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Why the Darkside Vastly more powerful than The Light


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Yes I did, the uploader took scenes that did work in his favour and then ignored all the rest of them, It's a poorly done knock off of the PT, nothing more, and the fact you have based that as your source is rather shameful to say the least.


Think the point was to show ALL the inconsistencies, not point out the consistencies; re-evaluate yourself


This video shows, Lucas is not at all a credible source if he cant even keep the consistencies up in his own films



why is it shameful? because it proves inconsistencies that your fandom has trouble comprehending the possibility that Lucas isn't a good source of credibility even on his own films?

Edited by Darth_Malevolent
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Think the point was to show ALL the inconsistencies, not point out the consistencies; re-evaluate yourself


He took situational scenes to try and back up his claim and left out all the ones showing he was wrong, very simply and easily seen through, Obi-Wan was right, when you actually bring up the PT scenes that back up his statements.


And LOL at him using Vader scenes to claim Obi-Wan was lying about ANAKIN.

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He took situational scenes to try and back up his claim and left out all the ones showing he was wrong, very simply and easily seen through, Obi-Wan was right, when you actually bring up the PT scenes that back up his statements.


And LOL at him using Vader scenes to claim Obi-Wan was lying about ANAKIN.


"Your father wanted you to have this when your old enough, but your Uncle wouldn't allow it, worried that you might follow old Obi Wan on some foolish idealistic crusade like your father did. it's your father's lightsaber."


Anakin was burned alive, and Obi Wan swiped his lightsaber. Anakin didn't even know his children or Padme were still alive... so how did Anakin Want, Luke to have it when he was old enough? Which is one of the many points the editor of the video I posted was trying to make clear.


But ppl like yourself are already predetermined and feel Lucas can do no wrong, so, why are you even arguing the point? That you would make excuses for all of Lucas' failings instead of wising up?

Edited by Darth_Malevolent
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"Your father wanted you to have this when your old enough, but your Uncle wouldn't allow it, it's your father's lightsaber."


Anakin was burned alive, didn't even know his children or Padme were still alive... so how did Anakin Want, Luke to have it when he was old enough? Which is one of the many points the editor of the video I posted was trying to make clear.


But ppl like yourself are already predetermined and feel Lucas can do no wrong, so, why are you even arguing the point? That you would make excuses for all of Lucas' failings instead of wising up?


Ever thought that maybe Obi-Wan would've realised that ANAKIN might have given his lightsaber to his son after he had finished the Jedi trials and became a full apprentice?


See, that's called thinking about a character's own thoughts instead of shouting 'inconsistency!'.


But hey, continue with what is basically a 'U R Fanboi' strawmen argument, really making your argument look credible and able to stand on it's own two feet. ;)

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"Your father wanted you to have this when your old enough, but your Uncle wouldn't allow it, worried that you might follow old Obi Wan on some foolish idealistic crusade like your father did. it's your father's lightsaber."


Anakin was burned alive, didn't even know his children or Padme were still alive... so how did Anakin Want, Luke to have it when he was old enough? Which is one of the many points the editor of the video I posted was trying to make clear.


But ppl like yourself are already predetermined and feel Lucas can do no wrong, so, why are you even arguing the point? That you would make excuses for all of Lucas' failings instead of wising up?


I don't quite see how that's a "failing" per se. To me, that was just Obi-Wan trying to protect Luke from the truth about his father.

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In my opinion, the argument as to which side is 'stronger' or more 'powerful' is a moot discussion, as they are both simply two contrasting forms of government, leadership and military strategy.


Soldiers of the Empire and the Sith are constantly seeking to facilitate their own promotion and advancement, this necessitates an environment where failure is not an option, where only the best will achieve this goal because everyone is striving for it.


The Empire is united by its shared goal of ultimate glory and power. Anyone who fails to achieve this goal is executed, or demoted into a rank where they serve a very mundane purpose. This style of government and military leadership is in contrast to the Republic and Jedi simply due to the differences in their underlying motivations.


The Jedi and by extension the Republic; seek to restore Democracy, a form of government and leadership unrelated to the military, that encourages those with power to listen to 'the people'. The Republic military is an armed force of soldiers united by fellowship and their common goal of destroying darkness.


