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Ataru Form - Defensive Forms


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Quick question on one of the first talents in the Sentinel tree, Defensive forms. It claims that with 2 points in it whilst using Ataru Form your movement speed should increase. I'm either completely reading that wrong, or it's currently bugged, because I do not move any faster in the slightest, not even 1% faster.


Anyone else got more insight on it?

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Yeah, i'm sure it says 7.5% increase and then a 15% increase with 2 points spent..


I haven't tested it WITHOUT sprint.. but I know for a fact it doesn't stack WITH sprint.

I'll test it without once im home tonight (unless you beat me to it!)


I have tested it, in combat for example, sprint can't be used. You don't move any faster for sure.

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  • 1 month later...
The speed buff works, BUT it has to be toggled off and back on every time you zone. Also it is only 15% so it's not gonna be that noticeable, it works for me.


I've heard that, and have been trying it.

STILL don't see it.


Soa fight, entire op group runs side by side in combat from platform to platform.

I am clearly not faster then anyone else.

So either, there is another component to the bug beyond simply turning it off/on. or its not working, or its really that pathetically small, that you can't even tell when running side by side for 10s+

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Humm, it works as intended:


- 15% run speed, but it is overridden by Sprint when out of combat.


- I've tested it running parallel with someone and it was a very clear 15% faster.


As far as the toggling it and whatnot, I've never really paid much attention -- never toggled it on or off actually. Seemed to work fine in PvP in general when I was Combat spec. Some opponents have a slightly different base run speed though depending on their talents, so don't assume you will catch up to people instantly.

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The talent works perfectly fine, it just doesn't stack with sprint. It's very useful on PvP. If you're chasing a target who isn't snared and is out of melee range you will never catch him but with this talent you will catch up to them.


It's one of the few things I miss when I specced from combat to watchman, with leap on cd and target isn't snared I can do nothing against a person running from me, whereas in combat spec I would catch said person eventually.


If you really want to test it just start running in a straight line, take off sprint and then keep switching in and out of Ataru form, you will notice your speed changing slightly.

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Exactly... what is the point if it doesn't stack with Sprint.. who's in PvP that's not in sprint ?... most redundant in the skilltree to be honest; felt like it's put there just to fill up the holes, as it could easily be a passive with some other skill tree. Edited by pangwl
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Exactly... what is the point if it doesn't stack with Sprint.. who's in PvP that's not in sprint ?... most redundant in the skilltree to be honest; felt like it's put there just to fill up the holes, as it could easily be a passive with some other skill tree.


Everybody in combat is out of sprint actually, as it is a passive out of combat only skill.

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Exactly... what is the point if it doesn't stack with Sprint.. who's in PvP that's not in sprint ?... most redundant in the skilltree to be honest; felt like it's put there just to fill up the holes, as it could easily be a passive with some other skill tree.


You must be new to melee classes...You don't realize how HUGE it is to move 15% faster in combat for a melee (i.e you can easily catch up to that sorceror once his force speed ends so he doesn't fully heal himself).

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rather than chasing, I'm already shotted down b4 I reached :rolleyes:


it's completely BS to give speed while in combat, how far do you actually run really? and with all those 'slowing/ leg slash' skill from enemies.... you can camouflage to get out for 3secs but for how many times, and the CoolDown ?


In addition, as you all have stated, you're melee, your enemy should be right in front of you.

And we normally engage by Force Leap. You want faster speed to run to where? And then again, ranged DPS would be mowing you down already by the time u reach them/ tries to run away.

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