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Quick question on duo leveling


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A friend of I are going to do empire side together duo and only play our chars together thru the whole game and play separate chars when the other isn't on, so they will always be synched in the same spot during 1-50. For classes, its either going to be:


1) Sith Sorc

2) Sith Jugg Tank




1) Sith Sorc

2) Sith Sin Tank


My only concern is which would be the better tank to choose.


If I'm thinking how it works, if one of us takes warrior and the other inquisitor, we'll be able to effectively do two campaigns (with the other being spectator during class quest areas). That sounds cool as we haven't done either, but I'm worried about logistics in that we'll be running everywhere and I think but am not sure we'll be able to fully experience both campaigns (even if one is spectator), is that right? I'm also worried our class quests will make us split apart at some point on different planets, etc, and it wouldn't be practical - any concerns there?


Other thought was both Inquisitors (Sin Tank + Sorc) and we'd both be stuck doing the same class quests twice since they cannot be shared/done together, but lots less running around doing both campaigns since our class quests take us to the same spot every time.


So its really a judgment call on our end, but I'm wondering are there any other things to think about before we decide? Thanks....

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It's really a judgment call, but I'll tell ya, my husband and I are duoing Sith Sorcs right now. For all the class quests that require just speaking, we split up and do only those solo, so we don't have repeat, and do the same dialogue over again, but if it requires combat, we usually stick together, and as soon as we finish the instance for the first person, the second person goes right back in, with the other person following, so we can get it done. Works well that way.
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My wife and I levelled together, though I levelled a bit quicker so we played different characters together.


We started as Jedi Knight/Jedi Consular, and it was great. Enable story area sharing and you can duo through each others class quest. Only bummer here is if you want to see the other classes story on your own.. well, tough, helping your partner will essentially spoil a majority of the storyline.


Later we were both on the Jedi Knight story. Having to repeat class quests is really annoying. We essentially had to flip a coin to see who goes first to uncover the story, or split up and solo that part. It really did detract from the whole feel of the game.. Kind of an immersion breaker if you ask me. However, there is no spoiling of another classes storyline this way.


Personally, I preferred it when we were different base classes. It just made the gameplay better for the both of us.

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Thanks all.


Ya, my biggest worry was that our class quests (if different) would make us split up across different planets, etc., later in levels like the 30's or something and we wouldn't be doing the side quests the same.


I think spectator mode w/diff base classes is fine as we'll probably just both do all dark side choices anyhow, and we really just want to see the campaigns play out. I'm just worried at some point we wont be playing duo anymore if the class quests split us apart.


Sounds like Jugg/Sorc is the way to go...

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Thanks all.


Ya, my biggest worry was that our class quests (if different) would make us split up across different planets, etc., later in levels like the 30's or something and we wouldn't be doing the side quests the same.


I think spectator mode w/diff base classes is fine as we'll probably just both do all dark side choices anyhow, and we really just want to see the campaigns play out. I'm just worried at some point we wont be playing duo anymore if the class quests split us apart.


Sounds like Jugg/Sorc is the way to go...


The story will take you to the same planets at the same time for all characters, so you don't have to worry about that at all.


There might be a few one-off missions that take place on a space station.. When that happens, since the other person won't have that destination on their galaxy map, you just need to put both ppl on the ship of the person on the quest and viola.


Happy leveling!

Edited by Nytak
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It's really a judgment call, but I'll tell ya, my husband and I are duoing Sith Sorcs right now. For all the class quests that require just speaking, we split up and do only those solo, so we don't have repeat, and do the same dialogue over again, but if it requires combat, we usually stick together, and as soon as we finish the instance for the first person, the second person goes right back in, with the other person following, so we can get it done. Works well that way.


Yes, that is exactly how my gf and me are doing it as well. Apart from each of us having their solo characters, we've got three matching pairs: two smugglers, two sith sorcerers, two bounty hunters.

When we get off the starter planet, we choose different advanced classes (she's usually the healer, I'm usually the tank/dps), and it's worked well so far on all the classes we've tried.


One thing though: you'll make less money this way than when you solo, because you'll have to split all the loot. Our lvl 26 smugglers still can't afford their speeder training, even though we stopped spending money on crew skill missions around lvl 20.

