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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 Just got Updated.


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Or it's not fun to the many many many more who already quit the game.


You mean the same people who jump on the bandwagon for every single MMO launch and then quit after the first month or two because things aren't being developed fast enough for them?


Was this your first MMO launch? Have you really never seen this before?

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You mean the same people who jump on the bandwagon for every single MMO launch and then quit after the first month or two because things aren't being developed fast enough for them?


Was this your first MMO launch? Have you really never seen this before?


Do you want me to generalize about the people still playing the game? I could.

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You mean the same people who jump on the bandwagon for every single MMO launch and then quit after the first month or two because things aren't being developed fast enough for them?


Was this your first MMO launch? Have you really never seen this before?


I've seen this before. It's called WoW. You aren't listening. It's not the bugs or anything that suck, it's the poorly designed PvP and the fact that EVERYTHING is copy/pasted from WoW. I don't jump on bandwagons normally, I stay loyal to good games. I jumped on the SWTOR bandwagon at first though. What happened to change that? I saw reason. By the way, gross, inaccurate generalizations are a bad idea since I can do the same to the fanbois who defend the game.

Edited by nschlan
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I think that is kind of the intention. The point should be to play the game to win, not to farm medals. I think you'll see more of a focus on actually winning now instead of just medal farming.


Another benefactor of this are full pug groups going against premades. The incentive will be to win as quickly as possible now rather than "farm medals" and hold at a fifth cap for example.


This gives me great joy.


The only thing on there that didn't sound great was the dot not interrupting capping, but I can get over it.

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Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives.



That's a huge change for VS and Alderaan. I'm not sure I like how medals work, I preferred how they encouraged good players to do well. Anyone can hit 4 medals in very little time, so I'm worried this'll just tell people to stop playing once they hit 4- especially if it's a guaranteed loss.

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They listened to the players in SWG also. That destroyed the game.


It'll do the same here, eventually.



The best thing they could do is actually survey people IN GAME, insetad of on forums. For the life of me, I have no idea why they don't do those pop-up surveys while you play - like they did in beta.


If they really wanted authentic player information, they could get it this way, instead of listening to the 5% forum population.


Lol. Get real. They did NOT listen to the SWG players. The combat revamp that the players and devs had more or less agreed on, was shoved aside for the CU (read: make this game more like WoW), which was very much NOT what anyone had asked for. The NGE only added insult to injury.

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Do you want me to generalize about the people still playing the game? I could.


You could, but it would just be your opinion.


Launch numbers dwindling after the "shiny new game" feeling wears off for every single MMO launch in the past 5 years, however, is a simple fact.


If you weren't fully expecting it, then I would say that you were being naive.


I personally enjoy the game, and have fun playing it, and I think the changes will make the game more fun for the majority of people. Was it harder to get to BM when I did it? Sure, but that's what happens in MMOs. Hard things become easier over time.


Usually when the next "hard thing" is about to come out.


Hey, look at that, 1.2 is right around the corner. I wonder why the "hard things" to do just became a lot easier...

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Lol. Get real. They did NOT listen to the SWG players. The combat revamp that the players and devs had more or less agreed on, was shoved aside for the CU (read: make this game more like WoW), which was very much NOT what anyone had asked for. The NGE only added insult to injury.


Factually correct. The Cu was not what we had asked for with regards to combat changes. Actually, we can take that a step back and say that what we early unlock Jedi asked for with regards to fixes for the Jedi alpha class was also not what we were given with publish 9 either.


Now back on topic- this change is great for my new Jugg. Just got to valour rank 50, this will make hitting BM super easy considering i pull 8-10 medals per match currently and will likely further be rewarded by the new objectives.


It might actually make it too easy to get to BM and even WH, but time will tell. Anything that stops people farming medals rather than trying to win is a positive change however, so i support this.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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Launch numbers dwindling after the "shiny new game" feeling wears off for every single MMO launch in the past 5 years, however, is a simple fact.


And how many MMOs launched in the past 5 years have been successful? I'll give you a hint...it's less than 1.


Also, you say generalizations are his opinion...YOU generalized first and acted like it was fact. Logical fallacies like that really hurt any shred of credibility you MIGHT have had.

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You could, but it would just be your opinion.


Launch numbers dwindling after the "shiny new game" feeling wears off for every single MMO launch in the past 5 years, however, is a simple fact.


If you weren't fully expecting it, then I would say that you were being naive.


