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Do all classes have real issues with "mana"


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I have only played Operative and GunSlinger so it may just be a Class issue.


I know we run out fast after our opening or chaining skills(4-5), but I see BH/trop spamming multiple skills longer, I see a healer getting focused and them spamming heals for what seems like never-ending "mana"


Is it just my perception? Again I haven't played the other classes, is your "mana" management a real issue or is it just something that you casually think about?(ie not a big deal unless you spam for more than 30 secs while a Zero energy operative is tirelessly rifle shooting you.)

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Every class has to manage resources.


For some it's keeping energy/ammo/heat running high to avoid resource regen depletion. For other it's spending gcds using force return abilities after a proc. DPS versions have talents to regen resources on the fly while maintaining dps rotations.


There are 2 steps to maintaining resouce generation:


- Spec properly

- Find an optimal resource neutral rotation with bursting and regenning variants

Edited by Redmarx
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dps sorcs dont really run light unless they try to heal, bhs with pretty high crit can get such low heat cost out of tracer that they can barely feel it at times, but others with some bad rng is can really hurt.


the warrior classes are rage users, so its basically a ping pong system like wow, they also have pretty solid builders to keep it flowing.


Healers of all types, generally have more efficiency than their dps counterparts due to talents focusing on said efficiency, but they play a little differently, at least in pvp.


operatives have the best sustainability through good management, sorcs have the best sustainability through noobing it (and probably the best for putting up multiple bursts over a relatively small window), and mercs are great at keeping that one guy from falling over, ever.

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All I ever see Operatives do, is Stab, Stab, Stab and they never seem to run out.


I'm not saying this just to be a troll or anything, but literally every time I run into an op at 50, that's all he does. 2 Days ago when I last bothered to PvP, I had a 30s fight with an op and that was all he did the entire fight was Stab/Backstab.

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All I ever see Operatives do, is Stab, Stab, Stab and they never seem to run out.


I'm not saying this just to be a troll or anything, but literally every time I run into an op at 50, that's all he does. 2 Days ago when I last bothered to PvP, I had a 30s fight with an op and that was all he did the entire fight was Stab/Backstab.


that's all we got...maybe a dart and another 1 shot


we have skills like snipe, but on an operative it won't do as much dmg as say his generic no energy rifle shot would do and in less time....our only spammable attack. ...we don't have a spammable knife(all have CD and cost energy(save spec'd BS)

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actually ressource management is a way to allow burst or higher temporary dps while disallowing continues bursting your opponent down (cds are another way). they.


so many classes/builds have such an issue which actually is part of the balancing.


dps sorcs dont really run light unless they try to heal, bhs with pretty high crit can get such low heat cost out of tracer that they can barely feel it at times, but others with some bad rng is can really hurt.


this is true, especially for hybrid sages. though they do not have a way for burst oder uncommon higher dps phases. hence it simply has no effect on their balancing.


but it is one aspect which makes it easier (though there are other making it more difficult).

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