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Gs/snipers, 100% useless for competitive play


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I totally don't understand the epic wall of text QQ from this post.


thats because you didnt read it..... or fail at reading comprehension. why did you even type this? i mean c'mon man..... what did you think anyone would say to you after reading your post? go back. re read it. ask one of your parents to explain it to you. then maybe not type out everything that pops up in the 'ol noggin.


move along nothing to see here

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They may not ever pull in the most kills or most damage, but that has never been a good determination of value to a team in competitive play anyway.


Yes, it will be totally fair and balanced for a sniper to help hold mid while doing terrible damage, no healing, and providing no protection to anyone.


Indeed, while the only other "pure dps" AC (mara/sent) will be carrying the ball, slowing the enemy team, and doing loads of damage.


That seems really fun and extremely fair....or maybe not.


Face it, other, less limited classes can fill the role of holding mid *BETTER* than snipers/gs while providing actual utility to the team.


Have a pair of hybrid sorcs hold it, not only are they capable of killing anything that comes by, they will never die while supporting each other.

Edited by Celebrus
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A well played Sniper/GS is absolutely lethal, there's just too few good ones around, I can count 2 on my server (one Sniper, one GS). My Sniper buddy rips through pretty much anyone and anything in matter of seconds (full BM gear) and knows perfectly how to position and maneuver himself unlike most others.


It's so strange that there are so few good GS/Sniper players. I wonder why that is, hmm, what could it be...


There seems to be a lot of Sorcs and Sages topping the charts and ripping through opponents though. Why are all the good players playing that class. It's a puzzle indeed. A mystery only Sherlock Holmes can solve...

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Yes, it will be totally fair and balanced for a sniper to help hold mid while doing terrible damage, no healing, and providing no protection to anyone.


Naturally, anyone playing defense will have lower damage and kill totals, that was the point. The role that a Sniper and Gunslinger may come to fill is going to be different than a Marauder or Sentinel. They will be providing protection however, as keeping the middle of huttball or other capture points relatively clear frees up space for the rest of the team.


You're not going to see Juggs and Powertechs putting out Marauder or Sentinel numbers in rated's either, because they fill a different role.



Face it, other, less limited classes can fill the role of holding mid *BETTER* than snipers/gs while providing actual utility to the team.


Have a pair of hybrid sorcs hold it, not only are they capable of killing anything that comes by, they will never die while supporting each other.


Naturally, a pair of Sorcs are going to hold a point better than a single Sniper/GS. However, I'd again prefer a single sniper over a Sorc to defend or turret or hold middle because they have advantages in terms of not being CC'd. When rated's start it isn't always going to be about killing defenders so much as it is controlling them. I'll take the uninterruptable and harder to CC class in this instance.

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There are very few snipers on my server. And looking at their performance I'd never take any of them (well, except myself :)) to the team unless I have no choice. Edited by Alkei
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A well played Sniper/GS is absolutely lethal, there's just too few good ones around, I can count 2 on my server (one Sniper, one GS). My Sniper buddy rips through pretty much anyone and anything in matter of seconds (full BM gear) and knows perfectly how to position and maneuver himself unlike most others.


A well played sniper is is a mediocre played dps of any other class....


Like i've said before, Snipers only kill me when I'm fighting someone else, 1v1, I'll **** on a sniper all day long, so will most of the other classes in the game.


You have basically one ability that keeps you from getting screwed, and it's counter is simply breaking LoS

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Its kinda of funny reading these boards..


Hey gunslinger needs a look at..


NO way my uncle's cousin's friend's room mate can crit for over 90000!




No way i play a gunslinger and i can take on 5 sorcs and a powertech while smoking a cig and singing the star spangled *********** banner:rolleyes:

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well its pretty simple really....


stop sucking and trying to play as rambo with a GS/sniper and you will see they are actually prettty good if the person behind them has some common sense...




< rocks alderaan with his sniper, controls choke points on huttball .....i admit we do suck on voidstar...like...hard...but thats the only WZ that we cant do well




Orbital Bombardment is one of the most valuable AoE abilities in Voidstar because it's fire-and-forget, and can secure a door for the duration of the effect. Compare this to something like Death from Above which is 3 seconds of channelled AoE, while OB is what? Twice that long?


