial escape.


Fight 3: Oh it's the same bad. He seemed to be at his keyboard this time, so he put up a little more of a fight. Strangely he didn't seem to know how to use his lightsaber, nor any of his abilities. Obviously a true test of skill.


Fight 4: A Powertech in beginner gear (14K HPS? lol), that you blast off of his mount only to have him run from you using his basic attack. He got you to half life with his basic attack and his DoT. You sure showed him.


Fight 5: Same powertech, same failed strategy.


Fight 6: Hey look, another bad powertech (vanguard(. This one has better gear but tries to backpeddle away from you. He doesn't even use a basic dps rotation by the looks of it. Oh he is your guildy. That explains it.


Fight 7: See Fight 6.


Fight 8: A sorcerer, also in newb gear, that doesn't try to DoT/Snare yet seems to try and kite you anyway. What a winner.



So, you post a video showing you beating people in pre-expertise gear hat have no idea how to play their class and you are calling people scrubs? I wouldn't have said anything had you not started acting childish.

Edited by SliggXx
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Lol. Are you serious?




Scrubs? Shall I break down your video for you?


Fight 1: Grats. You used Shoot First/Vanish/Shoot First on a guy collecting armaments. Incredible feat.


Fight 2: Oh hey look, same bad from the first video, only this time you weren't able to kill him and didn't think to DoT him when you didn't get three lucky crits, thus ensuring his initial escape.


Fight 3: Oh it's the same bad. He seemed to be at his keyboard this time, so he put up a little more of a fight. Strangely he didn't seem to know how to use his lightsaber, nor any of his abilities. Obviously a true test of skill.


Fight 4: A Powertech in beginner gear (14K HPS? lol), that you blast off of his mount only to have him run from you using his basic attack. He got you to half life with his basic attack and his DoT. You sure showed him.


Fight 5: Same powertech, same failed strategy.


Fight 6: Hey look, another bad powertech (vanguard(. This one has better gear but tries to backpeddle away from you. He doesn't even use a basic dps rotation by the looks of it. Oh he is your guildy. That explains it.


Fight 7: See Fight 6.


Fight 8: A sorcerer, also in newb gear, that doesn't try to DoT/Snare yet seems to try and kite you anyway. What a winner.



So, you post a video showing you beating people in pre-expertise gear hat have no idea how to play their class and you are calling people scrubs? I wouldn't have said anything had you not started acting childish.


Yeah, but that's also surface-y stuff. He asked you what happends in the indepth?


He may appear to be a bad killing other bads, but can't you see the lesson he's trying to teach? Can't you see his struggle against his inner demons, externalized in this brutal combat on a desolate, icy moon? Can't you see his commentary on existence and the human condition?


You fail to see what happends in the indepth, my friend.

Edited by DunsparrowSolo
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Smugglers are supposed to be a bit cocky but it's getting a bit ridiculous here.


Some guys gave you good advice on this thread. Just consider them instead of acting like you know everything better.


You are not "bad". But nothing in this video makes you deserve the rank "good" too. Let alone "skilled".


My ranking system is like that :

bad : use abilties at wrong times.

mediocre : use main abilities.

good : use every (or nearly every) abilities at good times.

skilled : someone who is good and able to perform some "tricks".


Your video shows mediocre gameplay. It's not bad, but there is room for improvement without that much effort.



Here are some some example of "tricks" :

-: cover mechanic as a gap closer

-: melee kitting, bonus if the class can leap

-: Vanish+shoot first as a way to control secondary target

-: smart LoS (for example : los to set up a flash grenade on multiple players)

-: multiplayer management

-: burst/stun management on long fights

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Am sorry but from your video I get the impression you are playing the wrong class.


And now allow me to explain why I say that :>


As a scoundrel / operative, you are not supposed to MUSCLE your oponents through their CDs and let them design the flow of the fight. You are supposed to outsmart them, avoiding their CDs, anticipating their moves and countering them, knowing how to burst (is more to it than double tap opener which, usually, vs a good player, will get you killed), and you really don't know to use many of your abilities. You never purged the snare / dots on you. You kept trying to chase the kitting PT pyro using normal attack and throwing nades on Cd, you use evasion at bad times, you never use dots on classes who can stealth, after they use their immunity (the sin could have just vanish and sap you as you trinketed his stun, then regen to full and kick your sorry bum).


The wording on the title is also misleading, as if you would showcase some great situations you managed to turn to your favor in pvp, when is only lowbies ganking.


Seeing you trying to muscle through that vanguard defensive CD made me cringe seriously :>


My advice to you for what is worth: reinspect your class skills and try to be inventive in the use of your arsenal, there is A LOT more to this class than 3 button combo. Not only will that improve your performance, but also provide a greater satisfaction when you pull off things you shouldn't or couldn't before :> Also, learn about other classes abilities and CDs.


Good luck in future, and don't despair, we're being helpful even if we criticize :-)

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nuff said. here is a video, specifically made, for special people. You all know who u are.




This video solidifies everything that people have suggested to you. It's worse than the first ...


