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500 valor for the first 4 medals...bad idea!


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As far as i understood the coming patch description:


"Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match."


So, we get 4 medals: guard, taunt, killing blow, 10 kills and later can afk till the end of the match because there's no reason to die somewhere else if we ALL get the same amount of valor. AFKers are mostly bad geared players who want to reach BM title and better gear as fast as they can. BMs don't usually afk but fight. It's ok BW wants to give all equal rights but you'll make new players just lazy. I got my 65 valor lvl working hard during a month, and now each and every crab will get the same result in 3 days.


The better variant would be 200 valor and 5 Commendations reward for each medal. 10 medals would give me the same 2k valor bonus but made me work for this.


Different medals must find place in the game for healers, tanks and especially objectives. Each class must have an opportunity to get about 10 medals if works hard and get apropriate reward for this.


Giving the same valor amount to losers and winners is also a bad idea.



Winners - 1000valor

------------------------ + your medals reward (each medal 150-200 valor)

losers - 500 valor



This seems more or less fair to me.

Edited by dejavy
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Farming medals does not equal "doing your best on the field". Discouraging medal farming is a GOOD thing, because it will help ensure that people will work more towards objectives and less towards damage and kills. A well coordinated huttball match, as an example, will see the most valuable players with far less medals than the randoms who were just concentrating on farming the other team. Not to mention the fact that a dps-spec tank (you) gets 3 free medals compared to other dps classes, as does a dps specced healer (though they will actually need to work for those), while still getting all the normal medals that a dps class such as a marauder/sniper gets. And let's not even get into what a full-time healer gets.. Edited by Boissi
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Farming medals is not what i'm talking about. BW will just make medal farmers life easier, that's it. Most come to WZ for valor because there's no reward for door cracking or goals on Huttball. If they don't change the reward system, peeps will just come and rest after getting 4 medals.


As for the second thread. It was so quickly going down that i thought it would be more suitable to create it in PVP tree.

Edited by dejavy
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I'm all for win! I don't care about medals, i just don't want they give free valor to afkers (those who come only for 4 medals). Players always search the easiest way to get the reward. Now i get 1500 for victory and 1300 for lose. It's just strange.


After the patch all the peeps who got 4 medals will take 2k valor no matter what they were doing. How much valor do winners get in comparison with the other side in the end i wonder?


If BW gives 50% of valor the winners get after a match, the fight would be colossal!

Edited by dejavy
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why was my 4 page thread closed for this?..


the argument is people keep saying your going out of your way to farm over 4.


i don't understand how someone can be so horrible to only obtain 4 metals in this game when its so easy to do damage heal guard or just get a kill depending on your class....


"No generally if you are playing well and doing your job you will have over 10 you don't go out of your way to guard someone for 10k you protect them so they live you don't ruin your teams chances of winning by healing all your weakened teammates and killing some people You dont handicap your team by playing the objective and gaining defender and offensive metals and no you don't handicap your TEAM BY KILLING PEOPLE AND DOING DAMAGE YOUR NOT FARMING ITS CALLED HAVING A BRAIN


if someone has 4 metals at the end of a warzone they are useless and did nothing for the team all they did was one very lazy role. "





Ok ill stop guarding people i don't want to get hurt and die! ill just do damage i know im a tank but thats the point?


Oh no i wont heal him my damage metals are easy to get!


Nope not going to 1v1 that guy sure it could be fun i could win but nope ill go run away.


Cap that point? Why i already have 4 metals offensive and defensive metals are lame anyway.


if you manage 4 metals a game i hope your kicked for inactivity.




please explain to me how you only manage 4 medals a game please.


you all say "hurrdurr now u can play dah objectiv!"


clearly you all don't play the objective because you can obtain objective medals and if your not killing someone doing damage healing or at least guarding someone what the heck are you doing? The objective? yeah go solo and carry the game for us in a 50 bracket that always works.



No we arnt farming your just horrible at this game if you only get 6 at minimum that shows you honestly tried to help your team.


not just did the very least.



all i have about this topic iv wrote people cannot comprehend trying on a warzone i suppose.

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Or.... they could get the 4 medals, and stop doing anything, since getting more medals won't result in any more rewards.


And... do what, exactly? Because sitting around waiting for the match to end is so much more fun than actually playing the game? This argument makes no sense, especially considering the votekick system is just around the corner.

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I don`t get them, i used to defend the ball carrier/guard him to get guard + defender while doing enough damage to get the 75k and 300k(sometimes) medals...


I was basically playing the whole game defending and running arround to be where the enemy is making sure i get the most medals....


Now i will be done in the first minute, and i can just stealth in some corner with the game on one screen and doing something cool on the other as much as i want, 2k valor and all those commendations will still get me geared pretty fast...


My guess is they realised people are getting bored with the game so they decided to let us get full pvp gear(well for my alt my main is already a BM) faster so we can play something else...


I`m pretty sure most people who spent 15 minutes fighting and defending their *** off trying to get the most medals will just get 4 then let the other team win so the warzone ends faster, i mean imagine voidstar if u`re defending and let the other team plant, they win in like 3 minutes. RIGHT NOW, you don`t get much, barely any valor since the warzone ends fast, but with this patch you will get 2000 no matter what.


So losing faster = faster valor. Sure the winning team will get like a bit more, like 200-300, but nothing relevant... and it`s much much faster then actually fighting and wasting time...


EDIT: It`s basically a win win, who wants to win can still do it, who wants to medal farm can still do it i guess... and who wants to afk can now do it with very little to lose, tho i guess a stealth class is better for this...


