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Would they even need to record new lines for same-gender romances?


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Like, do any of the romanceable NPCs refer to the player as a man or a woman? Ever?


Otherwise, I don't see how implementing them could be any more involved than tweaking/deleting a gender check somewhere in the code.


I don't think they'd need to be rewritten from a story standpoint.

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There are likely a handful of lines for each romance that would need to have new voice over recorded for it, but the bulk of the voice over would not.


From a story stand point no, nothing really needs rewritten outside of maybe characters like Doc that are sleazy womanizers. In that case they would probably need to choose a different companion to fill that void. That of course could always be done at a later date.

Edited by Nozybidaj
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I wouldn't think so. I haven't played through every single story on both genders so I couldn't say positively one way or another but even just playing to 50 on two of them, there's a lot of lines and interactions between the PC and same gender members of the crew that seem essentially like SGRA dialogue only without the [flirt] tag that leads to the ftb scenes.
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They seem to be changing their stance on that every so often. I would hope they change at least a few companions to be bisexual or else the new companions would kind of reek of tokenism.


That said, it'd of course depend on which companion. For example Kaliyo definitely gives off bi vibes (to me at least), she even blatantly gets jealous if a guy hits on a female Agent.


Whereas it wouldn't really work with Mako since her interactions with a female Bounty Hunter feel more like the BH is the big sister she never had to Mako, rather than a potential lover.

Edited by Bielduwyn
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There are some gender-specific lines, yes, so they would have to change those. But the question of whether they'd have to re-record depends on what kind of material they already have. Bioware has a lot of experience with voice acting for video games and they've been known to record the SGR lines even though they didn't end up implementing them (aka Mass Effect 1).
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Didn't BW say they weren't going back and re-doing all the current companion dialogue? That the SGR was going to only apply to future companions/NPCs because it would be much easier?


Nope. The quote from September said that future companions are being planned with SGRA's in mind, but a later quote clarified that "current companions are not guaranteed, but are still on-the-table." Or something to that effect.


And how is hiring all new voice-actors (at the very least, four; a male and female for Republic *and* Empire, as even if they went the shared-class companions route, I find it hard to believe that the same people would join a Jedi as a Sith Warrior...) to voice all-new characters entirely from fresh easier than recording a few lines with actors they already have on contract and filling in the rest of the gaps with the loads of gender-neutral dialogue they already have? :p

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I disagree. The way a man flirts and the way a woman flirts are fairly different beasts. A girl flirting up a girl is generally a more nuanced process. I can't imagine a male character, despite being gay, using the same lines or language or nuanced when flirting up Tharan as a female would.


Also we can't assume all NPCs will react just as positively to same sex advances. That's why in real life time is taken to measure up the flirted to asess whether they might be receptive to it - it has a slightly bigger ante than merely approaching someone of the opposite sex and being shut down. Your NPC could realistically say, in a somewhat uncomfortable tone, he or she doesn't roll that way.


I (my opinion) feel that this game has done a fantastic job in the quality and VO. I'd like them to keep the same philosophy and do it right, even if it takes time. Taking shortcuts in this kind of thing would be a disservice to everyone.


Be patient. They have already stated it's coming. And I hope they do it right, not quick and sloppy

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Didn't BW say they weren't going back and re-doing all the current companion dialogue? That the SGR was going to only apply to future companions/NPCs because it would be much easier?


Actually they said that they weren't sure if they would allow SGRA's for the Current Companions. NPC's would/could easily be changed whereas current Companions, not so much

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