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powertech not so powerful


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this is just an opinion or a suggestion to the developers.


i think that if you are going to have a class called powertech you should enable them to be able to use a blaster rifle or the assault cannon otherwise you should change the name to a shield tech. i mean i do know that their main focus is for tanking but carrying around a small blaster seems to mean that there is some major compensation issues with this class. why cant they carry around something a little better. this is my thought on the matter. and i think that it shows in the number of mercenaries compared to the number of powertechs out there. its kind of a no brainer when you look at what each can do.

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Because no class can use more than one type of weapon.


Seriously, thats how I know NOT to target certain classes on my sniper. Of course that only goes so far. Like I have to watch for a single saber to throw pebbles; and double bladers, gotta watch a bit to see what kind they might be.

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Because no class can use more than one type of weapon.


Not strictly true. For example IA's start with Blaster Rifles and Snipers can use Sniper Rifles. All force users start with single sabers then get the choice to use other saber types depending on AC.


BH's start with Blaster Pistols, and Merc AC get to use 2 of them.


The issue with adding another weapon specialisation for PT's is the complication of the loot tables. Sure they could maybe use Assault Cannons but then they would look like Troopers and it would ruin the RP aspect of the game.

Edited by Moosimoo
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Not strictly true. For example IA's start with Blaster Rifles and Snipers can use Sniper Rifles. All force users start with single sabers then get the choice to use other saber types depending on AC.


Technically they're both "Rifles". If there a weapon proficiency perk for Blaster Rifles and Sniper Rifles separately?

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Technically they're both "Rifles". If there a weapon proficiency perk for Blaster Rifles and Sniper Rifles separately?


True they are both rifles, but one is a specialized type of rifle that no other class can use. On the flip side Op's instead of getting a new weapon type (snipers still get to brandish a shiv for those "Oh ****!" moments) get stealth and the ability to open with their more productive use of a knife. Scoundrals, the same thing as the Op, no new weapon but the ability to stealth etc. Now you could argue that Juggs and Guardians don't change weapons, but they also get heavy armor to now beef them up on top of the usage of genie's. The only other AC in a similar situation are Vanguards but they already have the rifle usage anyways. I say this as someone who is perfectly ok with using a blaster pistol but I wouldn't scoff at the option to use a rifle being added.

Edited by Hyfy
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again? can't we just link to where it was discussed yesterday?


nm I'll save you the time here's my opinion and a technical reason why they can't give us rifles..


the vanguards rifle does all the tricks our left hand does. do you want all BHs animations to become rifle based instead of gauntlet/pistol based? because if we got rifles, either the rifle takes over our animations or it looks awkward while we hold a rifle like a pistol in our single right hand to throw flame with our left. where will I put my rifle when I rocket punch or grapple someone - will I just hold it in one hand? I think that would look silly IMO.


the classes are designed to differ stylistically in that one uses a tricked out gun and one uses ironman power armor. I'm tired of ppl saying they should be identical. so you want the powerarmor version of the class to use a tricked out rifle too? you should just be a vanguard...


I for one love being a pistol/powerarmor tank. Pistol Appreciation Thread

Edited by Prolyfic
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I do not understand why people actually care about this. The BH uses his pistol and his armor as a weapon. There is no reason to change it.


The OP said there is some major compensation issues with the pistol. I think that would be the case for someone using a huge cannon, not a pistol...

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I don't mind that Powertech can only use pistols, the problem is that there is too little choice in the visual style of the guns we have access to and too few of them look very impressive. I don't want to see WoW stlye oversized weapons, but something which looks less like a child's water pistol that it took the art department more than 5 minutes to create would be nice.


My other objection is that so many of the better looking pistols in the game are actually prohibited for Powertech to use because they are Offhand only. If you check the commendation vendors, on some planets ALL the pistols on offer are offhand only. For example Corellia Commendations, ALL THREE of the blaster pistols on offer are offhand only! What braindead dev team decided that?


Besides, how can a gun be only usable in the offhand? if it is usable in the offhand then surely it should be usable in the mainhand. I can understand the logic of pistols that are mainhand only (due to size etc) but offhand only makes zero sense. I've raised this with GMs and they have to admit there's no logical game balance reason for it. It's just an arbitrary decision that hurts Powertechs.

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I got rockets, missiles, grappling hooks, grenades, bombs and just straight up fire shooting out of my armor... and the concern here is pistol vs rife? I'm not sure we really need either to kill something!


Really though the only animation that uses the Blaster is Rapid Shots? For as little damage that Rapid Shots does, I think it is appropriately that it is a pistol.

Edited by Xneco
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again? can't we just link to where it was discussed yesterday?


nm I'll save you the time here's my opinion and a technical reason why they can't give us rifles..




the classes are designed to differ stylistically in that one uses a tricked out gun and one uses ironman power armor. I'm tired of ppl saying they should be identical. so you want the powerarmor version of the class to use a tricked out rifle too? you should just be a vanguard...


I for one love being a pistol/powerarmor tank. Pistol Appreciation Thread


I don't know, the operatives seem to do just fine brandishing their rifle in their one hand while ganking people with the offhand as do snipers now that I think about it. It doesn't look in the least clunky. So I'm sure as far as animations go it could be done.


Don't get me wrong I'm not here to say "Bioware do it or I quit" but I wouldn't turn down the option to use em either.

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I don't know, the operatives seem to do just fine brandishing their rifle in their one hand while ganking people with the offhand as do snipers now that I think about it. It doesn't look in the least clunky. So I'm sure as far as animations go it could be done.


