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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

5% more damage or 15% more crit?


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If you're trying to max your dps, go HIB crits and assault spec.


If you're trying to do the most you can for a WZ team, go iron fist and supercommando regemmed for dps.


If you're trying to do a little of both, go HIB crits and carolina parakeet.


Stockstrike crits, I'm not personally sold on.


One man's opinion.

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I love simulating math :p I ran this in a spreadsheet, and the numbers say that crit will usually be better.


I just pulled some numbers out of thin air - 1500 damage, 0 surge for 50%, enough surge for 75% and a default of 30% crit. The damage is listed with a multiplier - 1.05 for the 5% talent, everything else is 1%.


DAMAGE SURGE % Average Hit

1500 1 1.5 0.3 1725 <-- Baseline

1500 1 1.5 0.45 1837.5

1500 1 1.75 0.3 1837.5

1500 1 1.75 0.45 2006.25

1500 1.05 1.5 0.3 1811.25

1500 1.05 1.75 0.3 1929.375


But because those numbers are completely out of thin air, here's the link:



There is a handy Do It Yourself option. Go ahead and type in your numbers to see which is better for you :)


TL;DR - if you have high crit already, you benefit more from 5% as the damage is slightly lower but reliable. If you have high surge, you benefit more from 15% crit as your damage will spike more.

Edited by JoyProtocol
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has it been proven yet if the 5% more damage from guard requires guard to be "in range"?


I did a non scientific test dualing in Ilum spaceport. It seemed to suggest you did NOT have to be in range. But you should do some testing and tell people also.

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I think on taugrims power tech/trooper guide someone did test that you did not need to be in range for damage buff. If you are assault or cp spec or even oozos 1/22/18 build the 2 piece bonus of eliminator set is useless. I was aware that you may lose some spike damage but more utility with 1.5 sec reduced storm & 5% damage increase on all attacks not just hib. You could rely on battle focus and crit surge relic to up your crit when you need to burn. Using that spreadsheet dps is a loss but not by much.
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Depends entirely on what spec you are running if you are running a spec with Ionic accelerator I would go with the HIB crit, if your running a full tactics build I think the stock strike crit chance is the best option, but if your running shield spec with static shield the flat 5% dmg might be better since stock strike is going to be well over 50% crit chance anyways. Edited by Savish
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Lastly, they are allowing you to remove the set mods from gear in, I think, 1.2. That may mean you can mix and match 2 item and 4 item bonuses. Whether this means you can get 2x4s or 1x2 and 1x4 from different sets, we will see.


I'm pretty sure i read a comment that they were only going to allow them to be put into certain pieces, ie the armoring from a chest piece has to go into another chest piece. So unfortunately we won't be getting anything more than 2x2 or 1x4 if that holds true.

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