I personally enjoy the game, and have fun playing it, and I think the changes will make the game more fun for the majority of people. Was it harder to get to BM when I did it? Sure, but that's what happens in MMOs. Hard things become easier over time.


Usually when the next "hard thing" is about to come out.


Hey, look at that, 1.2 is right around the corner. I wonder why the "hard things" to do just became a lot easier...



HEY YOU. I like your attitude. Come roll a republic alt on Nadd's Sarcophagus and message me, Invic.

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You people want to discredit Bioware for Illum, and now want to praise them all at same time because of this 1.1.5 update.


I call it "Bipolar MMO Syndrome" <-- :rolleyes:


I assume Illum will get fixed for a better PvP experience soon enough, and I give Bioware credit for trying and kinda succeeding in a Open World PvP attempt.


Thats right Illum does have Open World PvP, and it has been fun to some guilds, and to some people.


Yes the grind for valor sucks, yes the whole BM system sucked, yes yes yes it was a cluster ****, but all in all PvP happened.




There has been nothing in the mmo market that has implemented good World PvP since DAOC.


Warcraft TBC, Aion, and Warhammer has had their version of "Open WORLD PVP", and all 3 of them did well for a moment, then it passed.


My hat goes off to SWTOR in these first couple of months, I notice they are trying and notice they do listen to the people playing.


I look forward to the future of this game, it is going in right direction.


Cheers. :):)

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Factually correct. The Cu was not what we had asked for with regards to combat changes. Actually, we can take that a step back and say that what we early unlock Jedi asked for with regards to fixes for the Jedi alpha class was also not what we were given with publish 9 either.


Now back on topic- this change is great for my new Jugg. Just got to valour rank 50, this will make hitting BM super easy considering i pull 8-10 medals per match currently and will likely further be rewarded by the new objectives.


It might actually make it too easy to get to BM and even WH, but time will tell. Anything that stops people farming medals rather than trying to win is a positive change however, so i support this.


I'm worried about the costs of the gear though. Even assuming we get more medals than before, we're still talking about 4000 wz commendations (or rather, 1000 wz commendations and 1000 merc commendations) for 1 BM token. That's a LOT of matches.

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I assume Illum will get fixed for a better PvP experience soon enough, and I give Bioware credit for trying and kinda succeeding in a Open World PvP attempt.


Thats right Illum does have Open World PvP, and it has been fun to some guilds, and to some people.


No, no, no. Ilum was terrible from the start. Even Imps on my server hate it. It's not OWPVP, it's a kill trading, zerg fest slideshow. All Bioware did was make it progressively worse and worse, why in the world would you assume 1. an alternative is being made and 2. that the devs can come up with a quality alternative?

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The irony is lost on him.


Not lost, just highly ineffective.


All I said was that a lot of people quit MMOs shortly after launch, and I certainly wasn't incorrect.


You're the one making the assumption that I'm referring to every single person who ever quit SWTOR.


What seems to have been lost on YOU is the fact that you can't look at a mmo losing subscriptions shortly after launch and try to point to specific cases in the game as some sort of definitive reason for it. Especially not when it's following the same trend that all MMOs have followed for many years.


There are a ton of reasons why people quit, from bugs to friends to pvp to simply realizing it isn't the game they wanted it to be.


And the most "ironic" thing about your post is that I was replying specifically to someone who was basically saying that more people have expressed dislike than like for the game itself, when everything you read here is from a very tiny minority of the actual subscribers to the game.


So, good job on taking something completely out of context, and then still being wrong about it.

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Not lost, just highly ineffective.


All I said was that a lot of people quit MMOs shortly after launch, and I certainly wasn't incorrect.


You're the one making the assumption that I'm referring to every single person who ever quit SWTOR.


What seems to have been lost on YOU is the fact that you can't look at a mmo losing subscriptions shortly after launch and try to point to specific cases in the game as some sort of definitive reason for it. Especially not when it's following the same trend that all MMOs have followed for many years.


There are a ton of reasons why people quit, from bugs to friends to pvp to simply realizing it isn't the game they wanted it to be.


And the most "ironic" thing about your post is that I was replying specifically to someone who was basically saying that more people have expressed dislike than like for the game itself, when everything you read here is from a very tiny minority of the actual subscribers to the game.


So, good job on taking something completely out of context, and then still being wrong about it.


If everything I see here is from a minority, that means your view is the minority view as well.

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