Don't get me wrong I'm not here to say "Bioware do it or I quit" but I wouldn't turn down the option to use em either.


they also dont hold them upright at a 90 degree angle dueling posture like we do or hold them out away from their torso like we do, they brace them against their hip and cradle them when using one hand and shoulder them when using two


that's an animation change to every single abilty we have, whether its using the pistol or not.


it would not look like the agent's animations at all without changing anything. Just take a look at where your pistol hand is when you're using your nonpistol abilities. there are far greater priorities imo than giving BHs a second complete set of animations just to satisfy people that need overcompensation in the form of BIG F'N GUNS just to feel "powerful".

Edited by Prolyfic
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this is just an opinion or a suggestion to the developers.


i think that if you are going to have a class called powertech you should enable them to be able to use a blaster rifle or the assault cannon otherwise you should change the name to a shield tech. i mean i do know that their main focus is for tanking but carrying around a small blaster seems to mean that there is some major compensation issues with this class. why cant they carry around something a little better. this is my thought on the matter. and i think that it shows in the number of mercenaries compared to the number of powertechs out there. its kind of a no brainer when you look at what each can do.


I really hope you just meant that from an aesthetic perspective, not from an AC capability.

Also 90% of a PT's rotation and dps output does not even involve the blaster.

Finally, a PT has by far the absolute best animation of ANY AC. You want a canon? go play a Vanguard. I guarantee you will run back to a PT.

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they also dont hold them upright at a 90 degree angle dueling posture like we do or hold them out away from their torso like we do, they brace them against their hip and cradle them when using one hand and shoulder them when using two


that's an animation change to every single abilty we have, whether its using the pistol or not.


it would not look like the agent's animations at all without changing anything. Just take a look at where your pistol hand is when you're using your nonpistol abilities. there are far greater priorities imo than giving BHs a second complete set of animations just to satisfy people that need overcompensation in the form of BIG F'N GUNS just to feel "powerful".


Similar animations would be added with an if/then code line to real it down to its most basic level. The animations are there it's just a matter allowing them to be used on another body. Yes there would be some that would have to be unique, but then look at how Boba Fett held his carbine, much the same way Operatives do when their rifle is out. So from an aesthetic point of view it would not be inaccurate either.

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The single pistol is fine so long as its an oversized hand cannon. Take for instance the following pistols:


N-315 Elite Marksman Interceptor


D-200 Military Enforcerer


Recon Interceptor


Champion Eliminator's Blaster


The first one is the same blaster as the one you get at the end of Hutta except with a long barrel. It has all the markings of a longer-ranged revolver though it is somewhat plain.


The second one is the same blaster pistol used by Shae Vyzla (Deceived trailer), minus the differences in color. It looks like an oversized revolver, complete with the notched chamber and long barrel.


The third one is very similar to a modern paintball gun, which is more SMG/carbine than it is pistol. It has a moderate length barrel that is full of ports (the holes), which we know in the real world help with recoil reduction (where recoil is a big issue for more powerful weapons). This gun also covers up most of a male body type 3's thigh when holstered.


The latter is the same blaster pistol used by Nico Okarr (Return trailer), again barring differences in coloration. It's even longer and wider, reminiscent of the size of Boba Fett's sawed-off EE-3 carbine.



There are some awesome pistols that fit the BH very well, as seen above. Unfortunately too many are geared more towards the Smugglers IMO, and that kills the "holding-a-rifle-in-one-hand" look we've seen with Boba Fett and the SWTOR website's female BH avatar. Bigger pistols like the ones above, especially the Champion gun, would very welcome.

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For all of 3 abilities? Please do not take away my Pistol Whip interrupt because the OP hasn't looked at all the cool pistols out there. I like that 90% of my attacks are built into my armor and my pistol is just a sidearm I use when my armor needs to coll down for a few seconds.


This game was based on Star Wars and it's asthetics reflect that. It is not based on a Swarzzennegerian machine gun fest.



You want big guns? They are out there. Be a vanguard. It's exactly what you are asking for.

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For all of 3 abilities? Please do not take away my Pistol Whip interrupt because the OP hasn't looked at all the cool pistols out there. I like that 90% of my attacks are built into my armor and my pistol is just a sidearm I use when my armor needs to coll down for a few seconds.


This game was based on Star Wars and it's asthetics reflect that. It is not based on a Swarzzennegerian machine gun fest.



You want big guns? They are out there. Be a vanguard. It's exactly what you are asking for.


rifle is vangaurd cannon is commando for those that thought vangaurd used cannon

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There was a huge thread about this not too long ago.


Don't allow BH's (PT's) to use Blaster Rifles, simply make a "pistol" (same stats) and cosmetically allow them to use a blaster rifle. Simple change in animations, no need to revamp a combat roll system, win win.

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There was a huge thread about this not too long ago.


Don't allow BH's (PT's) to use Blaster Rifles, simply make a "pistol" (same stats) and cosmetically allow them to use a blaster rifle. Simple change in animations, no need to revamp a combat roll system, win win.


I don't recall anyone asking for a stats change or change to the overall mechanics of the class. From what I've seen it has been pretty much based on the premise of an aesthetic change only.

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I got rockets, missiles, grappling hooks, grenades, bombs and just straight up fire shooting out of my armor... and the concern here is pistol vs rife? I'm not sure we really need either to kill something!


Really though the only animation that uses the Blaster is Rapid Shots? For as little damage that Rapid Shots does, I think it is appropriately that it is a pistol.



I agree, you listed our REAL weapons. The pistol is just a backup and never your first choice for attack. And running with a pistol looks way better then running with a rifle IMO.


This is the last thing I'm worried about. Bioware has way more important things to work on. If someone wants a rifle they should roll a trooper.

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I don't recall anyone asking for a stats change or change to the overall mechanics of the class. From what I've seen it has been pretty much based on the premise of an aesthetic change only.



No no, I meant that would be a simple solution. In the other thread, multiple ways to obtain this was presented, I thought this was the best one.

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