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A litte story of SWTOR...


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It's nothing too fancy. It's my story in SWTOR.


I played in the beta during 3 weekends. Leveled a trooper Republic side. The most I made it was level 18. I loved the game. It was a definitive buy for me.


Then came the pre-release week.


Started my trooper again, made it up to level 27. At that moment, one of my friends wanted to play too. Empire side.


So I played with him for a while. Made a Sith Inquisitor, and I leveled him up to level 37. Then , my friend had to stop playing because of work issues.


After a while, another one of my friends, who is as crazy as me about Star Wars decided to give the game a shot. We started on another server. We're playing steadily since then. Some other friends joined us as well. We're regularly in a full group, clearing instances and heroics.


Some of us are almost level 50. I'm almost level 40 myself.


That being said, real life has its obligations, but it doesn't stop us from enjoying the game from time to time. And we're clearing content at a steady rate. While the game has its share of flaws, we're still enjoying it much.


Keep it up, Bioware. :cool:

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Moral of the story: playing with friends/other people makes the game enjoyable.


I agree. Wish more people experienced that too. As of right now, that's one of the primary issues for people...feels too much like a single-player solo fest.


i agree i play with a small core group of players.. i rarely solo unless i choose to, my wife and i level toons up together thus benefitting from a group and the nice social aspect of playing.

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Moral of the story: playing with friends/other people makes the game enjoyable.


I agree. Wish more people experienced that too. As of right now, that's one of the primary issues for people...feels too much like a single-player solo fest.




People keep saying this game is a single-player game online... WRONG.


This game is meant to be played with other people... so why don't you?

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