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Seriously BW, nerf sorc/sage already


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Let's just take a quick look over sorcs compared with mercs for example:

-sorcs have interrupt

-sorcs have AOE KNOCKBACK SNARE (***, why would you give knockback + snare on the same damn skill)

-sorcs have slow on all their channeled lightning attacks

-sorcs have force speed

-sorcs have a pull

-sorcs have a shield that protects against all damage and can be casted on others granting protection points and has short cooldown


And now let's look at mercs:

-mercs have no interrupt

-mercs have aoe knockback

-mercs have no snare

-mercs have slow only on unload, if talented

-mercs have no speed

-mercs have no pull

-mercs have a shield that absorbs only 25% damage, has 2 minute cooldown and can be casted only on self


And don't try saying sorcs have lower dps then merc, it's a lie. Sorcs/sages always top the damage chart with ease.


I did the comparison with merc because I play one. I'm sure it's the same with other classes. Really it's getting ridiculous, in a warzone every single time more then half the players are sorcs/sages.

Edited by oldshatterhand
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Have you tried spamming tracers? You should give it a shot!


Tracer spam only works in pve, nice troll. If you can land more then 1-2 tracers on a non-merc (since only merc/commando doesn't have interrupt) they are just dumb and shouldn't be considered anyway.


And as a sidenote, lightning spam is so hard compared to tracer spam and requires uber skill, doesn't it?

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Pretty obvious that Sage/Sorc is OP, they'll likely get nerfed in 1.2 when they're doing a bit of class balancing. Seems like almost everyone that says otherwise plays a Sage/Sorc and probably doesn't have another character.


Literally had a game last night that there were 5 Sages on my team and 6 Sorcs on the other team.

Edited by savionen
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Pretty obvious that Sage/Sorc is OP, they'll likely get nerfed in 1.2 when they're doing a bit of class balancing. Seems like almost everyone that says otherwise plays a Sage/Sorc and probably doesn't have another character.


I freely admit I play Sage and also got owned all the time by Sorc / Agents / Warriors / BHs before I got PVP geared.


I have no problem with balancing and balancing is not really a nerf.


I have faced BHs 1 v 1 and win some and lose some.


How do we know the OP even has all his PVP gear and stims, etc?



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Let's just take a quick look over sorcs compared with mercs for example:

-sorcs got interrupt

-sorcs got AOE KNOCKBACK SNARE (***, why would you give knockback + snare on the same damn skill)

-sorcs got slow on all their channeled lightning attacks

-sorcs got force speed

-sorcs got a pull

-sorcs got a shield that protects against all damage and can be casted on others granting protection points and has short cooldown


And now let's look at mercs:

-mercs got no interrupt

-mercs got aoe knockback

-mercs got slow only on unload, if talented

-mercs got no speed

-mercs got no pull

-mercs got a shield that absorbs only 25% damage, has 2 minute cooldown and can be casted only on self


And don't try saying sorcs have lower dps then merc, it's a lie. Sorcs/sages always top the damage chart with ease.


I did the comparison with merc because I play one. I'm sure it's the same with other classes. Really it's getting ridiculous, in a warzone every single time more then half the players are sorcs/sages.


You forgot to meantion all the healing, and that bubble is very annoying, i dont know how long cooldown it has but from what i see its too low, but still they can be easly killed you just have to interrupt them all the time. But honestly i find merc spaming tracer missles more annoying than sorc... dont tracer missles/grave round use any ammo? people just spam them until they die...

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I freely admit I play Sage and also got owned all the time by Sorc / Agents / Warriors / BHs before I got PVP geared.


I have no problem with balancing and balancing is not really a nerf.


I have faced BHs 1 v 1 and win some and lose some.


How do we know the OP even has all his PVP gear and stims, etc?




He could be undergeared, bad, fighting BM in new gear, etc.


Regardless I think they need to "balance" the hybrid spec for Sorcs/Sage and buff the DPS tree at the top-end. Bioware seems to be against hybrid specs, as they nerfed the only Assassin/Shadow hybrid even though it was mediocre, so it's probably coming.

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  • sorcs got interrupt

Many classes have an interrupt, it is short and on a long enough cooldown that it can cause problems for you but not completely lock you out of using one ability. In order to do that we have to use even longer cooldowns that will be used once a fight at most and perhaps not even then if the previous battle was close enough. We have to kill you before then or it will be back to partially locking you out of your tracer missile spam. You also have other skills you can use beyond tracer missile or grav round.


  • sorcs got AOE KNOCKBACK SNARE (***, why would you give knockback + snare on the same damn skill)

It is an a talent that does not come naturally and that utility comes at a cost of over 10% of our dps so it is a tradeoff and is not overpowered. It breaks on damage after 2s, I still die after using so people can still get to you making it merely a delay giving us the chance to do ranged damage since we fold like paper in melee which is by design (I don't agree we should fold like paper in melee from a story continuity perspective but thats another topic) and as far as mercs go it should be mostly irrelevant anyways because mercs are a ranged class.


  • sorcs got slow on all their channeled lightning attacks

We get a slow on a 6 second cd that must be talented to be spammable. Even if it is spammed it does not prevent a target from getting to you completely, it is again only a delay and while you are standing still using it the target is still making progress getting into range. Mercs are mostly a ranged class so this snare is again irrelevant unless you are running away but then you can replace our snare with any number of cc abilities other classes have which serve the same purpose.


  • sorcs got force speed

We are squishy and fold like paper up close. What do you expect, that we should never be able to get away and be free kills? Sorcerers still die and often in pvp so working as intended.


  • sorcs got a pull

Sorcerers get a pull on group members that is on a long cd. Other classes get enemy pushes and pulls so this is not a sorcerer issue. If it is an issue at all it is a tor issue and something to be addressed on all classes not just us. Don't count on that happening however because this is Star Wars and force push and pull are a staple of Jedi/Sith abilities.


  • sorcs got a shield that protects against all damage and can be casted on others granting protection points and has short cooldown

We get a shield that in most cases will block 1 big hit if we get any sort of focusing. It is on a 20 second effective cd which can be reduced to 17s at most with certain pvp gear. We may get to use it twice during a given fight if we timed its initial application just right. We may also only get to use it once half way through a fight because it just popped on a previous fight after having just applied it so we spent 17s with no bubble. We are squishy once again so without these abilities we would be severely hampered. I think this is more a QQ post and less a post about sorc overpoweredness.

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