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Mission icons and Mission scaling


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Those little triangles over contacts and mission terminals and whatnot are nice, but there are times when they can actually be kind of confusing. Maybe for RP reasons you refused that quest. Maybe it's a FP or repeatable Heroic that you did already. It's too easy to forget which contacts are which, and it would save time if there was an indicator so you know to skip those guys.


Here's the way I'd love to see them work...


1. Set the triangle color to the relative difficulty of the mission; gray, green, yellow, orange.


2. Put a little + or * inside the triangle to indicate that it's a Group mission, like you do with Trainers to indicate they have new skills.




3. Put a little outline around the borders of the triangle for new contacts that you have not spoken to yet.


I'd also love to see all available missions posted on a Mission Board at the fleet. This would be especially useful for planetary bonus series that you might have missed. For example, I left Nar Shadaa before the bonus series was available, so I didn't see the guy in the spaceport. When I came back, the missions were like 3 levels lower than me. Would have been nice to know those were there earlier.


On a related note, I would love to see some encouragement to form teams on regular missions, not just Heroics and FPs.


I'd also like to be able to take my higher level character and team up with my lower level friends without destroying their XP and turning their mission into a silly cakewalk.


So to that end, I'd love to see...


1. An option to VOLUNTARILY nerf yourself and your gear down to the level of the mission or to the team leader, paired with an option to turn XP for yourself on or off if needed so you don't start out-leveling your own class quest by too much if you don't want to.


(that's in caps so the power gamers who love to run solo through gray FPs can still do so)


2. More missions = Instanced zones. I kind of like the "dungeon" setup of most of the map, where you put encounters inside a larger structure. It's nice to run into other players in a large area, get the drive by buff, or find a friend on the same mission track so you decide to team up.


But once you get to the objective, there are way too many times when other players there just get in your way. I really have wanted to see more of those green fields over doorways since day 1.


But for this mechanic specifically, when groups enter that instance you can now...


3. Have the challenge of missions increase with additional players. Add more mobs, up normal guys to strong, or whatever the case may be to make missions more worthy of a team.


Without these, there is zero incentive to form a group on 90% of your missions. Lack of reward aside... it's just not as fun. This would still work with class quests because anyone can still be there, just in spectator mode when it comes to the RP part.

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This would be a much needed enhancement. Please Bioware, consider incorporating into the game. I constantly keep picking up missions I've already done, and am no longer interested in repeating. Using color would make for a better gaming experience.
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How about this:


+ inside normal triangle = over your level, but you can still grab the quest


- inside normal triangle = under your level, but not gray.


+ inside gray triangle = level a bit


- inside gray triangle = gray quest (option to turn on/off showing those in radar and map)


O after triangle = Operation


F after triangle = Flashpoint


H after triangle = Heroic


Maybe add a 2 or 4 for recommended group size.

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Some good ideas there...


On a related note, I would love to see some encouragement to form teams on regular missions, not just Heroics and FPs.

Apparently there are XP and loot bonuses for questing in groups. They're a bit cryptic though, because it's difficult to tell how much better they are...

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