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Anyone else growing tired?


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So before I begin, I am holding out for 1.2, and that will honestly decide whether I stay or not. I hope I do. There are some parts of this game I enjoy, but I know a lot of people out there are just going to say "QQ more" and that's fine. I guess I am QQing a little. I'm saddened that this game isn't anywhere near what I thought it should be. And no, I'm not talking about annoying game breaking bugs (as this game is new, I understand. Give it time). My concerns run much deeper. I think it's time to start actually coming to terms that this game won't live up to the hype due to many many many poor decisions that lead to poor game design.


From boring FPs (9/10 bosses are tank and spank with boring mechanics), to every class feeling the same, to the absurd about of CC, to no racials, to absolutely horrible traveling, to lame looking epic gear that doesn't feel like SWs at all, to whack a mole healing, to single player feel due to all the "group phases" "story phase" "this phase" "that phase," to companions being a lame crutch for fun gameplay, to the atrocity that is an orbital station, to the copy paste of map layouts etc etc etc. The list goes on. I think I'm drawing the line here though, when I read the patch notes for 1.1.5.


Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones.

Battlemaster and Champion Commendations are now available on the PvP Vendor for Warzone and Mercenary Commendations.


I understand they like having Outlaw's Den being 100% useless with no one ever there and farming mercenary commendations there being pointless..... but COMON! FFS! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ILUM TOO? *** IS WRONG WITH YOU? You realize no one is going to play Ilum after this right? There is already very small incentive for the undermanned faction to go out there, you really want to give them 0? Good job guys.


I also applaud that they FINALLY made it so healers get kill credit. As if they didn't notice during QA testing that tanks can easily get 7-10 medals in WZs while healers can struggle to get 5. It's like they don't play anything except their treasured golden boy class Sorc/Sage. They just keep hyping 1.2 up more and more. I hope they can deliver because right now they've lost my faith. They had it from their past titles NWN, KotOR, ME, DA, but I think they should go back to making one player games because this is one mediocre single player game at that.


Like I said, I truly hope 1.2 delivers. I liked the change of pace this game offered from other MMOs out there. I can over look opening up your inventory causing a 1 sec delay (try running around opening/closing your bag), but I can't overlook the way they are dealing with their game development. Poor game design is poor. I hope you guys are smart enough to see these are real problems. Ones that cannot be fixed by promising us NEW SHINY CRYSTALS AND DANCES PARTIES BFFFEAEAEAE YAYAY!!! I want a fun game, not cosmetics.


So far, I've been let down repeatedly.

Inb4 Bye, we won't miss you. Because you will once everyone that thinks like me leaves and you're left with a fleet that has <100 during peak hours.

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I'm waiting for 1.2 to see what happens to my operative. I don't like her in her current state much at all, but I don't really want to play anything else. If they fix her up a bit like they promised, I'll stay. If not, I'll probably quit.
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My guild on Iron Citadel, went from 30 active hardcore raiders/pvp'ers, to about 6 in the last week. Last night on vent, for the first time,, almost all of us were either playing wow,or some other game to pass the time. kind of sad, but what to do?? its getting boring.
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My guild on Iron Citadel, went from 30 active hardcore raiders/pvp'ers, to about 6 in the last week. Last night on vent, for the first time,, almost all of us were either playing wow,or some other game to pass the time. kind of sad, but what to do?? its getting boring.


The same is happening to my guild. I'm in a "server first" guild for PvE raiding and we used to have 30-40 online at a time. Now we're lucky to have 10.

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100% agreed.


about to throw it on the shelf and go back to anything other then this piece of crap.... THE MOST SHALLOW MMO EVER CREATED.


no replay value.





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Great OP, and I share your concerns about Ilum. It's like this is a tacit admission by Bioware that, yes, Ilum sucks and is broken, but rather than fix it, they'll just shut it down. Our only outlet for world PvP and, poof, the entire point of the planet is destroyed in the blink of an eye.


