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I hate the Republic now more than ever...


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I disagree.


Republic = tries to look like they are good but has many corrupt people running it


Empire = Looks bad and has corrupt people running it, Playing though the Imperial agent story line you can get the sense that the empire would not be half as bad if it was not for psychotic sith leering over them.


Yep. If not for the sith, the empire probably would be a decent place to live, though fairly xenophobic and racist -- but even some of that would probably get hammered out in time.


It's the sith that are, in effect, "dragging down" the empire into the morass of stupidity and evil that it's in right now. Without the sith, things would be far, far better. Hell, they probably wouldn't even be at war with the republic at that point.

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Sith...Evil, generally evil ruling class. Majority are psycopathic and need a lil counseling and hug.


Empire...Strong, militaristic collection of planets under unified leadership with purity of purpose. Slightly racist and quick to droll out harsh punishments for any infringement.


Jedi...Nothing, keep to themselves and do jedi stuff. Do not support the republic therefore the republic does not support them.


Republic...Corrupt, majority of republic leaders are on their own program eager to further their own agenda or line their own pocket.


I hate the republic because its corrupt and too similiar to modern day governments.

I hate the empire because the sith are at the wheel...bad things to follow.

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quoting daniel tosh (or paraphrasing): "Being American is knowing that yes, our country is crap and we hate it, but also acknowledging that everything else out there is a hell of alot worse."


Pretty much sums up the Republic. Republic in SWTOR is the closest to good you'll get. Sure, our politicians are crap and we want to kill the majority of them, but at least I'm not being a douchebag on Taris and happily injecting rakghoul virus into hospital equipment knowing full well that it would cause an outbreak among non-combatants/ injured soldiers. you can't even say thats a class quest, every empire player going through Taris will happily do that WITHOUT any dark side points. You wanna quote Hammer Station? At least Hammer Station is the equivalent of a nuke (fast death, not even without radioactive fallout) while the rakghoul virus is the equivalent of the zombie virus.


Sith warrior story on nar shaddaa: you save a group of republic soldiers and in return they help you (mumbling about it along the way but still) and they don't even turn on you after helping you. they just call it even and leave if you decide not to kill them.


I'd choose Republic over Empire any day.

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Sith warrior story on nar shaddaa: you save a group of republic soldiers and in return they help you (mumbling about it along the way but still) and they don't even turn on you after helping you. they just call it even and leave if you decide not to kill them.


I'd choose Republic over Empire any day.

Those republic soldiers REALISED its IMPOSSIBLE for them to stop you that why they SURRENDERED and PROMISED TO HELP you if you SPARE them(even if it was a GAMBLE for them to trust you KNOWING there is a CHANCE you would LIE, even 1% CHANCE TO LIVE is BETTER then 100% sure DEATH by attacking you)


I met so many good ppl while playing Empire, but most Sith are a plague for their own kind and sadly for most non sith that just live and serve and just want to have a normal life.

On the other side of the fence i did try Republic and got disgusted by their lies(senators and all high ranking republics) and brainwashing, by a very similar way as sith, the senators advance in there ranks and strenghen there positions though sabotage, lies, hiring thugs,backstabing omg what ppl do for power there , i quit when they put personal goals above the ppl they keep saying there fighting for, The Republic are not who they say they are.


you think the republic cares about you? just like the Empire you are just a tool they don t care if you die, they will always bring the next guy and so on.


As long as the LOVE for POWER>POWER of LOVE->THERE CAN BE NO PEACE! Peace is a lie, there will always be greed,ambition,jealousy, selfishness and so on and i m not talking just about the Sith but the people that lead

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Those republic soldiers REALISED its IMPOSSIBLE for them to stop you that why they SURRENDERED and PROMISED TO HELP you if you SPARE them(even if it was a GAMBLE for them to trust you KNOWING there is a CHANCE you would LIE, even 1% CHANCE TO LIVE is BETTER then 100% sure DEATH by attacking you)


I met so many good ppl while playing Empire, but most Sith are a plague for their own kind and sadly for most non sith that just live and serve and just want to have a normal life.

On the other side of the fence i did try Republic and got disgusted by their lies(senators and all high ranking republics) and brainwashing, by a very similar way as sith, the senators advance in there ranks and strenghen there positions though sabotage, lies, hiring thugs,backstabing omg what ppl do for power there , i quit when they put personal goals above the ppl they keep saying there fighting for, The Republic are not who they say they are.


you think the republic cares about you? just like the Empire you are just a tool they don t care if you die, they will always bring the next guy and so on.


