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Carnage Spec Advice - 2 in Narrowed Hatred or full Defensive Roll?


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Ok, so the spec I use at the moment is http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bcZGMrbddrRrsZM.1 which I do like very much. But I got to thinking, what happens when I finally gather enough Battlemaster Comms to start swapping mods from other gear sets to really min-max my stuff?


This got me thinking that despite there being quite a number of AoE attacks in this game, at least a large majority of the attacks I get hit with are single target. If I was to swap to http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bcZGrbbddrRrsZM.1 instead, I could stack less Accuracy Rating in my build and go for even more Power than I could have otherwise.


I'm not there yet, and won't be for quite a while. Still, I couldn't help but wonder..........


Defensive Roll is a great skill, AoE attacks, with a few exceptions, in my experience generally hit me like a pile of brick so i'm not sure I want to exacerbate that issue. You know, cause we all know that living longer = higher DPS regardless of spec.

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Is the build I use as Carnage, if your going strictly for pvp, then sure, maybe you switch some specs, but this is the most balanced pvp/pve build you can use. Enraged charge is really not needed, if you ever have 0 rage at any point, you arent using your rotation correctly, you should never be without rage. Cloak of Carnage turns you into a rage battery as well and should be up almost 50% of the time in pve, and quite a good bit in pvp. Narrow hatred is a must because your Atrau procs and offhand damage have a much better chance to hit with > 100% acc. Malice is a must because it increase your Atrau proc damage. Quick recovery is imo a waste of points because as Carnage you should not be wasting rage on smash or sweeping slash unless you are trying to flush out someone who just slealthed or force camo'ed. And unbound is completely worthless because it doesnt break you from stuns, only movement imparing effects. With a 15% faster run speed, force camo, Predation, and the stun break skill (forget the name right now) you have more than enough tools to muscle though snares. Undying rage, health pack, saber ward, Cloak of pain, force jump to distant target should get you further than almost any other class without Unbound needed. In pve dont forgot that with displacement a saber throw will allow a savage kick on anyone lower than an elite.

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I would also drop the talents in Unbound and Enraged charge. 1 rage every 15 seconds is not worth 2 talent points imo. Also not a lot of situations have arisen for me where Unbound would have done anything meaningful. I would go with narrowed hatred first unless you are pretty much capped and then go for malice.


Quick recovery is debatable. If you find yourseld using it a lot feel free but Im not really hitting it very often so I use those points for payback.

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