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The State of PVP


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Ilum was a complete failure. They might have been able to save it had they not allowed the planet to have a 4:1 ratio due to server unbalancing. Most of the Republic gave up on Ilum very quickly because we could not get honor while the Sith were just raking it in. Had it been 20v20 instead of 60-70 vs 20.. that would be worth fighting for. Of course, all this is ignoring the terrible lag that occurs on that planet any time more than 20 people merge.


Classes that can spam 1 attack skill and be deadly in pvp need to go through a significant change. No "advanced" class should be set up like that.


Anyone else still see objectives getting stealth capped by IA's?


Stuns/knockbacks are out of hand. It's no fun getting knocked around 2-3 times within a few seconds of each other. For stuns, I think they need to reclassify how the resolve bar works. IMO, anything that is a complete stun (keeps you from moving AND using any skills) should fill up the bar and keep it filled for the duration of the stun. If I get "sapped" (sorry, not familiar with Sith skills) for 8 seconds, once that breaks I should be immune for 8 seconds. I believe my cryo grenade is 5 seconds, that should make someone immune for 5 seconds to other stuns.


lower my escape skill from 1 minute down to 30 seconds.


One thing I wanted to add. My opinion is that gear in general matters way too much. It's a pain in the rear PvPing with a brand new lvl 50.

Edited by Turosis
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I cant help but feel that 1.2 is going to be the equivalent of Care Bear land for PVP.


Battlemaster gear for everyone with enough credits? This is nonsense. There is no progression here anymore. Valor will be nothing as well. This doesnt make PVP better, it just dumbs it down for players that basically dont pvp often enough to be good anyways. Wheres the reward and the gear progression? Ranked WZ gear is going to be EXACTLY the same stat wise as non ranked gear, but will just have different appearances. Sooo why bother??


Whats next? I know, lets not have better gear drop from Operations. When you hit 50 just let everyone have Rakata sets so we can all cater to the casual player. Well guess what? Casual players dont keep populations in MMO's. Hard core players do. Good luck keeping them when everyone is vanilla.


All this patch will do is hightlight classes that are better at PVP and have the population crying nerf becuase they cant force leap or they cant sprint out of trouble, or heal through someones damage. Boo frickin hoo!!

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So we should be penalized for having friends and grouping, IN AN MMO ???


Go play a single player game if you don't want to come up against groups, dont just complain about groups, do something about it or shut up


So the pugs should be penalized instead? Just because someone pugs doesn't mean they are anti social and want a single player game. Not mention some of us find playing against pugs to be boring. I'd rather wait for a match then steam roll easy groups over and over. The only people who want to keep the current system are bad players that don't want to fight good teams.

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^ i totally agree i would much prefer to play other premades, but at the moment its only 4 people in a premade, still 4 pugs either side, there have been plenty of matchs where premade sides loose due to incompetent pugs.


So im happy for 8v8 premades, but at the same time i dont want ot wait 30 minutes for 1 que pop, there has to be a mix

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1. Don't see this as a issue. I am on winning teams constantly that are all solo ques, as a matter of fact went 3-3 tonight for my daily all in pug's. It's not all about them being in a premade, they are also skilled, geared, and playing with like minded people. Take them out of the group and they happen to land in the same wz you will face the same demise you are now.


2. I agree with this to a point. I think it could be dialed back just a hair, but once you learn how to work the resolve it isn't really that bad. Frustrating maybe, but surely not a game breaker as it only really affects Huttball and then, only when you are the person carrying. Fast sorcs/sages can save someone from a stun lock situation.


3. I just have to laugh at this. I turned 50 three weeks ago, I didn't PvP until I was 49, I have a average play time of 2 hours a night, didn't really start grouping until last week, I have BM title with half the BM gear. Plus.. why complain they are giving it away starting 1.2.


4. lol.. I actually find Illum calming. When I just want to zone out and watch t.v. I hit the central assault. But I have to agree here.


5. I am almost spec'd full heal and do just fine. If a team is actually focusing on one target you shouldn't even have a chance of keeping them up. The bubble is more or less a small insta heal, don't look at it as more than that. It is to provide just enough time for you to get off a heal. If you think it is bad now... I hope you have another toon you can play as of 1.2.


6. You can get 5 just off of healing and then you should get at least the 10 and 25 players killed, if you help defend at least the 1k and possibly the 3k defender. How many do you want as a healer? I understand you won't always get them all but I can get close in most matches, even pug's. Simple fact here is if you want the medals you have to work to get them.

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^ This ^



Sadly, they won't.


they have ignored every question about it. The Mythic designers (the ones running pvp in this game) are just bad designers.


too much CC + bad mitigation mechanic + Small maps with low respawn times = trash pvp.


I have to second this one. Too bad Dev's dont actually read these posts. :D

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Judging by the tears in this thread, so many have no idea about PvP.


Every mentioned thing in this thread, that people complain about, can actually be used to your own advantage.

Your opponent cannot do anything that your team cannot replicate. So if you get stomped in PvP, observe what they did and try to do that same thing next time.


Observe, learn and adapt 'cause tears don't win in PvP.

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If you pug you are responsible for being disadvantaged by not grouping.


There is nothing unreasonable about assuming premades being the norm in an mmo. If you are having a hard time winning games due to premades it is because you are not doing the right thing by forming your own premade.


The good players see that lots of premades are qing so they do something about it by making their own premades. This makes wz far more competitive and can only be good for game. If you are still solo queueing a lot then you are simply behind the times.


However this is less about getting stomped by premades and more about the better players preferring to group with each other because they don't like losing games due to pug incompetence. Basically you are losing to better players most of the time.

Edited by _Scattered_
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Judging by the tears in this thread, so many have no idea about PvP.


Every mentioned thing in this thread, that people complain about, can actually be used to your own advantage.

Your opponent cannot do anything that your team cannot replicate. So if you get stomped in PvP, observe what they did and try to do that same thing next time.


Observe, learn and adapt 'cause tears don't win in PvP.


You mean like play for 4-5 hours each day to grind better gear? Some of us have jobs/families and we may only get to play a couple hours 2-3 times per week. When you're talking 10 minute queues with a 15-20 minute WZ time, that's not much opportunity to level up.


Sorry, this game is 5% skill, 95% gear. While gear should play a role in combat, my opinion is the discrepancy is way to big. There is little skill required for most classes, as they stand.


How many casual players (remember, they pay the exact same amount to play) have the patience to get their butts kicked for weeks until they finally get enough expertise to have somewhat of an impact?


But you can keep QQ'ing the QQ'ers if it makes you feel better.

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You can tell when something is not right. Arguments about premades vs premades are nice but when you see 4 players steamrolling another team with 4 other pugs BECAUSE they are there it is somewhat sad.


Queues should also take into consideration the gear of players but I guess that would be too hard to implement.


The general rule about winning is true 90% of the time:

2+ players on your team have less than 15k hp, you will lose.:o

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