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Anni/watchman: Where to put the last 2 points


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Torn btwn 6 sec interrupts vs 4 focus from force charge.

Disclamer: I played both a sent and mara so I use the ability names interchangeably, bear with it.



Why I like 6 sec interrupt:

- If the cast i greater than 1 sec, and I interrupt at second 1, that's 1 + 4 secs. He starts casting againt at 5, I interrupt again at 6. Practically, if the dude has a spammable that's greater than a 1 second cast (kolto injection, commando's spammable, in fact every class has one of these) negates that heal. It's super awesomesauce. I cud live without the Pacify cd reduction no problem.


How much can I work around not having it:

- 8 sec interrupt. There's mez and force choke. As well as 0 meter force charge if i didn't waste it like a goof.

Why I like 4 focus instead of 3:

- I can do the rotation right, Leap, Deadly Saber, Battering Assault, Rupture, Annihilate. Cauterize/rupture before merciless/annihilate. Makes Mind Sear a useful talent .

- After the rotation is done, it let's me do a Slash and Vicious Slash so I can proc Rupture again and actually use it within that gcd, exactly 6 seconds after the first one. Because I end the above rotation with 1 extra focus, I can do a strike, get 3 focus and use a vicious slash, still end up with 1 focus. By the end of that gcd, the chance of Burning Focus giving me at least 1 focus is 98.7%. By this time the chance of Rupture to come back up is 79%.

Pretty solid to make it a steady rotation.


How much can I work around not having it:

- The other scenario is not having the 4 focus.


First thing that happens is if I don't get lucky enough for Burning Focus (only 2 gcds of deady saber by this time, 30% chance to give 1 focus each gcd) and I have to do Annihilate/Merciless before rupture - that's 50% chance not to get the 1 focus and do the ideal rotation (Rupture before Annihilate).


So there's 50% chance I loose the 66% chance to reset cooldown and this spoils the Mind Sear investment. Also I loose Burning Focus chances to generate focus for 1 gcd, cuz I have to do Rupture 1 gcd later.


Let's say things went well and I got lucky, 50% chance generated me 1 focus by Rupture. Then I did Annihilate and a Slash. At this point I have 2 focus from slash, 4 ticks from rupture and 2 from deadly saber (mind u it can't proc in the same gcd); more than 80% less than 90% to get 1 point here so I can do a Rupture .


Chance of not doing the ideal rotation is pretty high. Not positive on the math but it's more than 50%. Maybe the calculation is 50% + 30%. Bottom line, even 50% chance of not doing the ideal rotation messes things up i.e. not let u make full use of mind sear and burning focus. It's not really something u can work around either, u just can't make Mind Sear and Burning focus 100% useful as they should be without retarding something else in ur playstyle; ex: u had to open with charge and u cudn't, instead u had to chase and slash twice.


On the other hand when I have the extra focus, I can always make full use of Burning Focus and Mind Sear; I always can do Rupture before Annihilate and I have a very high chance to use Rupture sooner. So really, if u got Burning Focus and Mind Sear, they're being hurt without Focused Leap. So, if not having focused leap, u gotta think about how much u want Mind Sear and Burning Focus.


Things I cannot give up:

- 0 meter charge. No and hell no, I won't give it up. It's the king in 1 on 1's and healer interrupts. I love not having to waste ~a second to strafe to the right range. (I have to test this again but I think run speed is 5-6 seconds in 30 meters, which means it takes 1 second to get to the right range to use force charge again if I was on top of my opponent or if my opponent was on top me which happens often in melee v melee cuz i'm getting their back, it also happens when I'm chasing ranged cuz I try to stick close)

- Defensive Roll. 3 to 4 aoe moves per class (outside of JK everyone has so many, usually 3 base aoes) I can't give this up.

- 50% phantom. Yes and hell yes, 50%, plus default reduction + rebuke + defensive roll is enough.

- Inflammation (rupture snare): I won't give it up. Snare's a must.

- Mind Sear and Burning Focus: they can be too good to give up.

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So there's 50% chance I loose the 66% chance to reset cooldown and this spoils the Mind Sear investment. Also I loose Burning Focus chances to generate focus for 1 gcd, cuz I have to do Rupture 1 gcd later.


You don't "lose it". You fill with Strike, delaying your burst by 1.5 seconds, although it has almost no impact to your sustained.


I find that the bigger difference with no Enraged Charge is that you can't Charge + Deadly Saber + Intimidating Roar / Obfuscate seamlessly.


The 1.5 second delay in letting an Annihilate rip is pretty irrelevant.



Also, it's not "50% of the time". It's "50% of the times when you open with 0 rage using Force Charge". In many cases you have leftover rage from another fight, or you don't open with Force Charge. In "hard" Warzones, that case may happen once or twice per WZ.



(I have to test this again but I think run speed is 5-6 seconds in 30 meters, which means it takes 1 second to get to the right range to use force charge again if I was on top of my opponent or if my opponent was on top me which happens often in melee v melee cuz i'm getting their back, it also happens when I'm chasing ranged cuz I try to stick close)


In terms of interrupts, it only takes 1.0 seconds if you were not already at 3m from them. Personally I find that I am running ahead of my opponent by 3m-ish, or I am 3m-ish in a specific direction to mitigate a knockback. As a result, I'm usually a half second away, or less, from range with 1/2 CQ. However, this requires me to predict that I want to use FC to interrupt. I have to do this anyways because FC is on the GCD -- so you already need a 1.0 second prediction that you want to FC-interrupt. Might as well strafe a moment anyways.

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6 second interrupt is invaluable for PvP and you'd be a fool not to take it. It really helps you lock down healers. For PvE, obviously it's not as useful and 4 rage from Charge is better. In PvP the charge buff will help you do your initial rotation faster, but it isn't a big deal compared to -2s on your interrupt.
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Having a hard time wrapping around how people would think 6s interrupt is debatable. It's part of what makes marauders a caster killer.




locking down a spell caster or a tracer missile/grav round spammer is easy as pie with subjugation (and close quarters)

Edited by HBninjaX
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In a 4v4 (or 8v8) with assist trains, you don't really need interrupt spam utility so much, since you have 2-5 competent players with interrupts on the same target.


Edit: But it's still core because when your opponent = premade 4 or 8, then they will be able to sustain enough defensive assistance and CC such that your target survives enough that the faster interrupts become useful again.

Edited by EasymodeX
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