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So much fatalistic people...


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Look, if you don't like the game, quit.


If the game doesn't meet your expectations, quit.


If all your hopes are placed in the upcoming patch, you'd better quit. I honestly never saw one patch that met my expectations. Didn't made me quit though...


But honestly, what I'm trying to say here... WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL?


This is a game. Game are meant to be played for enjoyment. Are your gripes with overall performance and gimmicks so much more important than playing the damn game? The game is still playable.


I don't know about PVP. I don't know about FPS issues. I can't place myself in your shoes for those who experience this problem. But honestly, I think there's WAY too much drama with those problems, and I really think jumping the boat for such a MINOR problem really should be the least of your concerns if you still want to play.


If not, then go ahead and leave. You won't be missed. That's mean, I know, but hell! I'm right at that point with all this bullcrap.



Edited by SnapWolf
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People want the game to get better, not remain stale. There is LOTS in the game that can be improved upon.




I didn't knew that.




The thing is to learn to enjoy the things you already have. Guess today's gamers simply can't. Sad thing.

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People want the game to get better, not remain stale. There is LOTS in the game that can be improved upon.


Yes true but there is a HUGE difference between wanting improvements and crying like a little school girl. Not only that but a HUGE percentage refuse to learn their class and would rather come to the forums to complain in the hope their class gets dumbed down then actually learn to play it.

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Last time I logged on to SW, I am pretty sure it didn't redirect me to the General Forums. And I was certainly not forced to read any posts/threads here... so, if you don't like the Forums.. QUIT!


If they don't meet your expectation, quit!

If you get upset about them, quit!


Leave us in peace, you won't be missed. I realize that's mean, but I am so... just kidding! I don't care if you quit the Forums or not. And, guess what... you can rant all you want too!

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I didn't knew that.




The thing is to learn to enjoy the things you already have. Guess today's gamers simply can't. Sad thing.


Even with that, there is a desire to improve what you have and fix things that are broken. It boggles my mind why that's an issue with people.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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Yes true but there is a HUGE difference between wanting improvements and crying like a little school girl. Not only that but a HUGE percentage refuse to learn their class and would rather come to the forums to complain in the hope their class gets dumbed down then actually learn to play it.


That reminds me of this guy who wanted the skill Tumble to be usable on everything. He was basically QQing because it was useless in PVP...


I'm not sure if he even understood the utility of that move.

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Yes true but there is a HUGE difference between wanting improvements and crying like a little school girl. Not only that but a HUGE percentage refuse to learn their class and would rather come to the forums to complain in the hope their class gets dumbed down then actually learn to play it.




It provides the developers with a boarder pool of information to draw from when it comes to making choices about the game. People can and do filter out nonsense, it's not hard.

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Last time I logged on to SW, I am pretty sure it didn't redirect me to the General Forums. And I was certainly not forced to read any posts/threads here... so, if you don't like the Forums.. QUIT!


If they don't meet your expectation, quit!

If you get upset about them, quit!


Leave us in peace, you won't be missed. I realize that's mean, but I am so... just kidding! I don't care if you quit the Forums or not. And, guess what... you can rant all you want too!


I like your style.

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People want the game to get better, not remain stale. There is LOTS in the game that can be improved upon.


Yeah you can tell by the posts like, "This game is dead no matter what BW tries to do to fix it!" and "GW will be so much better than SWTOR!!"


Yeah they do it because they want the game to get better... :rolleyes:

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OP you are right.


But you are fighting human nature. Every game forum since the beginning of computer games has had disgruntled people, whining, moaning and complaining about every possible issue and several impossible ones.


The Meridian 59 boards were filled with these apostles of doom (back then they were apostles of DOOM, the id game). Every game since has been similar.


The best you can hope for is for the signal (guides, helpful posts and legitimate complaints) to noise (the aforesaid whining and moaning) ratio to stay somewhat favourable.

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I love the ones who say Swtor will fail when GW2 comes out.


I have played the GW2 beta. It is not the second coming nor the savior of MMO's. In fact, there is nothing special about it at all.


Swtor will be just fine.


I'm not even sure why we're comparing SWTOR to GW2. SWTOR is much more emphasized on PVE, while GW2 is much more emphasized on PVP... at least wasn't the goal of GW PVP? Never played it, never was interested, honestly.

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OP you are right.


But you are fighting human nature. Every game forum since the beginning of computer games has had disgruntled people, whining, moaning and complaining about every possible issue and several impossible ones.


The Meridian 59 boards were filled with these apostles of doom (back then they were apostles of DOOM, the id game). Every game since has been similar.


The best you can hope for is for the signal (guides, helpful posts and legitimate complaints) to noise (the aforesaid whining and moaning) ratio to stay somewhat favourable.


Yeah, I suppose you are right.


As they say, haters gonna hate.

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Yeah you can tell by the posts like, "This game is dead no matter what BW tries to do to fix it!" and "GW will be so much better than SWTOR!!"


Yeah they do it because they want the game to get better... :rolleyes:


And I truly don't see how even a statement like that is an issue. You don't agree, you can either ignore it, or whine about it. Either way, it's no big deal.

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I'm not even sure why we're comparing SWTOR to GW2. SWTOR is much more emphasized on PVE, while GW2 is much more emphasized on PVP... at least wasn't the goal of GW PVP? Never played it, never was interested, honestly.


I didn't compare it to Swtor. I simply stated that some 'fatalistic' forum posters claim GW2 will be the death of Swtor.


It will most certainly NOT be.

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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that players can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this (even when made with good intentions) tend to result in flame wars and have little room for constructive discussion. In the future, we encourage you to create threads that foster constructive discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


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