I also agree with you that, at the end of the day, the basic game is deeply flawed -- flawed in such a way that it has been irreparably harmed. No amount of magic patches can fix what's wrong with TOR, because the situation is akin to trying to hide an ugly nose with a bandaid -- fixing the problem with require surgery that this title really cannot conduct. So we're stuck with ugly, and with a developer who appears to believe nothing is wrong.


I'd say 'I'm in the same boat as you about 1.2,' but something broke for me today, and I simply can't bring myself to play anymore. I've been watching combat videos of Tera all night, and while I'm not wild about the whole Asian MMO thing, the game looks smooth as silk, and about a million times more enjoyable to simply play than TOR is.


There was so much potential here, particularly with some downright unique classes like Vanguard and Sniper, but its all been shattered and shelved by the downright atrocious execution. Bioware had a valuable license; they had game making (although not MMO) experience; they had a loyal following; they had years to build this title from the ground up. And yet, for all those great things going for them, they never even made it within sight of the finish line. This is going to go down as another Warhammer; another AoC. Hell, I don't think even Rift is this bad.


I mean, I'm not predicting superb glory for Tera or anything, but it also didn't cost 150 million to make, either (about 25 mil, in fact).


But anyway, it's a shame they'll probably shut down this thread because 'your concerns have been shared here [insert random other 100 page complaint thread].' You raise some very valid points.

Edited by AJediKnight
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In B4 "get a life, go back to WoW, don't rush to 50, story based MMO BRO!"


I didn't rush to 50, me and a buddy causally (as you people seem to call it) playing 2-4 hours a night got to 50 together. We didn't skip any cut scenes, we did all the FPs, we PvPed. I really think we did everything this game has to offer. It just feels flawed and like I said, NOT IN A BUG kind of way, but in a "why is this like this" kind of way. I haven't played WoW in years, so your argument is kind of moot too.



The same is happening to my guild. I'm in a "server first" guild for PvE raiding and we used to have 30-40 online at a time. Now we're lucky to have 10.


Bah, sorry to hear. I really only play with 3-4 buddies of mine from my undergrad and graduate years. We get randos to fill in for our 8 man runs. I don't think any of us will be playing if 1.2 doesn't deliver though.


100% agreed.


about to throw it on the shelf and go back to anything other then this piece of crap.... THE MOST SHALLOW MMO EVER CREATED.


no replay value.






I agree. Their only redeeming quality is voice acting. But Mario Bros. didn't need voice acting to be a fun game. They focused so much on it that they clearly forgot to develop other aspects of the game.


Great OP, and I share your concerns about Ilum. It's like this is a tacit admission by Bioware that, yes, Ilum sucks and is broken, but rather than fix it, they'll just shut it down. Our only outlet for world PvP and, poof, the entire point of the planet is destroyed in the blink of an eye.


I also agree with you that, at the end of the day, the basic game is deeply flawed -- flawed in such a way that it has been irreparably harmed. No amount of magic patches can fix what's wrong with TOR, because the situation is akin to trying to hide an ugly nose with a bandaid -- fixing the problem with require surgery that this title really cannot conduct. So we're stuck with ugly, and with a developer who appears to believe nothing is wrong.


Shame they'll probably shut down this thread because 'your concerns have been shared here [insert random other 100 page complaint thread].' You raise some very valid points.


Thanks, I fear Ilum will RIP come 1.1.5. It's yet another attempt of them sweeping the dirt under the rug. The rug can only hid so much dirt before it runs out of room and it starts to show. I think we hit that point.

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I agree. Their only redeeming quality is voice acting. But Mario Bros. didn't need voice acting to be a fun game. They focused so much on it that they clearly forgot to develop other aspects of the game.

And that's the truth, really. The voice acting IS really cool, but in the end I'd rather have a game full of features and less voice acting.

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And that's the truth, really. The voice acting IS really cool, but in the end I'd rather have a game full of features and less voice acting.


It is really cool yes, but let's ask ourselves another question. If/When you roll an alt (if it's the same faction) are you going to listen to all that again? I for one will be space baring through anything that isn't a class mission. I'm not rolling a Republic toon either as all I hear are people complaining they lack players for PvP/OPs/FPs and let's be serious.... lightning >> dirt.