Neither side is stronger than the other, as they are too different to compare accurately enough that a winner could be decided. This is also blatantly ignoring the fact that neither 'side' is either truly dark or light. All the proof you need is in the game itself; inside the class stories of each of the eight classes. The Republic has done its share of dark deeds, while the Empire isn't entirely evil.


If your argument is Jedi Vs. Sith, who would win? The answer is entirely dependant on which particular Jedi and Sith you are referring to, and how far either of these fictitious combatants have gone to increase their own strength. It also pays to remember that one battle does not represent the faction as a whole.


To round out this wall, if you're looking to answer the question of who is stronger, the Light or the Dark? Then I suggest you have a conversation with Revan; as (s)he is probably the only person in the galaxy who may be able to answer that question.


Cheers for reading.


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"Your father wanted you to have this when your old enough, but your Uncle wouldn't allow it, that you might follow old Obi Wan on some foolish idealistic crusade like your father did. it's your father's lightsaber."


Anakin was burned alive, didn't even know his children or Padme were still alive... so how did Anakin Want, Luke to have it when he was old enough? Which is one of the many points the editor of the video I posted was trying to make clear.


But ppl like yourself are already predetermined and feel Lucas can do no wrong, so, why are you even arguing the point? That you would make excuses for all of Lucas' failings instead of wising up?


It's possible that Anakin and Obi-wan, sometime in a past moment unexplored, discussed the issue of children. Perhaps Anakin once said, "If I were to ever have a son, I would want him to have my lightsaber." It's certainly a possibility.


Also, because George Lucas is the master and commander of the Star Wars Universe, despite how desperately you want to excise him, he can do no wrong. Just admit it. What Lucas says goes whenever he damn well feels like it.

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Exactly my point... just keep making excuses for Lucas' incompetence


Ermm, explain to me how that makes Lucas incompetent? From Obi-Wan's perspective, it makes perfect sense that he would keep the truth about Anakin from Luke.

Edited by ItchyThePenguin
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Ever thought that maybe Obi-Wan would've realised that ANAKIN might have given his lightsaber to his son after he had finished the Jedi trials and became a full apprentice?


See, that's called thinking about a character's own thoughts instead of shouting 'inconsistency!'.


But hey, continue with what is basically a 'U R Fanboi' strawmen argument, really making your argument look credible and able to stand on it's own two feet. ;)


It's inconsistent since You, have to make excuses.... lol, Im not a fanboy, it's quite obvious you are since you can't see any of the inconsistencies yourself... beside, fanboys call other ppl fanboys when they find their icon is being threatened


also my argument has sources... yours is, "oh well, Obi Wan could have been lying," "Greedo may have shot first... and I remembered it wrong"... keep telling yourself that


And I only stated one inconsistency the editor shown in the video, he had several examples; but if you plan to make excuses for each one of them to defend Lucas' credibility, that's fine, I can feel sorry for you, I can empathize, it's okay... it's alright :D

Edited by Darth_Malevolent
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It's inconsistent since You, have to make excuses.... lol, Im not a fanboy, it's quite obvious you are since you can't see any of the inconsistencies yourself... beside, fanboys call other ppl fanboys when they find their icon is being threatened


You called ME a fanboy, basically, without all of your attempts to cover it up, that was the point of that last part, everytime you bring that kind of argument up, you lose all credibility from your original argument.


Also, we aren't making excuses, we are just actually thinking about it instead of instantly calling it out, by your logic, every single piece of literature, film, etc... should be so literal and indepth that everything about it is explained in full detail, because basically the audience is too stupid to think about it for themselves, although I am beginning to see your point. ;)

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You called ME a fanboy, basically, without all of your attempts to cover it up, that was the point of that last part, everytime you bring that kind of argument up, you lose all credibility from your original argument.