I do think they need to give Snipers more range though. They should have the longest range of any class in the game(like, 45m when in cover) and I think this would almost single-handedly fix the class. They went too conservative with a lot of this stuff. Snipers and GS should have great range and do the same damage. Deception Sins and Operatives should hit a lot harder but have all the susceptibilities they have now. The game shouldn't revolve around how many tanks and healers you can bring to the action. My best Sin spec for PvP is a damned tank spec. It's just idiotic.

Edited by Mannic
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OVER 9000!!!









Plus: what does the OP mean by "competitive pvp" ?


Fighting alone against 3, 4 players, Conan the Barbarian style?


The Sniper is one of the top DPS classes in this game, u just gotta understand your role as a turret dawg, and dont go around like a clown exposing yourself.


Keep your distance, find some nice spot to build your cover and start shooting.


They are not a bad 1x1 class either, if u know what you are doing.

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Why do you still play this class if you really believed it was so gimped. I wouldn't waste my time and neither would you.


This is just a wall of text in an attempt to get BW to notice.


The other guy who couldn't damage a tank....He might have been guarded, probably had damage mitigation, healing, shielding, absorption etc.


Oh and you probably just hit 50 and have no gear and you were targeting a BM.


A properly equipped tank will take more than one person to down, sorry. That is their job. Eat damage.

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Why do you still play this class if you really believed it was so gimped. I wouldn't waste my time and neither would you.


This is just a wall of text in an attempt to get BW to notice.


The other guy who couldn't damage a tank....He might have been guarded, probably had damage mitigation, healing, shielding, absorption etc.


Oh and you probably just hit 50 and have no gear and you were targeting a BM.


A properly equipped tank will take more than one person to down, sorry. That is their job. Eat damage.


So your saying Bioware is flawless and makes no mistakes. Therefore gunslinger class must be perfectly balanced?


LMFAO get your head out of your ***.

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I must explain everything do I...


When I say 7k = death I don't mean healers have 7k health. But they do have 7k health left with any kind of good DPS on them.


In which world do you live where a DPS can take down an equally skilled/geared healer?


It's a team game. And what can kill an healer? Burst damage.

What is the highest burst damage classes in the game? Imp agent/Smuggler.


Healer won't stay full HP all the time. With a DPS on them their health goes down. They don't die but they don't stay full.

An ambush + explosive probe and the healer is R.I.P.


Yes I play an healer. And on top of it, I play 2 healers. Both level 50. And yes my scoundrel can do a 8k damage burst. Because I use my brain.

Explosive charge + Freighter + Kick in the nuts + Backblast is an easy 8k burst with a massive damage still going from freighter.

Gunslinger can do even worst then that with their very high damaging castables and do it at 35 meters range.

Sniper is better because explosive probe got no traveling time.


Happy? I made a wall of text to explain the most basic thing about how to kill an healer.

Edited by snaplemouton
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OP is completely right... In Ranked WZ's, you're gonna want the best team comps, and there will never be a spot for snipers on a team, at the moment, because there are just so many better alternatives for the dps role. It doesn't even come close... -_- I agree that snipers will need a buff before rated wz's come out or they will never get into a group with half a brain. Edited by GemG
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I'm guessing you're going to see a whole lot fewer DF GS in the near future if DoT no longer stops the enemy from grabbing objectives. While the damage can be considerable, that was the primary utility of a DF or DF-hybrid GS in WZ...


Yeah, lol... They're gimping snipers even more. :(

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I must explain everything do I...


When I say 7k = death I don't mean healers have 7k health. But they do have 7k health left with any kind of good DPS on them.


In which world do you live where a DPS can take down an equally skilled/geared healer?


It's a team game. And what can kill an healer? Burst damage.

What is the highest burst damage classes in the game? Imp agent/Smuggler.


Healer won't stay full HP all the time. With a DPS on them their health goes down. They don't die but they don't stay full.

An ambush + explosive probe and the healer is R.I.P.


Yes I play an healer. And on top of it, I play 2 healers. Both level 50. And yes my scoundrel can do a 8k damage burst. Because I use my brain.

Explosive charge + Freighter + Kick in the nuts + Backblast is an easy 8k burst with a massive damage still going from freighter.

Gunslinger can do even worst then that with their very high damaging castables and do it at 35 meters range.

