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Amazon: 224 days in the top 100


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also if you look at the list Rollercoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack [Download] has been in the top 100 for 185 days and is currently # 9 on the list. I wouldnt want my game to be part of any list that has that game in the top 10.


um what the hell? RCT series is CLASSIC. ****

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also if you look at the list Rollercoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack [Download] has been in the top 100 for 185 days and is currently # 9 on the list. I wouldnt want my game to be part of any list that has that game in the top 10.


Yeah, it is terrible to have "your" game in a top sellers list.

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Actually I think more people are playing this game, being amazons #1 seller and all.


Its you who seem to not understand the population trends in a MMO. There will always be a drop in activity before a major patch, then it shoots right back up.... rinse and repeat.


If more people are playing where are they? At least here on the European servers there has been no noticeable increase. My server is one of the so called higher populated ones, but even we never have more than 100 on either fleet, and that's on a good night.


The fact is the game has been out 2 months and you are already trying to justify population decreases because people are waiting for a major patch. What does that say about a game that people are bored of it in such a short time.


To be fair, neither of us should be judging population one way or another until at least the 3 month sub period is up or even the 6 month period.

Edited by Cordelia
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It's actually quite a popular game...MMO snobs not withstanding. People love to build rollercoasters in Minecraft too. Go figure. It's not for me, but I don't disparage anyone else's fun.


Oh man, I remember my son building roller coasters in Halo 2 and 3. Boring stuff if you ask me, but that kind of game has a big draw.

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People believe that 10 million people are on WoW and they have dead servers. Counter attack for that?


Heres one for you: Server transfers! BOOM! Mind blown!



Hmm, the servers sure feel quiet for 1.7 million people on them. Guess they must all be hiding on Empire because I certainly don't see many people on Republic.


And heres me thinking they were all on republic! :(

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If more people are playing where are they? At least here on the European servers there has been no noticeable increase. My server is one of the so called higher populated ones, but even we never have more than 100 on either fleet, and that's on a good night.


The fact is the game has been out 2 months and you are already trying to justify population decreases because people are waiting for a major patch. What does that say about a game that people are bored of it in such a short time.


To be fair, neither of us should be judging population one way or another until at least the 3 month sub period is up or even the 6 month period.


Fact #1: ToR is the #1 selling mmo sold (2million).


Fact #2: ToR is the top selling game currently on amazon.


Sorry but facts trump speculation.

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Fact #1: ToR is the #1 selling mmo sold (2million).


Fact #2: ToR is the top selling game currently on amazon.


Sorry but facts trump speculation.


Sold and Selling - Completely different from actual people playing.

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Fact #1: ToR is the #1 selling mmo sold (2million).


Fact #2: ToR is the top selling game currently on amazon.


Sorry but facts trump speculation.


Doesn't prove anything as far as how many people are playing the game, just as many people could be quitting the game.

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Doesn't prove anything as far as how many people are playing the game, just as many people could be quitting the game.


But it's easier to expect the opposite.


2mill sold - 1.7million resubs = 300,000 people who are smarter then you and realized this game was not for them, but that also makes for another....


Fact #3: ToR is the #1 in sub retention rate of any MMO released


But keep on hating.

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But it's easier to expect the opposite.


2mill sold - 1.7million resubs = 300,000 people who are smarter then you and realized this game was not for them, but that also makes for another....


Fact #3: ToR is the #1 in sub retention rate of any MMO released


But keep on hating.


I'd like to see these hard numbers for the retention rate. The game has issues, its not perfect, but more and more people are leaving day by day over silly little errors in the game. Fact.


Also ! More and more people may be joining the game, but they are joining high populated servers instead of the light servers. Fact.

Edited by Mysquine
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From the amazon site help file on best seller ranking:


We choose a few of the most popular subcategories in which the item has a high ranking in relation to other items in that subcategory, and showcase the item's rank on the product page. As with the main Amazon Best Sellers list, these category rankings are based on Amazon.com sales and are updated hourly.


Basically its Amazon employee opinion based on selling trends. You will notice it went gold special a few days ago for 40 dollars, now its down to $28.53 (directly from Amazon, look in the list of sellers).


Not saying the game isnt good, just saying that this isnt really the source you want to quote. If they really believed in this game, they wouldnt be desperately lowering the cost daily. Chances are they have a lot of copies they expected to offload but that their sales decreased HEAVILY within the first month, now they are trying as hard as they can to push the game off on people.


The fact is, there is not much of a market for selling this game right now, it had a lot of anticipation and hype before it came out which lead to gigantic amounts of sales, theres no denying that. Its a competent game that has good replayability, but it didnt have an amazement factor that encouraged people to tell their friends en masse. Because of that, its sales arent increasing or even holding steady. The people who were excited about it have it now, and arent getting more people excited about it, meaning sales are dwindling.


I would not be surprised if in 3 weeks copies are going for 5 dollars.

Edited by lunabaguna
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that 1.7 million was BS look at the QA on darthhater.com, they admit that that includes people in the free period, so at no time did the game actually have 1.7 million people paying for it.


Also they forced you to pick a sub to play your 'free' 30 days. Oh and remember when people couldnt cancel around 1/20.....

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that 1.7 million was BS look at the QA on darthhater.com, they admit that that includes people in the free period, so at no time did the game actually have 1.7 million people paying for it.


Also they forced you to pick a sub to play your 'free' 30 days. Oh and remember when people couldnt cancel around 1/20.....


Yeah, who cares that EA said 1.7 million, darthhater.com is clearly more credible.



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Hmm, the servers sure feel quiet for 1.7 million people on them. Guess they must all be hiding on Empire because I certainly don't see many people on Republic.


I sat on a planet with 25+ people for over an hour & nobody spoke.

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then again... its the PC top 100.... and i dont think amazon really sells that many PC games. most people would just use steam.


Most people who play PC games have never heard of Valve's Steam. :rolleyes:


As Nerd'cracy is not "most people". :p


And it's Origin for SWTOR, not Valve's Steam... ;)

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Except that isn't the case. On my server at least, Empire is just as empty. I seriously doubt 1.7 million people are still playing this game.


I'm sure you would have doubted it the day BW collected that bit of data too. :rolleyes:

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I sat on a planet with 25+ people for over an hour & nobody spoke.


I'm sorry but that made me laugh, purely because I've been there and the thought of being sat there for x period of time and NO ONE says anything on fleet makes me laugh.


Anti-social game much?

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I'm sorry but that made me laugh, purely because I've been there and the thought of being sat there for x period of time and NO ONE says anything on fleet makes me laugh.


Anti-social game much?


i turn off general because there are way too many people who want to spoil the storylines on my server.

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I'm sure you would have doubted it the day BW collected that bit of data too. :rolleyes:


And I'm sure you would believe EA if they told you the Earth was flat. Here's a little tip, just because someone tells you something doesn't necessarily mean it's always the truth. Shocking I know.

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