Also, we aren't making excuses, we are just actually thinking about it instead of instantly calling it out, by your logic, every single piece of literature, film, etc... should be so literal and indepth that everything about it is explained in full detail, because basically the audience is too stupid to think about it for themselves, although I am beginning to see your point. ;)


In a proper film, they shouldn't have to read a book to figure out what the director intended for the scene


besides, my credibility isn't in question, I wasn't even the one who threw out the fanboy term to begin with, it was you; so... I don't know who your accusing of losing credibility

Edited by Darth_Malevolent
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It's inconsistent since You, have to make excuses.... lol, Im not a fanboy, it's quite obvious you are since you can't see any of the inconsistencies yourself... beside, fanboys call other ppl fanboys when they find their icon is being threatened


also my argument has sources... yours is, "oh well, Obi Wan could have been lying," "Greedo may have shot first... and I remembered it wrong"... keep telling yourself that


And I only stated one inconsistency the editor shown in the video, he had several examples; but if you plan to make excuses for each one of them to defend Lucas' credibility, that's fine, I can feel sorry you, I can empathize, it's okay... it's alright :D


Yes and about nine tenths of the examples he used also had other scenes that back up Obi-Wan's exact statements, in-fact more of them, he merely used the scenes that worked for his argument, go and watch the film properly before you source an obviously bad attempt at insulting Lucas.

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"Your father wanted you to have this when your old enough, but your Uncle wouldn't allow it, worried that you might follow old Obi Wan on some foolish idealistic crusade like your father did. it's your father's lightsaber."


Anakin was burned alive, and Obi Wan swiped his lightsaber. Anakin didn't even know his children or Padme were still alive... so how did Anakin Want, Luke to have it when he was old enough? Which is one of the many points the editor of the video I posted was trying to make clear.


But ppl like yourself are already predetermined and feel Lucas can do no wrong, so, why are you even arguing the point? That you would make excuses for all of Lucas' failings instead of wising up?


I think there may be a word missing in the quote, either that or Obi Wan was speaking from his knowledge on the man Anakin had been.

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Yes and about nine tenths of the examples he used also had other scenes that back up Obi-Wan's exact statements, in-fact more of them, he merely used the scenes that worked for his argument, go and watch the film properly before you source an obviously bad attempt at insulting Lucas.


Well, yea, the point was pointing out the inconsistencies, not the consistencies, the basis of which would support His argument and the point of his video. Why would he point out the consistencies in a video he made to point out inconsistencies?

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I think there may be a word missing in the quote, either that or Obi Wan was speaking from his knowledge on the man Anakin had been.


Probably, was just remembering off the top of my head, but the point is clear and quote is close enough not to change the meaning

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Well, yea, the point was pointing out the inconsistencies, not the consistencies, the basis of which would support His argument and the point of his video. Why would he point out the consistencies in a video he made to point out inconsistencies?


But the consistencies make the so-called inconsistencies in-valid, please actually think about this for a second, he used one-off situational scenes to back up his argument, but he completely ignored the many other scenes that invalidates the ones he used.

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But the consistencies make the so-called inconsistencies in-valid, please actually think about this for a second, he used one-off situational scenes to back up his argument, but he completely ignored the many other scenes that invalidates the ones he used.


Like, "What I told you was true, from a certain Point of View"? Like Leia remembering her mother before she died? In child birth? But I suppose you can make an excuse for Lucas there too.... that she used the "Force" to be able to remember her mother. And dont say she was talking about her stepmother, a thread was made before with someone submitting from segments of the novel that she meant her Real Mother not her Step Mother.


When you can use "The Force" or "Obi Wan could have lied to protect Luke" is just a cop out to defend Lucas when you know, and I know...... Lucas had no idea he was being inconsistent,


he didn't have the thought before hand, "Oh, I'll intentionally say this happened, and have Obi Wan say something else happened, but oh, he was just lying to protect Luke."


I truly doubt he had that interpretation in mind when making the movies or he would have Qui Gon's force ghost learning ability be a mystery and interpreted by the audience or in the literature on how Obi Wan learned that skill themselves rather than trying to neatly tie everything together


It's obvious Lucas was trying very hard to tie everything neatly together, and going through it with a fine toothed comb, it's obvious he failed, unless ofcourse you try to make excuses for him

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Like, "What I told you was true, from a certain Point of View"? Like Leia remembering her mother before she died? In child birth? But I suppose you can make an excuse for Lucas there too.... that she used the "Force" to be able to remember her mother. And dont say she was talking about her stepmother, a thread was made before with someone submitting from segments of the novel that she meant her Real Mother not her Step Mother.


