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When will SWTOR Fall?


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All signs? Half my guild is gone. As of yesterday, *I* am gone. How do all signs point to the health of this sucker?


The game stinks.


Because your guild split doesn't mean everyone else is leaving. are the numbers still in the millions? Absolutely not. Is the game failing? Not by a long shot.........a decline in numbers is to be expected.


But this game is by no means failing.

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Better yet, when will posts like this stop being placed on EVERY MMORPG game that comes out? If you dislike it, and other games so much, go elsewhere--I'm sure your console gaming system has plenty of titles to choose from, and goody for you and your buddies those games allow cheats. [Time to delete these negative comments and allow the game to move forward] :mad:


You totally just read the title and made this post with out reading what he said didn't you.

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Yes....reaaaallly. 500k subs is a heathy base for all MMO's to continue to make a profit and generates enough income to develope more content. It simply is profitable at a 500k sub base.


Other MMOs didn't spend $200 million or more on development. Other MMOs don't have a TV presence and spots before movie trailers. Who do you think is paying for this stuff? (Hint: it's not George).


A Rift sized audience is not the audience EA was looking for when they green lit this game.


Do the math next time. Then post.

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Right now, Bioware keep saying everything will rock as of Patch 1.2This seems to be their bet and that's where we will clearly see if this game has a chance to grow or if the future is not as bright as we would like it to be.


Personally, I love this game so I really hope that 1.2 shows that Bioware have the capability to turn some those tides around. For now, that's their BET and I hope they cash in. Once 1.2 is out, we will see if this game is going to last or not.


I seriously doubt Bioware said anything of the sort. There have been many posts on the forums hoping that 1.2 will be the greatest thing since sliced bread, and those people are guaranteed disappointment.


They have announced a patch and told us what it would entail. You and your misguided ilk are the ones saying "everything will rock."

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It sure is to me .... but then again I have friends.


Less than 10 people on every planet on my first server. Kinda hard to make friends when there is nobody around. The people I started playing with who were friends in real life left before the 30 days were up to go back to their old MMO. I have been without a MMO for a while now and was looking forward to making this my home. Didnt work out that way.

Edited by stickyickytricky
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Other MMOs didn't spend $200 million or more on development. Other MMOs don't have a TV presence and spots before movie trailers. Who do you think is paying for this stuff? (Hint: it's not George).


A Rift sized audience is not the audience EA was looking for when they green lit this game.


Do the math next time. Then post.



ive heard that they spent 300 million, then that noone knows what they spent, and now you are saying they spent 200 million...



im just going to go ahead and say you have no idea what you are talking about.

Edited by -Fritz-
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It's better proof than you have, buddy. Considering you have none to support your claims that the game is growing.


Am I going to take your word over MY experience (and many others), and the official server population site for TOR?


And debunked by who? The same blind fanboys claiming that the game is growing with no proof?




Well their stocks grew 5%. For a declining game their stocks aren't doing so bad. It's usually the other way around.

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ive heard that they spent 300 million, then that noone knows what they spent, and now you are saying they spent 200 million...


im just going to go ahead and say you have no idea what you are talking about.


Wrong. Here's a source on the $200 million figure, from the Los Angeles Times:




But you shouldn't even need that. If you were capable of performing basic multiplication, you'd take 15 times 500,000 and realize Bioware needs a lot more subs to make back its development costs, even if this game cost $100 mil (or: twice Rift's budget).


Got any else to say, bright eyes?


Yeah. Didn't think so.

Edited by Dayfax
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Less than 10 people on every planet on my first server. Kinda hard to make friends when there is nobody around. The people I started playing with who were friends in real life left before the 30 days were up to go back to their old MMO. I have been without a MMO for a while now and was looking forward to making this my home. Didnt work out that way.


Very unfortunate.

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When will SWTOR fall?

Personally i wish this generic and boring attempt at a game will fall soon, but then i can see how many people like generic and boring games, so swtor could actually prosper...sadly.

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Wrong. Here's a source on the $200 million figure, from the Los Angeles Times:




But you shouldn't even need that. If you were capable of performing basic multiplication, you'd take 15 times 500,000 and realize Bioware needs a lot more subs to make back its development costs, even if this game cost $100 mil (or: twice Rift's budget).


Got any else to say, bright eyes?


Yeah. Didn't think so.


pretty sure they made 120m just off of box sales.

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Wow, what server are you playing on? Because on Kathol Rift you're lucky to have 100 people on the IMPERIAL Fleet once or twice a week. Planets average at around 8-10 people.


Republic side is even less.


LOL, I havent seen 100 people on the Republic Fleet in over 3 weeks now.


This week from 5-9 pm local server time, its 10-40 people


I started on this server 3 weeks ago and the first week the pop was awsome, much much much higher then the other 2 servers I also played on. But since then its dropped by like 70%-80% each week.


At this rate my server will have between 1-5 people on any given planet during prime time and maybe 20 people on Fleet during Prime Time by the 4 month mark.


I shudder to think how low server pop will be at the 6 month subscription mark.

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When will SWTOR Fall?


When I think of the MMO community I am reminded greatly of the first person shooter industry. In the FPS industry there is total brand recognition and brand loyalty. People who play Halo 3 are insanely critical of every other first person shooter out there.


People who quit Halo 3 are worse. People who quit Halo 3 end up looking for a game that simply does not exist


In a similar way the old MMORPG community still flocks around looking for the perfect MMO game. While Massively.com represents a very positive MMO community, MMORPG.com represents the disdain of former World of Warcraft players.


Star Wars: The Old Republic for so many was a chance at making another World of Warcraft.


Less than a week after the game launched people were clamoring that the game population shrank…. it did not.


A month after people claimed it shrank… it did not.


We’re now two months in and all signs show the game’s population is still growing.


The thing people are slowly realizing is that the large population of the game isn’t level capped. While the Fleet Republic will see around 200 people, the other zones will look at about 40-50 players each.


Star Wars: The Old Republic is still growing and all signs show that it’s population will not fall any time soon.


So the question is… when will it fall. Or more appropriately, what will cause it to fall. There is after all a chance that SWTOR will continue to grow in sales and will find a revenue model that will attract more constant players.


So off to what will cause SWTOR to fall!














I understand being hopeful, but what you are doing is basically telling a lie. Hoping that peoples perception will change based on it. That just isn't how it works. Now if you could somehow change it so that actually in the game they didn't see it dead, well then you would have a good chance of it working. Right now people log in, they can easily see that there might be 50 to 100 on the fleet, thats generally it. Most higher level planets have 1, or 2 at most on them.


Please feel free to show us your screenshots though. Log in and do a /2who of every planet. Show us those high level planets with 50 people on them. I will gladly cheer for you. It means you've managed to find a server where the majority haven't quit. Most aren't like that.




Yes, it's growing so fast that light servers have increased drastically, and heavy are almost as flat as full. LOL, you guys talk a big game but the graphs don't back it up. Wait...next you will say how that site is the devil and they are just making up numbers to see BW fail.

Edited by Tenetke
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