Sniper is better because explosive probe got no traveling time.


Happy? I made a wall of text to explain the most basic thing about how to kill an healer.



Against sorcs yeah, everyone else? Nope sorry our dmg is easily mitigated and goes through every defense check.


Snipers can spike down sages/sorcs... if they dont have their bubble up ... if they are solo .... if they cant LoS us ... basically we can kill people who are busy fighting someone else, sometimes we can even spike them down.


But, please continue..

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There's 2 snipers in my guild that I'll pvp with every chance I get cause they're awesome. almost always on top of the chart for damage/kills.


Nice, a class that has nothing but dps trees can top dmg sometimes when playing against 4+ sorcs.


nice addition and makes a great case for class balance issues....

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It's so strange that there are so few good GS/Sniper players. I wonder why that is, hmm, what could it be...


There seems to be a lot of Sorcs and Sages topping the charts and ripping through opponents though. Why are all the good players playing that class. It's a puzzle indeed. A mystery only Sherlock Holmes can solve...


^Bad Sniper/GS spotted. Topping the dmg meter =/= good player, even though my Sniper friend is always #1. The reason people whine about Sniper/GS is because they can't handle the positioning and maneuvering needed to be effective, which other classes don't need to worry about. Just because they're harder to play doesn't mean they're weaker, far from. Just l2p please.


A well played sniper is is a mediocre played dps of any other class....


Like i've said before, Snipers only kill me when I'm fighting someone else, 1v1, I'll **** on a sniper all day long, so will most of the other classes in the game.


You have basically one ability that keeps you from getting screwed, and it's counter is simply breaking LoS


No, the only class that can beat Sniper/GS in raw burst is Ops/Scoundrel. Also, like I said a good Sniper knows to position and maneuver to counter simple LoS'ing, and if they're Lethality/Dirty Fighting they wont even be dependant on cover.


Everyone posting on forums to nerf/buff x class is always a scrub, Sniper/GS is as viable as any other class when played correctly.

Edited by iMakesh
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We already went over that, people who cant identify whats happening around them, have no clue about anything other then what 1-5 does on their hotbar will generally be fodder for a sniper, but people who do crazy things like know what their abilities do, have a vague understanding of what yours is capable of and can also identify whats happening around them on a battlefield will LoS a sniper all day long while still pvping other opponents at the same time.


If class balance is meant to account for everyone being completely stupid and unable to grasp a basic understanding of this game then yeah everything is fine, but if its not then snipers could really use some help against people who can grasp basic pvp strategy.

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No, the only class that can beat Sniper/GS in raw burst is Ops/Scoundrel. Also, like I said a good Sniper knows to position and maneuver to counter simple LoS'ing, and if they're Lethality/Dirty Fighting they wont even be dependant on cover.


Everyone posting on forums to nerf/buff x class is always a scrub, Sniper/GS is as viable as any other class when played correctly.




Against sorcs/sages without a sheild up? Yeah, sure.


Against everyone else? No we are not even close to having the highest spike dmg unless everyone else is hitting heavy armor players for 1/4th their actual dmg without the opponent having to pop a defensive temp.


Sorc/sages might make up 50% of the WZ population, but that doesnt mean snipers are ok.

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I read most of that. I disagree with your assessment of cover. At least against me (Parakeet PT) it's pretty great. I can't pull or charge you while you're in cover, and cover absorbs my bread and butter dps move (Rail shot).


I'll admit I have a unique point of view, but to me snipers are easily the class I'm most afraid of right now in pvp. Maybe good assassins, but those are so few and far between it's really a nonfactor. Even bad snipers can drop me pretty fast though if it's a 1v1.

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MM = PVE SPECC STOP SA THAT YOUR DMG GETS MITIGATED .MM SPEC IS NOT FOR PVP STOP EVEN SPEAKING ABOUT WHEN IT COMES OT PVP ITS A DAMN PURE PVE SPECC.pvp specc are full letha or leth/engi.And yes snipers is by far the worst class in the game at mand who ever says the oposite he just palying another game .Plain and simple.Oh btw snipers are the worst in both 1v1 and grp situations than every other class.Thanks.


Fellow Sniper when the times comes and we notice it only the few that left behind and didnht rerroled will deserve it the most enough said .

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