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This is what the players are saying....


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or at least the ones we didn't attempt to censor.



That will come back to bite you, I promise. Not to mention I believe the false advertisment is illigal and immoral. Fact is most of your players have already gone and it just a very short matter until your investors find out this little fact you were hiding. Make everyone sub to get free 30 days so you can claim 1.7 million 'active' subs. Duh of course they were active...EVERYONE was free. Lets see those same metrics now I dare you!






Today I cancel b/c BW; coming on three months after launch cannot give a hard ETA on things like LFG, Target of Target, Legacy and more.


Sorry but I do not pay for 'promises' all the above SHOULD have been included in launch, no excuses. This game might be new but the devs are blind to not see all this is required.


I will check back later if something better does not come along first.


Peace all, enjoy the PVP queues since that is basically the only this to do in between ops.

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or at least the ones we didn't attempt to censor.



That will come back to bite you, I promise. Not to mention I believe the false advertisment is illigal and immoral. Fact is most of your players have already gone and it just a very short matter until your investors find out this little fact you were hiding. Make everyone sub to get free 30 days so you can claim 1.7 million 'active' subs. Duh of course they were active...EVERYONE was free. Lets see those same metrics now I dare you!






Today I cancel b/c BW; coming on three months after launch cannot give a hard ETA on things like LFG, Target of Target, Legacy and more.


Sorry but I do not pay for 'promises' all the above SHOULD have been included in launch, no excuses. This game might be new but the devs are blind to not see all this is required.


I will check back later if something better does not come along first.


Peace all, enjoy the PVP queues since that is basically the only this to do in between ops.


See you tomorrow. Look forward to your next rant as you quit for the umpteenth time.

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Isn't Target of Target in the game already? Alt+T?


So is legacy, I know because I just hit Legacy 2.


By the way, since the thread topic is "This is what the players are saying..." but the original poster only says what HE IS SAYING, I wonder what he thinks I am saying.

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So wait... because YOU think they should have included something, it's now a bad thing because they don't give hard dates on content?


I believe March has been said constantly for the next patch, it's not a hard date, but it's not exactly a long period of time. 1.7 million subs is a fact, regardless of whether it's free or not. It's not an insult, or a direct ploy to say these facts.


Besides, what do you expect them to do? Do you think BW are going to advertise that players are leaving to be "fair to their players"?


I can see you're a sharp one, I really can, BW and EA are still businesses, of course they will use "good" statistics to appeal to potential customers and to look good. If that insults you, go back to your cave, because every form of business and market does the same.



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Hello all,


We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


With all that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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