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Why do people complain so much?


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Right. unfortunately, you can't look at the forum as a representation of the population. For each post I see on the forums, I can go ask in General Chat on the fleet about it and have at least one person genuinely unaware that the forums exist.


I've always envisioned most MMO forums as a sort of trashcan where complainers can go and rant until they feel better without bothering the people who actually care about the game.


//Which makes you wonder why I'm here.



Because sometimes digging through the trash is fun. :(


People complain because they have a sense of entitlement, therefore feeling the need to express that entitlement and lack of satisfaction. I think the whiners expect WAY too much, though BioWare hasn't helped their case with their old game engine and various other (IMO, minor) missteps. Things happen. Adults deal with them with minimal complaint.

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For certain some things need addressing. I know it will take time and i know it will happen. I can wait.


I think a lot of the whinging comes from a certain expectation that has come from a game that has been in development for so long and has had so many resources thrown at it already.

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The people who have no complaints are playing the game not lurking the forums. :D


So what's your complaint?


The people who have no complaints about this game don't take the time to think about what is actually wrong with it.

Edited by Limedust
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Yeah I never played wow. Played lotro that's about it. But yeah I see what your saying bout them being the minority. Its still annoying though.


I love this response.


It's truly inspirational.


Your opening slur to people complaining about this game tells them to go back to playing a game you yourself have no experience of.


I'm glad this game has such worldly wise people defending it ;)

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because they expect the game to be what they want it to be and if it ain't their self entitled butts get all in a uproar.


sadly their constant b*tching dose nothing but hurt the community, i mean really if i was on the fence about rather to get this game and logged into the forums and seen nothing but complaints i would more then likely not buy the game.


what i find real annoying is that the devs will close down posts saying the game is good because all the trolls jump in and start flaming anyone that actually likes the game so those posts get closed down so you don't rile up the trolls.


I think it's more about expectations set by having played other games. Balance (or attempt at it anyway), queues, quests, etc... This game is new so some of the issues are to be expected. But to be missing some pretty obvious functionality while having lots of expensive conversations seem to be what most people are complaining about.

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I will admit that I am one of those who have complained to the devs like crazy, BUT it is only because I see SWTOR as having an extreme amount of potential in the content and quality of the game that they have here. I know the game has only been out 2 months now, but when you think about it the game was announced shortly after the last installment of KOTOR

came out .. about 6 or 7 years ago (if I recall correctly) and they have had that much time to develop and test and fix the bugs... I think that this is what is also bugging a lot of people, it feels as though we the paying customers are paying to be beta testers for bioware lol. but on the whole SWOTR has a huge potential to even out pace WoW as the mmo of choice IF the developers can get the bugs and glitches fixed in a timely manner. It is just a matter of time. after all we all know how crappy WoW was when they first released lol.

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Why do so many people complain so much? | Today , 04:19 PM


99% of the threads I see on here are of people bitc*ing about how bad bioware is and how many problems the game has and how much they hate it. I dont understand it. All you people whining pay bioware 15 bucks a month to log into a game you all apparently hate. if you really hate it so much cancel your subscription and go back to playing wow in your grandmothers basement. Come at me bro.


Sorry for the poor spelling if there is any. This is off my new rezound and Im not quite used to it yet.



You do not understand that this game does not have some basic tools like pve matchsystem, endgame, a way to change the stats of my gear, the legacy system, more tools for my ship, a way to change how i look, bugs in general.


I'm sure when the first car with air conditioning the following cars for sale also had.


this also applied to the SWTOR because there are other free games like DC Universe that part of having the game in many other languages ​​have more tools than SWTOR, so dont said go back to WoW, said why all we have to do every day the same thing 3 WZ Won and 30 kills in ilum, I´m bored I am giving a big oportunity to this game (last two months)

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It's like this...


You have a blank sheet of paper. It is of no interest to you since it is blank. When it has a very tiny black dot on it, what you would notice would be the black dot and not the remaining area that are still clean.


I'm playing the game happily. Yes, I have some issues, but I could live with it.

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It's like this...


You have a blank sheet of paper. It is of no interest to you since it is blank. When it has a very tiny black dot on it, what you would notice would be the black dot and not the remaining area that are still clean.


I'm playing the game happily. Yes, I have some issues, but I could live with it.


Ppl would whine that the dot is bugged and OP for sure hehehehe

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Well I’m a true RPG’r and stayed away from all MMO’s until SWTOR. I don’t regret that I did, this game is awesome. I can quest alone for hours then hop into space for some missions, join others for Heroic and Flashpoints or smash someone in PVP. All in the Star Wars universe, what could be better? Edited by SaintLeviticus
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It's easy to be frustrated with some aspect of our game play then come here and vent. The numbers will speak the truth about the game. Some truth is reflected in the forums but overall not much real information is represented. Edited by Derfmiolleh
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ADDENDUM TO EARLIER POST: I also see that swtor has some of the same mistakes and problems that led to LOTRO to fail, everquest to fail, mythics "warhammer" , and I want to see that swtor doesnt go down the same road that these other mmo's went down


While I understand your point and agree that we don't want it to fail, I wouldn't say EQ failed. It is still going since like 1998. It was just heavy on time investment and raiding that the casual player got left behind for much of it. I wouldn't say it failed though. It along with UO and others helped lead to other great games.

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