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I agree, only i'm still playing is because the people I came here with are still here. We only log on for raids though, as outside of raids, the game is boring.


I thought alts would be good, but it's also boring, doing all those same quests again, same route. Big mistake.


It doesn't help the servers are also dead, because they put stupid caps on at launch and released too many servers.


The game has potential but was released too soon and the engine is crap, the game plays horrible compared to that other mmo.


If it wasn't for the fact this is Star Wars, I probably wouldn't of made it to 50, or quit after my first raid.

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For me its the endgame thats the problem, i have no problems with the game prior to the endgame its just that endgame is extremly weak atm.


Raids are to easy, my guild came over here from wow and we were really looking forward to the whole 3 different difficulty raid system, however it turned out to be a bad joke as there is no difference between hard and nightmare difficulty and the raids themself are pure tank and spank fight's apart from soa. I mean we spend 2.5 hours / week clearing the whole raid content, that's just not right for content thats not even 3 months old.


There's no character progression at all past 50 exactly like it was in wow,and gearing beeing so fast in sw:tor just makes you "finish" the game so much faster, and im beeing serious you do actually finish sw:tor, my guild have almost 30 people in it, and people just dont log on anymore (which their demographic should start to show) because you can only roll so many alt's before it get's tedious as well.


Im waiting for 1.2 as well and so is my whole guild, no pressure or anything but i think 1.2 need to bring on some serious amount of highend content or people will go do something else.

Edited by Furok
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I agree, only i'm still playing is because the people I came here with are still here. We only log on for raids though, as outside of raids, the game is boring.


I thought alts would be good, but it's also boring, doing all those same quests again, same route. Big mistake.


It doesn't help the servers are also dead, because they put stupid caps on at launch and released too many servers.


The game has potential but was released too soon and the engine is crap, the game plays horrible compared to that other mmo.


If it wasn't for the fact this is Star Wars, I probably wouldn't of made it to 50, or quit after my first raid.


Yep, similar story. My buddies from undergrad/graduate years have been looking for a more social game to play together. As soon as one of them throws in the towel, we all will. We will move to another game.



Yeah. Definitely tiring of the game. I'll stick around as long as my friends and guildies do. Keeping a close eye on GW2 these days.


Don't forget Diablo 3! I loved D2, one of the most played games for me.



For me its the endgame thats the problem, i have no problems with the game prior to the endgame its just that endgame is extremly weak atm.


Raids are to easy, my guild came over here from wow and we were really looking forward to the whole 3 different difficulty raid system, however it turned out to be a bad joke as there is no difference between hard and nightmare difficulty and the raids themself are pure tank and spank fight's apart from soa. I mean we spend 2.5 hours / week clearing the whole raid content, that's just not right for content thats not even 3 months old.


There's no character progression at all past 50 exactly like it was in wow,and gearing beeing so fast in sw:tor just makes you "finish" the game so much faster, and im beeing serious you do actually finish sw:tor, my guild have almost 30 people in it, and people just dont log on anymore (which their demographic should start to show) because you can only roll so many alt's before it get's tedious as well.


Im waiting for 1.2 as well and so is my whole guild, no pressure or anything but i think 1.2 need to bring on some serious amount of highend content or people will go do something else.


You are exactly correct. I got to 50 and I'm bored. But I haven't been 50 long enough to make me want to roll an alt yet either. Hmmm, I don't want to play my toon or roll a new one. Seems like a problem to me! Seems like everyone is waiting for 1.2. I hope they realize they HAVE to deliver or bye bye.

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I use to be in a 130 member guild which has disbanded recently due to inactivity. Raiders no longer logging in to raid and PVP'ers no longer logging in to PVP. No guild drama; just people not logging in. People just started disappearing. I logged in one morning and I was unguilded. Logged into Vent to find out what was happening and they decided that there isn't much interest in the game itself. All the officers quit.
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