Clip 1: Gratz on getting healed by Vergil when you were nearly dead, and then spammed with heals afterwards. Teamates are always nice to have around ... way to go?


Clip 2: You healed yourself when it wasnt even close to being necessary. Afterwards you roflstomp a scrub sporting 12k hp ... impressive? Not even close.


Clip 3: My favorite by far - 2:50 - you waste the knockdown of shoot first. Then Almu takes you to school, he backpeddles you (lmao). Takes you down to half health, thank god for that powerup heal you get, then you vanish and shoot first again, and Almu STILL gets you back down to half health. Thank god for vanish and that aimpowerup heal lmao. Hilarious. This clip should be on Almu's highlight reel, not yours. Embarressing to say the least. Also nice KS after the failed 1v1.


Clip 4: You could have easily saved that first teamate with flashbang and then rofling the lowbie enemie - too bad you don't use it. Instead you try to go into healer mode lmao. Then you get help from a teamate as you sit in an 8second stun and your enemy heals himself. Wow that 8second stun sure works well doesnt it?! (Flashbang is also 8 seconds ... get it? .. Oh that's right, you dont use Flashbang you use QuickShot lol).


Clip 5:Couple KSs .... gratz ...


Clip 6: You get destroyed - only clip worth watching.


Clip 7: See clip 1-6


Clip 8: Realized your a waste of my time, turned off the video.

Edited by Fiebz
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Why is Tendon Blast still on your bars if you keep saying it's worthless?


Because i do use it sometimes in special situations. good example where i use it would be to slow down the ball carrier.

Edited by Cratzky
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This video solidifies everything that people have suggested to you. It's worse than the first ...


Clip 1: Gratz on getting healed by Vergil when you were nearly dead, and then spammed with heals afterwards. Teamates are always nice to have around ... way to go?


Clip 2: You healed yourself when it wasnt even close to being necessary. Afterwards you roflstomp a scrub sporting 12k hp ... impressive? Not even close.


Clip 3: My favorite by far - 2:50 - you waste the knockdown of shoot first. Then Almu takes you to school, he backpeddles you (lmao). Takes you down to half health, thank god for that powerup heal you get, then you vanish and shoot first again, and Almu STILL gets you back down to half health. Thank god for vanish and that aimpowerup heal lmao. Hilarious. This clip should be on Almu's highlight reel, not yours. Embarressing to say the least. Also nice KS after the failed 1v1.


Clip 4: You could have easily saved that first teamate with flashbang and then rofling the lowbie enemie - too bad you don't use it. Instead you try to go into healer mode lmao. Then you get help from a teamate as you sit in an 8second stun and your enemy heals himself. Wow that 8second stun sure works well doesnt it?! (Flashbang is also 8 seconds ... get it? .. Oh that's right, you dont use Flashbang you use QuickShot lol).


Clip 5:Couple KSs .... gratz ...


Clip 6: You get destroyed - only clip worth watching.


Clip 7: See clip 1-6


Clip 8: Realized your a waste of my time, turned off the video.


1. I got healed in the end of the fight, After i've already kill'd the merc and almost downed the juggernaut, i was goin to win the fight against the juggernaut if not the merc would have come around again and started to tracer spam me, so i got saved.

Again, both of these were way ahead of me gear-wise.


2. The first guy i kill'd was a sorc healer, the 2nd guy i kill'd was a mercenary. If u mean i "healed" myself, yeah i do use pugnacity in almost every fight. Why? because it gives me back my energy and a small hp generation. Waste? No i dont think so.


3. Obviously u failed to see that during that fight, i had absolutely no cooldowns up, it was a powertech with all hes cooldowns up and better gear VS me with crap gear and no cooldowns. Would like to see u do it better.


Also, do u have any idea how much it lags for me with fraps recording and playing warzones? the video is 100x more smooth then the actual game when im recording.


4. That "team mate" ur referring too was a bot, or a very very bad player. And btw, why would i waste my flashbang when i kill'd them both ? i controlled the targets when fighting them, no use to waste my flashbang to save a bot and maybe die myself because full resolve on the targets.


5. This clip is just a filler clip since i did not have so much time to edit the video.


6. Destroyed? i helped out my team mates pretty well imo by putting myself in an bad position, but i managed to survive = success.


7. Again, put on ur glasses, it appears u dont see very good.


8. Noone forced u to watch the video.


Side note: would like to see You record a video with 14fps and try get a good 1v1 fight on video.

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Watchman specced sentinel has absolutely no chance, you should know this if ur into pvp.

if you know anything about pvp, Focus is the way to go.




Dude, I feel sorry for the scrubs you pvp against on your server if you really believe that.. Sentinels (especially watchman) have a huge skillcap among the bads and good ones, but if you ever faced one of the really good BM watchman sents, you would know they are hell :p


And focus over watchman, really?...really? Watchman is both best in premade teams (they the highest damage of all when played right atm, and have faster centering also, which is huge for groups) and watchman is also superior to any other sentinel spec in 1v1. Lastly it's the spec with best survival...sooo, it's the best spec for premades, best spec for dmg, and best spec for survival, and best spec for 1v1. all the same spec. But sure, go ahead and believe what you say, and spec focus and have 1 single heavy hitting ability every 40-60 seconds. You seem like you have a lot of "pvp knowledge" as you say....


