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Vader vs. Obi Wan, could Vader have won?


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Could he? From my POV, Vader was relying on sheer rage, hate, & the Dark Side more than actual skill. Like when he fought Dooku.


Obi Wan was more knowledgeable, both in the force, & lightsaber combat. He was more tactical too, which is why he ultimately won.


Being the chosen one apparently wasn't enough. Tho he wasn't really Anakin anymore by then.


Vader could not have won, Obi-Wan was protected by Plot Armor.

Edited by Tuscad
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So how is committing suicide saving others? wouldn't it have been much better if he died fighting actually "distracting" vader, instead of simply buying a "*** happened?" moment from him?


Meditating while a dark lord is right there saves no one fighting, keeping him away from ur friends does, surrender serves no one.


Where would the "Run Luke! Run!" have come from had he been fighting. He recognized that he had set Luke on the path he needed to be on, and that Yoda was better suited to finish Luke's training. And we know from his "more powerful than you could possibly imagine" he really knew what he was doing.


But at the same time, I guess you could argue he didn't really think about it. A Jedi is guided by the Force, and so it's entirely possible Obi just knew this was what he needed to do to help end the Empire at that moment and trusted in the Force. It would be the Jedi thing to do.


And as I type I get more and more theories... some of them very unlikely. But still. Obi had reasons to do what he did.

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Obi-wan was the greatest master of the defensive Soresu stance there ever was. Vader would have never been able to penetrate Obi-Wan's defenses even without the high ground eventually Obi-Wan would have been victorius.


Sidenote: he let Vader kill him in IV, he didnt even defend himself.

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Could he? From my POV, Vader was relying on sheer rage, hate, & the Dark Side more than actual skill. Like when he fought Dooku.


Obi Wan was more knowledgeable, both in the force, & lightsaber combat. He was more tactical too, which is why he ultimately won.


Being the chosen one apparently wasn't enough. Tho he wasn't really Anakin anymore by then.



Anakin could have easily won that fight. From my perspective, toward the end I think it was becoming obvious that Obi-wan was running out of steam. Anakin probably would have won if the fight continued a little longer on even ground. Also, if he took a different approach like charging Obi-wan instead of trying to leap over him I think he probably would have succeeded. Obi-wan was an expert swordsman, but he was fighting a defensive battle and which is a losing proposition the longer it goes on.

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Anakin could have easily won that fight. From my perspective, toward the end I think it was becoming obvious that Obi-wan was running out of steam. Anakin probably would have won if the fight continued a little longer on even ground. Also, if he took a different approach like charging Obi-wan instead of trying to leap over him I think he probably would have succeeded. Obi-wan was an expert swordsman, but he was fighting a defensive battle and which is a losing proposition the longer it goes on.


I don't believe Anakin could have easily won the fight because he was trying to win but was not able to beat him.


I do belive you are right towards the end Obi knew he was losing so he tryed to figure out a way to win. He took the high ground and then goated Anikin to try to go over him.


If Obi had gotten the high ground and not have goated him in trying to jump over him Ankin would have tryed a differnt approch like going a little further on the lava flow and the jumping so they were equal ground again or the spinny thingy that Sidious used. Obi knew Sith need to prove they are more powerful than there opponat or else they feel that they lost the fight. Obi used this knowlage aganst Anakin and won the battle because of it.


The second battle. He was fighting again. When he looked at Luke he decided to become 1 with the force. The reason I figure he did this( this is my own opion and could be wrong) was to drive a wedge between Luke and his father. Luke wouldn't go with Vader to the dark side 'cause he watched him decappitate his friend and mentor.

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So how is committing suicide saving others? wouldn't it have been much better if he died fighting actually "distracting" vader, instead of simply buying a "*** happened?" moment from him?


Meditating while a dark lord is right there saves no one fighting, keeping him away from ur friends does, surrender serves no one.


I'd like to see your explanation of how someone just disappears when they're stabbed with a lightsaber.



He sacrificed himself to save the other and to become one with the force to help guide Luke. Hence why he talks to him through the force.

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Remember that Vader actually ends up killing Obi-Wan when faced in equal ground...


(WTB a cooler remake of THAT duel, pls Lucas :)


Yeah, but Obi-Wan controlled the whole fight, including his death. Old geezer, powers failing, weaker in the force, and Obi-Wan still dictated the terms of the engagement. The only thing Vader got to do was pick when the fight started. After that it was all Obi-Wan, including when he chose to die.

Vader did not win that fight, Obi-Wan realized it was Luke's destiny to defeat Vader, not his, and chose to become a spirit that could help Luke forever.

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Obi-wan was the greatest master of the defensive Soresu stance there ever was. Vader would have never been able to penetrate Obi-Wan's defenses even without the high ground eventually Obi-Wan would have been victorius.


Sidenote: he let Vader kill him in IV, he didnt even defend himself.




They seemed pretty equal in the fight. Yeah, both of them were trying their best.



And Vader post-mustafar would most likely beat Obi-wan in force power and dueling.

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Yeah, but Obi-Wan controlled the whole fight, including his death. Old geezer, powers failing, weaker in the force, and Obi-Wan still dictated the terms of the engagement. The only thing Vader got to do was pick when the fight started. After that it was all Obi-Wan, including when he chose to die.

Vader did not win that fight, Obi-Wan realized it was Luke's destiny to defeat Vader, not his, and chose to become a spirit that could help Luke forever.


Hmmm :\ what fight are you seeing???



I see an old man barely able to keep himself in fighting stance.... Did he control his death? sure.... cause he knew he could not beat Vader.

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