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Reading the 1.1.5 economic post Bio put out something caught my eye.



As we work to create a more player-driven economy, you can expect significant improvements to Crew skills, and an extension of Crew skill gameplay, such as item creation and research, into the Elder-Game content. You’ll also see new items brought into the game, including new schematics, Legacy items, a new tier of Player vs Player and Player vs Environment weapons and armor,


In bold would be the important part.


New PVP set!


I myself am a little worried and excited. I hit BM the week of the Ilum change through WZ (Ilum is impossibly lagy for my shadow infil to do any kind of valor farm in it). Since hitting BM I slowed way down on WZ only doing my daily and the occasional match with a friend. I am now rank 65.


Now comes to where I am going with this.


Do you think they are going to require a rank higher then BM? If so what rank?

If not do you think it will be the reward for ranked WZ?


I like the idea of it being from ranked WZ as that means its not a set the average jo can grind into. BM is nothing special any more people just farm Ilum till there is nothing to kill.


If they require a higher rank I'm going to kick myself a bit because I slowed down so much on WZing.

Edited by agien
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Considering how horrible Centurion is, I'm not sure how low they can step down this crafted set.


Speculation incomming...


Rename current Centurion to Noob Set - Drop lvl req to 46 - Expertise stat doesn't turn on until 50s bracket so as not to screw up 10-49


Create new Centurion tier with stat upgrade amount comparable to Champ -> Battlemaster

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