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Juggernaut robes/Marauder Robes


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Why are juggernauts the only sith warrior class that can have their cloak hoodies up T_T T_T T_T. There's no marauder medium armor robe that has the hoodie up at all. Breaks my heart.


Apparently BW messed up and switched the armor skins for the classes around, is what I heard before.

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Marauder have hoodie also, just just hide head slot..




We get a hood at level 50 pvp and pve sets. THATS IT.



There's the Black Talon robes, at level 20, but they have hood down (no, helmet doesn't matter). And you can't mod them, they don't have slots, so by level 24 you already can't wear them. Until 50, THOSE ARE THE ONLY ROBES IN THE GAME FOR MARAUDER.


This is a HUGE issue.


All the armor in Medium for Marauders looks like Darth Vader or Emperor's Guard. It looks like it should be heavy armor.


Meanwhile, the heavy armor that juggernauts get LOOKS like what we should be wearing. They get lots of black robes and cloaks. It should be medium!!


This is very, very frustrating. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Edited by miliways
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been rocking the only robe on my maraudar since lvl 10. the black talon robes. :(


yeah they switched the armor skins for the Advance class. Watch the sith warrior progression video and switch the armor sets on each advance class.

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As far as Hood-UP goes, untill 50, you get nothing in medium. I'll give you that, you have that right.


The Black Talon robe is NOT the only one. Go find yourself a sythweaver and get them to make you a Marauder's Vest.


Post-50 though..........EVERY PvP AND PvE Chest has a hood if you hide your helm.


Also, we have a red-colored variant of the Primeval Paragon chest. It's called the Xenotech Weaponmaster's Vest and it drops off of Karagga's Palace, Normal mode.

Edited by LexiCazam
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As far as Hood-UP goes, untill 50, you get nothing in medium. I'll give you that, you have that right.


The Black Talon robe is NOT the only one. Go find yourself a sythweaver and get them to make you a Marauder's Vest.


Post-50 though..........EVERY PvP AND PvE Chest has a hood if you hide your helm.


Also, we have a red-colored variant of the Primeval Paragon chest. It's called the Xenotech Weaponmaster's Vest and it drops off of Karagga's Palace, Normal mode.


dude i lvled a maraudar and never show my helm. Maraudar vest is just black talon robe but in red. All the rest of the armor is either armored with capes....and more capes. i haven't seen one with a hood up. Pvp armor the only one with the hood up is the heavy armor so try again.

Edited by LexiCazam
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As far as Hood-UP goes, untill 50, you get nothing in medium. I'll give you that, you have that right.


The Black Talon robe is NOT the only one. Go find yourself a sythweaver and get them to make you a Marauder's Vest.


Post-50 though..........EVERY PvP AND PvE Chest has a hood if you hide your helm.


Also, we have a red-colored variant of the Primeval Paragon chest. It's called the Xenotech Weaponmaster's Vest and it drops off of Karagga's Palace, Normal mode.


False Both Juggernaut PvE and PvP set have the hood even if the helm is hidden.

Edited by LexiCazam
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  • 1 month later...
Also the marauder vest looks really plain and has horrible textures in the front. I want that Jugg robe with the round armored shoulders. That robe looks really nice. Edited by Havocx
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You're kidding right guys? The Jugg has NO moddable cloaks that go over your head. I know because I've been looking for one for a few weeks. In terms of gear, I think the jugg has the worst.


Lvl 40 PvP chest, Correlia Commendations chest, 2 different chest colors to choose from the blackhole heroic daily. Each and every one of them is of orange quality.

You're right, the Juggernaut doesn't have a single cloak-over-head chest. He's got at least 4 of them.

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Lvl 40 PvP chest, Correlia Commendations chest, 2 different chest colors to choose from the blackhole heroic daily. Each and every one of them is of orange quality.

You're right, the Juggernaut doesn't have a single cloak-over-head chest. He's got at least 4 of them.


You're kidding right guys? The Jugg has NO moddable cloaks that go over your head. I know because I've been looking for one for a few weeks. In terms of gear, I think the jugg has the worst.


Reading comprehension ftw! Also most people don't pvp, move along now.

Edited by DrMcbeefington
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Reading comprehension ftw! Also most people don't pvp, move along now.


You don't have to pvp to use either the one from the correlia commendations or from the blackhole daily, and each one of them is moddable. Orange quality ftw.


IF you mean none of them has an augment slot, then say so. But they ARE moddable.


So, cry along now.

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