So...they made a rational and honorable choice? Those soldiers could have taken the first chance to get off planet, but instead of breaking their promise, they chose to fight AND they chose not to shoot you in the back while you were fighting your battle.


I saw how you conviniently left out the top part of my message regarding the politicians and I love how you think politicians can be anything but self-serving. If you really want to paint them in a bad light, let me point you to a worse set of politicans: The Dark Council. They make Republic senators look like democrats with all their power plays and underhanded tactics (Darth Baras prime example)


I go back to my previous statement: Yeah, the Republic seems ****ed up, but its the closest thing to good we'll get.

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Those republic soldiers REALISED its IMPOSSIBLE for them to stop you that why they SURRENDERED and PROMISED TO HELP you if you SPARE them(even if it was a GAMBLE for them to trust you KNOWING there is a CHANCE you would LIE, even 1% CHANCE TO LIVE is BETTER then 100% sure DEATH by attacking you)




As long as the LOVE for POWER>POWER of LOVE->THERE CAN BE NO PEACE! Peace is a lie, there will always be greed,ambition,jealousy, selfishness and so on and i m not talking just about the Sith but the people that lead


Didn't know Frank Miller played SWTOR. Hey Frankie!

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So...they made a rational and honorable choice? Those soldiers could have taken the first chance to get off planet, but instead of breaking their promise, they chose to fight AND they chose not to shoot you in the back while you were fighting your battle.


I saw how you conviniently left out the top part of my message regarding the politicians and I love how you think politicians can be anything but self-serving. If you really want to paint them in a bad light, let me point you to a worse set of politicans: The Dark Council. They make Republic senators look like democrats with all their power plays and underhanded tactics (Darth Baras prime example)


I go back to my previous statement: Yeah, the Republic seems ****ed up, but its the closest thing to good we'll get.


Darth Baras wasn't on the Dark Council for long at all really. Most of the sith warrior story was killing anyone who was keeping him from the dark council.


Which is why I said earlier that the people trying to get to the dark council are more sinister than the people actually on it. Baras sends the sith warriors on a bunch of messed up quests to gain more influence.


The empire overall has an unmatched government structure. Really the main problems are caused by sith because the empire basically lets them do what they want. Republic is better in that way but only because the Jedi keep their own people in check because the republic cant do crap about them really.


Republic seems to have more corruption overall than the Empire does because of their system.

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Also remember that the portions of both the Empire and the Republic that we see are very heavily skewed to what makes a good story. There are millions of Sith ready to lightsaber you in half if you look at them funny? That's great, until you remember that works out to MAYBE a thousand per planet. There are a hundred times more Zoroastrians on Earth than that, and when's the last time you met one of them? Combined with the fact that the other major power in the galaxy has shown that they are perfectly willing to exterminate you if you lose and loyalty to the Empire makes a lot more sense.


On the flip side, we see all the corruption and atrocity committing on the Republic side because a story about trade disputes between two parties who both play by the rules is BORING. You see the Republic when things have gone to crap because if they hadn't then they wouldn't need to bring you in. Same reason why cops have a rather dim view of human nature.

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  • 8 years later...
I'm not going to argue that the Empire isn't evil, they are.

I wonder why ppl consider the Empire as smth evil? They bring peace and security to their citizens, always moving forward unlike the Republic. Of course, sometimes their means of claiming power are a bit brutal, but isn't Republic's inaction, meditation etc. worse?

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I wonder why ppl consider the Empire as smth evil? They bring peace and security to their citizens, always moving forward unlike the Republic. Of course, sometimes their means of claiming power are a bit brutal, but isn't Republic's inaction, meditation etc. worse?


Maybe because the Empire is willing to genocide entire species like its nothing, has legalized slavery and doesn't seem to be changing it mind about that... I could go on but the Empire are not the good guys, and I'm someone who mains an imperial character.

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I think its safe to say both sides are guilty of bad things and good things, just really the point of view of the person. I literally just finished doing a Commando so I feel you're concerns with the story and ya some of them got the bad end of the stick in some cases. Most of my toons if they're Republic they go back to the Republic or if they're Empire they go back tot he Empire. I do have a couple (2 really) that went with the opposite side, and I only did that so I could see the story line changes.
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