When you can use "The Force" or "Obi Wan could have lied to protect Luke" is just a cop out to defend Lucas when you know, and I know...... Lucas had no idea he was being inconsistent, he didn't have the thought before hand, "Oh, I'll intentionally say this happened, and have Obi Wan say something else happened, but oh, he was just lying to protect Luke." I truly doubt he had that interpretation in mind when making the movies or he would have Qui Gon's force ghost learning ability be a mystery and interpreted by the audience or in the literature on how Obi Wan learned the same skill themselves rather than trying to neatly tie everything together


"Your father would've wanted you to have this when you were old enough...."


I think that's the quote, if that is the case there is no inconsistency.

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"Your father would've wanted you to have this when you were old enough...."


I think that's the quote, if that is the case there is no inconsistency.


Obi-Wan: I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damn fool idealistic crusade like your father did.






On that note, Obi Wan said 1000 generations the Jedi Knights have been the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic.


Palpatine said in the prequels, I will not allow this Republic that stood for a 1000 years be split in two.....


1000 generations or 1000 years....? Suppose you'll make an excuse for that too?

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Like, "What I told you was true, from a certain Point of View"? Like Leia remembering her mother before she died? In child birth? But I suppose you can make an excuse for Lucas there too.... that she used the "Force" to be able to remember her mother. And dont say she was talking about her stepmother, a thread was made before with someone submitting from segments of the novel that she meant her Real Mother not her Step Mother.


You may want to go and find out more about Padme Amidala, just a suggestion. /facepalm


When you can use "The Force" or "Obi Wan could have lied to protect Luke" is just a cop out to defend Lucas when you know, and I know...... Lucas had no idea he was being inconsistent, he didn't have the thought before hand, "Oh, I'll intentionally say this happened, and have Obi Wan say something else happened, but oh, he was just lying to protect Luke." I truly doubt he had that interpretation in mind when making the movies or he would have Qui Gon's force ghost learning ability be a mystery and interpreted by the audience or in the literature on how Obi Wan learned the same skill themselves rather than trying to neatly tie everything together


Why should everything tie together? why should everything be left for interpretation? you assume many things about how George Lucas made his films, funny thing is, Lucas is an exceptionally intelligent individual, but the obvious difference between you and me is this: You want to maliciously attack Lucas and everything he has ever done, because of some personal issue.


I however could care less, Lucas is great with concepts and his imagination, but he certainly should not be the one in charge of execution, people blame the actors for the poor performances in the Prequels, but Lucas wrote those lines, Lucas intentionally wanted those scenes to play out exactly the way they did, just watching some behind the scenes footage shows he changed perfectly decent performances into god awful B movie lines.

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You may want to go and find out more about Padme Amidala, just a suggestion. /facepalm




Why should everything tie together? why should everything be left for interpretation? you assume many things about how George Lucas made his films, funny thing is, Lucas is an exceptionally intelligent individual, but the obvious difference between you and me is this: You want to maliciously attack Lucas and everything he has ever done, because of some personal issue.


I however could care less, Lucas is great with concepts and his imagination, but he certainly should not be the one in charge of execution, people blame the actors for the poor performances in the Prequels, but Lucas wrote those lines, Lucas intentionally wanted those scenes to play out exactly the way they did, just watching some behind the scenes footage shows he changed perfectly decent performances into god awful B movie lines.


Im not being malicious about anything, Im saying he shouldn't be the end all be all source of credibility when he says, Luke is the strongest Jedi in the Universe, or Sidious was the strongest Sith; Im not being malicious, you feel Im threatening his credibility and your being defensive about it


Plus, I wont make excuses for his mistakes either

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Im not being malicious about anything, Im saying he shouldn't be the end all be all source of credibility when he says, Luke is the strongest Jedi in the Universe, or Sidious was the strongest Sith; Im not being malicious, you feel Im threatening his credibility and your being defensive about it


Plus, I wont make excuses for his mistakes either


You go out of your way to make Lucas look like some senile fool who can't do anything, how is that anything but malicious? and I am defending nothing, just pointing out something that is clearly incorrect.

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You go out of your way to make Lucas look like some senile fool who can't do anything, how is that anything but malicious? and I am defending nothing, just pointing out something that is clearly incorrect.


Nope, they're absolutely correct, you just don't wish to see it... I find this debate is like as if Im pointing out a specific religion's Deity isn't a perfect being... point out any imperfections, and it's "raise the floodgates, man your posts, they wont take us without a fight." Is it so hard not to give Lucas absolute credibility, especially now? With all these obvious inconsistencies you must make excuses for him?

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