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Bioware recruiting local Austin players to test 1.2!


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To be honest. I would have much rather seen this post like a month ago. You guys said that 1.2 would be coming in march, which got a lot of people assuming it'd be march first. Releasing any later than march 20th and you'll get floods of threads claiming about how you're doing this on purpose to retain as many subscribers who have high hopes for 1.2.


Also you're giving testers and you're developers just 1 month to look over and fix stuff. You know it can take at least a week to find 'big' bugs. . .and you know it'll take much longer to fix those bugs if they surface. . .


1. You know what they say about ASSuming things.


2. It's all a conspiracy. Yes it is. And Jimmy Hoffa is buried in Area 51 next to Elvis' flying mobile home where he wrote all the songs for the Spice Girls.

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This is good news. Maybe some players can help to develop some truly challenging and rewarding gameplay with the coming operation and flashpoint!


One can hope!


Edit: Just saw This as well! Yay, guilds will ACTUALLY be able to test future operations and end game content on the PTR.


They didn't listen to beta test suggestions I doubt they will listen to play test suggestions of a new patch.


Sounds more like a hey say good things about the upcoming patch so we dont lose more people.


Maybe im being a bit cynical but they have a very bad track record so far.

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They didn't listen to beta test suggestions I doubt they will listen to play test suggestions of a new patch.


Sounds more like a hey say good things about the upcoming patch so we dont lose more people.


Maybe im being a bit cynical but they have a very bad track record so far.


Your tin foil hat is so shinny it's blinding me.

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They didn't listen to beta test suggestions I doubt they will listen to play test suggestions of a new patch.


Sounds more like a hey say good things about the upcoming patch so we dont lose more people.


Maybe im being a bit cynical but they have a very bad track record so far.


Well, typically human beings learn from their mistakes. The process WILL get better until it's a well oiled machine. The game is young with so much potential. Let's hope for the best. This is certainly one of the first steps of many to making sure that future content is delivered nearly bug-free.

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And ability delay was fixed as good as they can still not perfected ..

But a large chunk is server client issues .


But then again you got yourself to blaim in beta , if you couldn´t even find what was causing the ability delay ...

Especially all those people playing Jedi Knight and Sith Warriors .

A average skilled programmers would have spotted the flaw in the combat system at level 10 .


So did they come up with solutions , instead of saying game engine is broken ?


Ability delay did not exist in beta, it showed up in retail...

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Why bother, Bioware never listened to the feedback from players in beta, hence the state the game is in now.


Ability delay is a big one, not to mention all the other problems this game is having....


Let's just look at this as an attempt to improve QA. I have no problem with Bioware learning from earlier mistakes, I think it's a phase all newer MMO designers go through.


They're recruiting in-house testing teams and endgame-oriented groups to go on the PTR and test there. That, IMHO is the right direction. Seeing if that feedback results in improved effects on when the patch goes live will be a matter of time.

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Well, typically human beings learn from their mistakes. The process WILL get better until it's a well oiled machine. The game is young with so much potential. Let's hope for the best. This is certainly one of the first steps of many to making sure that future content is delivered nearly bug-free.


Oh i totally agree im just being bitter about the experience so far not being up to par I guess.


If they can learn and listen and acutally put the suggested changes in motion then we have a good thing coming to us. If they cant well damn would have been a great mmo in a few years.

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Most gamers know nothing of development work. I do hope they're recruiting people who know what the **** they're doing.


I don't think testing content requires any knowledge of game development. It's something that gamers (such as yourself) contrive in order to make it sound hard.


When testing content in this way the only thing you really need to know is how to detail bugs and problems that are found, and also how to provide reasonable feedback that allows the QA team and the developers to simulate the bug in question so they can see it for themselves.


You also need to know what you do and don't enjoy.


The developers and designers are the ones who need to know about developing and designing the game. Gamers... are gamers... are gamers, regardless of their knowledge of development and design.

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I don't think testing content requires any knowledge of game development. It's something that gamers (such as yourself) contrive in order to make it sound hard.


When testing content in this way the only thing you really need to know is how to detail bugs and problems that are found, and also how to provide reasonable feedback that allows the QA team and the developers to simulate the bug in question so they can see it for themselves.


You also need to know what you do and don't enjoy.


The developers and designers are the ones who need to know about developing and designing the game. Gamers... are gamers... are gamers, regardless of their knowledge of development and design.


You're confusing internal testing (what this post is about) with beta testing (which is what you're describing).


This is not playing the game like you normally would and reporting funny things that happen. If that's all they wanted, they'd stick to PTS testing. They want people to come into the office, that means it's assigned tasks. That means it's repeating tasks different ways until something breaks.


This is actual software testing, not beta gameplay.

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You're confusing internal testing (what this post is about) with beta testing (which is what you're describing).


This is not playing the game like you normally would and reporting funny things that happen. If that's all they wanted, they'd stick to PTS testing. They want people to come into the office, that means it's assigned tasks. That means it's repeating tasks different ways until something breaks.


This is actual software testing, not beta gameplay.


You sir are correct.


Game testing is extremely over glorified, ask anyone who has actually worked for a company testing games full time. It's not fun. I personally have high hopes for SWTOR and luckily live close enough to help improve the game instead of crying on forums.

Edited by gatsbi
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Have all the emails been sent out? My friend got one about calling in, does this mean I'm done or should I keep checking my email? Also i submitted my survey from my computer in Houston, I go to college in Austin though. Will that effect my survey? Edited by gatsbi
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