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Oh ya, also, we are both (in our opinion) skilled veteran players in other games like this genre. Is it feasible to do Heroic 4s / FPs with the 2 of us each using a companion to make a party of 4? Or does it fully require 4 "real" people?
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I have a 50 jugger that I leveled solo... well.. mostly solo.... And now I am leveling a sin with my wife (who just picked the game up after we got her a computer that would run it)...


She has a sorc and I roll with the sin... it is ridiculous how easy it is. We are currently level 35 and both run with ranged dps companion. We have 2 manned all heroic 4s, except insufficient staff on alderan b/c that heroic is just retarded hard, and 2 manned flashpoints up through cademimu.


While a jugger/sorc combo would probably work just as effectively, the jugger will not do near the damage as the assassin. Not to mention the assassin has much better utility, 60 second CC, 8 second cc (which I never use), better AoEs, self heal with dark charge (crappy but better than nothing), stealth, and vanish.. other stuff as well, but those are the main things I can think of atm....



I love my jugger, he's a beast, but the sin is much more efficient for leveling IMO.

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Oh ya, also, we are both (in our opinion) skilled veteran players in other games like this genre. Is it feasible to do Heroic 4s / FPs with the 2 of us each using a companion to make a party of 4? Or does it fully require 4 "real" people?


My wife and I have done every Heroic 4s up to Voss as we have been given them during our normal questing so yes.


Make full use of your whole crew though as sometimes a ranged DPS companion will susceed where melee won't.


In actual fact Companions are often better than "real" people as they won't break your damn mezzes nor moan at you as you decided they are going to be a "cannon fodder" sacrifice.

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In actual fact Companions are often better than "real" people as they won't break your damn mezzes nor moan at you as you decided they are going to be a "cannon fodder" sacrifice.



Lol, however true in most cases..... I have found Andronikos to be quite retarded at times.... and attack the mob my wife is trying to whirlwind even after I force him to attack the mob I just force pulled to me... But, once a mob is CC'd the companion won't hit it, aside from AoEs which you'd need to manage....


On a side note.... blaster sweep's range is flat out crazy and should always be turned off in any environment where getting more than 1 group isn't ideal lol

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I also play with a friend as an assassin (tank) / sorcerer (healer) combo and it is very strong. We have done any of the of heroic 4s we found, though we are only 29 and on Tatooine now.


To make repeating the class quests a bit more interesting we tend to pick different options to see how they play out. While we are both darkside, my friend the assassin tends to pick the nastier choices, especially anything that involves shock or killing. I take a slightly softer approach, though this sometimes leads to surprising results rather than taking the more obvious dark route. I might not pick every darkside option, but since I have diplomacy I am actually ahead on darkside points.


When we want to play lightside we also have a shadow/sage duo with the roles reversed. We really like the combo of these types. Any healer/tank combo is strong but when both of us also have 60 sec cc it makes most content very easy.

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Ya, my biggest worry was that our class quests (if different) would make us split up across different planets, etc., later in levels like the 30's or something and we wouldn't be doing the side quests the same.


My wife and I run duo's almost exclusively (ie: we rarely run solo), and we've done pretty much every combo you can think of.


Even with Vanguard/Shadow, our class quests generally follow the same track, to the point that we can tell how far along the quests we are based on how close the quest locations are. Yes, eventually you'll be sent out to different planets, but... I don't see the problem there. When I had a quest to go to Korriban (as a Sniper), my wife (a Juggernaut) joined me. I think she had to go to Dromund Kaas, so we went there right after.


Yes, its a bit more time spent getting quests done... but are you really trying to run the duo as a speed run? Myself, I'd rather get the greater variety.

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The story will take you to the same planets at the same time for all characters, so you don't have to worry about that at all.


There might be a few one-off missions that take place on a space station.. When that happens, since the other person won't have that destination on their galaxy map, you just need to put both ppl on the ship of the person on the quest and viola.


Happy leveling!


This is correct. I've leveled a Jugg up with my friend (running a Sorc) and our class quests were in the same locations again and again (even down to the same parts of the same planets). The only exceptions were the space stations; you can bring friends to those provided they travel in your ship.


For my preference, it's a lot more fun to have two different class stories. It allows you both to feel special, instead of literally overlapping each other on everything. If you RP, this will make a difference; I think it'd be hard to RP being two Inqs unless you were twins or something, because of some events that transpire in the story. If you don't RP much or at all, this won't be an issue of course.

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