Even though I don't think you play "bad", it's still very clear that you have been spending too much time ganking noobs in ilum :/

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Dude, I feel sorry for the scrubs you pvp against on your server if you really believe that.. Sentinels (especially watchman) have a huge skillcap among the bads and good ones, but if you ever faced one of the really good BM watchman sents, you would know they are hell :p


And focus over watchman, really?...really? Watchman is both best in premade teams (they the highest damage of all when played right atm, and have faster centering also, which is huge for groups) and watchman is also superior to any other sentinel spec in 1v1.


Even though I don't think you play "bad", it's still very clear that you have been spending too much time ganking noobs in ilum :/


Watch any pro player's video on youtube that is either a marauder or sentinel and u see he's gonna recommend focus as a pure pvp specc (for warzones)


Keep in mind that im not saying watchman is bad, i know its good, very good in fact, but its simply not as bursty as focus, and burst is "usually" the way to go in pvp. Its usually: burst > all


However, watchman is really good in 1v1, that i agree on.


Actually, i think ive spend maybe 2hours in total among all my chars in ilum, hunting and killing noobs.


I spend most my time in warzones.

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Watch any pro player's video on youtube that is either a marauder or sentinel and u see he's gonna recommend focus as a pure pvp specc.


Keep in mind that im not saying watchman is bad, i know its good, very good in fact, but its simply not as bursty as focus, and burst is "usually" the way to go in pvp. Its usually: burst > all.


That's the main fail. "watch any pro player's vid on youtube..." There ISN'T many pro players on youtube :) I've maybe seen 1 video where the sentinel was skilled, and I've watched a lot (and this guy played watchman). Most people that make videos on youtube are average at best, and honestly don't know how to play optimal.


These average players also edit their videos, so instead of waiting 40+ seconds everytime you get a huge force sweep crit, they edit them so they get it every 5 second.

Try play a sentinel as focus yourself, or get a clue, and you would know that focus is overrated, especially in premades.

And its a difference between having burst every 5 sec, and every 40 sec. A watchman would have dealt a ton more damage in the meantime, as well as staying alive easier, being more useful to group with more centering etc etc.


Sorry, but you gotta learn pvp before you tell others about knowing anything about it :)

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That's the main fail. "watch any pro player's vid on youtube..." There ISN'T many pro players on youtube :) I've maybe seen 1 video where the sentinel was skilled, and I've watched a lot (and this guy played watchman). Most people that make videos on youtube are average at best, and honestly don't know how to play optimal.


These average players also edit their videos, so instead of waiting 40+ seconds everytime you get a huge force sweep crit, they edit them so they get it every 5 second.

Try play a sentinel as focus yourself, or get a clue, and you would know that focus is overrated, especially in premades.

And its a difference between having burst every 5 sec, and every 40 sec. A watchman would have dealt a ton more damage in the meantime, as well as staying alive easier, being more useful to group with more centering etc etc.


Sorry, but you gotta learn pvp before you tell others about knowing anything about it :)


Maybe this is true what ur saying, i cant tell for sure since i do not play a sentinel myself and i probably never will so i cant say for sure, im just making asumptions regarding the class from watching a quite high number of videos about the class i will never play (sentinel/marauder), and if most videos tell me focus it the way to go, its only natural to make an asumption from that information.

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I figured it out guys. We have all been massively trolled.


Very well done, sir. Very well done indeed.


Well my original reply to Cratzky got removed by the Moderator. Basically what it said is similar to the above quote. Search Cratzky on the forums and you'll find pages of trolling. He doesnt actually think he's good, he's just trolling us - well done.


Cratzky - you play a scoundrel just fine. You're not too big to listen to good advice tho. Thanks for the entertainment, though it may or may not have been in the form you intended.

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Search Cratzky on the forums and you'll find pages of trolling. He doesnt actually think he's good, he's just trolling us - well done.


Cratzky - you play a scoundrel just fine. You're not too big to listen to good advice tho. Thanks for the entertainment, though it may or may not have been in the form you intended.


Finally! i know that im a bit bad at trying to explain stuff generally because english is not my main language, but you finally got it !

I appreciate this post! :)


Im just trying to show people that scoundrel is still very good and that QQ'ing about the class is just wrong , almost no matter how you play it, scoundrel is still nr1.

I never said i was good , and finally someone actually understand.


I think most people thought i was here to compete with the big guys like Envii or Nia. Thats not the case.


You dont have to be a pro to be good at playing a scoundrel, the class is fine. I am a living proof of this and i greatly appreciate bioware and their work so far with the game :)


Peace and Love, until next time /Cratzky Out.

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You still acted like a *very bad person* (insert any word you like), calling people names etc.

Trolling is an art and should not be used by village *simple minded person*.


Even tho second video was better than the first one.. the way you acted leaves a sour taste. And the way you bail is a bit cheap :p

Edited by Stranger_LDR
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