We will be able to get full gear before actually playing a whole game, a cool thing if you ask me, that way we don`t have to suffer when we are undergeared...

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Or.... they could get the 4 medals, and stop doing anything, since getting more medals won't result in any more rewards.


Or you could try to focus on objectives and actually win the game. Medals are the last thing i have ever thought about.


Currently i see tanks running around doing next to nothing (not carrying the hutball, not defending doors / turrets) and getting more medals than me (a sentinel that averages 7 - 9 medals a game).


This doesn’t work, why is their valor / comms gain greater than mine when they didn’t really contribute to the overall game win. Medal tally is not a very good indication of objective gain and this change evens it out.


Anyone can get 4 medals - so you are basically going to get the 2k valor and comms from every game you play. Beyond this, the motivation is to WIN for the extra gains. You win by team play, not solo kills or shield spamming in acid on hutball.


This change is great and even outs each AC's comms / valor gains.


MEDALS ARE NOT INDICATIVE OF SKILL!!!!! Winning shows skill!

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Or you could try to focus on objectives and actually win the game. Medals are the last thing i have ever thought about.

Currently i see tanks running around doing next to nothing (not carrying the hutball, not defending doors / turrets) and getting more medals than me (a sentinel that averages 7 - 9 medals a game).


This doesn’t work, why is their valor / comms gain greater than mine when they didn’t really contribute to the overall game win. Medal tally is not a very good indication of objective gain and this change evens it out.


Anyone can get 4 medals - so you are basically going to get the 2k valor and comms from every game you play. Beyond this, the motivation is to WIN for the extra gains. You win by team play, not solo kills or shield spamming in acid on hutball.


This change is great and even outs each AC's comms / valor gains.


MEDALS ARE NOT INDICATIVE OF SKILL!!!!! Winning shows skill!


please do not lie.

a tank "doing nothing" will not get more then 5 3 for guard maybe some damage in there too.


i play a 50 PT and 24 marauder currently the metal difference is only by 1.

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please do not lie.

i play a 50 PT and 24 marauder currently the metal difference is only by 1.


Lets see, one of two things are possible, either your lying or your bad.


Lets see if your bad that explains alot, if not, then your laying. Both class's can get the same dmg medals, the PT can get 4 more Tank medals (2k, 5k, 10k, 50k).


Just saying.

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Lets see, one of two things are possible, either your lying or your bad.


Lets see if your bad that explains alot, if not, then your laying. Both class's can get the same dmg medals, the PT can get 4 more Tank medals (2k, 5k, 10k, 50k).


Just saying.


I get 8 medals per game at least on both my marauder and power tech.

then i'm laying? i don't understand this maybe your bad at grammar that explains a lot.

Edited by BoredOfMMOS
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There's people that ALREADY afk, when the rewards are pretty terrible with 0-3 medals. What do you think's going to happen when you can get 80% of commendations/valor in 2 minutes. You think they'll stick it out and work way harder for the next 13 minutes for slightly more rewards? People often go to the path of least resistance.


Those games where the team is losing by 100 points in Alderaan 2-1 bases, you think they're going to try anymore? Can take the easy quick loss after you've gotten 4 medals.


And on the vote-kick system... please, there's yet to be an MMO that has a vote-kick system that isn't either avoidable or able to grief other players with.

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why was my 4 page thread closed for this?..


the argument is people keep saying your going out of your way to farm over 4.


i don't understand how someone can be so horrible to only obtain 4 metals in this game when its so easy to do damage heal guard or just get a kill depending on your class....


"No generally if you are playing well and doing your job you will have over 10 you don't go out of your way to guard someone for 10k you protect them so they live you don't ruin your teams chances of winning by healing all your weakened teammates and killing some people You dont handicap your team by playing the objective and gaining defender and offensive metals and no you don't handicap your TEAM BY KILLING PEOPLE AND DOING DAMAGE YOUR NOT FARMING ITS CALLED HAVING A BRAIN


if someone has 4 metals at the end of a warzone they are useless and did nothing for the team all they did was one very lazy role. "





Ok ill stop guarding people i don't want to get hurt and die! ill just do damage i know im a tank but thats the point?


Oh no i wont heal him my damage metals are easy to get!


Nope not going to 1v1 that guy sure it could be fun i could win but nope ill go run away.


Cap that point? Why i already have 4 metals offensive and defensive metals are lame anyway.


if you manage 4 metals a game i hope your kicked for inactivity.




please explain to me how you only manage 4 medals a game please.


you all say "hurrdurr now u can play dah objectiv!"


clearly you all don't play the objective because you can obtain objective medals and if your not killing someone doing damage healing or at least guarding someone what the heck are you doing? The objective? yeah go solo and carry the game for us in a 50 bracket that always works.



No we arnt farming your just horrible at this game if you only get 6 at minimum that shows you honestly tried to help your team.


not just did the very least.



all i have about this topic iv wrote people cannot comprehend trying on a warzone i suppose.



I dont think you even know what youre arguing anymore.


Also the word youre looking for is medals. With a d.


Good players dont care about medals...they come on their own, as you pointed out. Numerous times.


Some players ignore objectives to go after medals. These players may in fact be contributing to objectives as a side effect of medal farming. But thats the opposite from the ideal.


Most people agree that the ideal is going after objectives, with medals being a secondary goal, and with the knowledge that if you go for the win, the medals will come.


The fix is for the people who have it backwards. You dont have to worry about it.

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