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Need scattergun/shotgun around lvl45


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Hi there,


the auction house on my server is pretty dry when it comes to shotguns (or at least shotguns with cunning).


Anyone remembers a quest that would grant you a blue scattergun/shotgun for level ~45? (i'm lvl 46 right now and still using lvl 37 shotgun).


(Ideally with crit chance/surge)


Or some place I can just buy it for creds/comms?

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Armstech can craft lvl 48 blue shotgun, but it requires 3 bio crystal (HMs' last bosses drop) to craft it. 3 HM runs (without any wipe and competion for loot) just for 1 lvl 48 blue offhand is just stupid. Btter choice is Red Reaper drops, and PvP/PvE 1st tier one.
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