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What level are you?


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Hmm. Well I kind of feel sorry for you then. Having experienced all of the content already and just flying by it to get it done hardly sounds like any kind of fun at all.


Sorry, most of the side quests aren't that interesting, especially after playing them multiple times. You'll see once you get working on a few alts. :p

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Sorry, most of the side quests aren't that interesting, especially after playing them multiple times. You'll see once you get working on a few alts. :p


I played the beta stress test for two days and got to level 18 and on Balmorra with a Sith Inquisitor. Intentionally picking a class I wasn't going to start out playing.


Playing a Sith Warrior this time around after two days I'm level 16 and still on Dromund Kaas. This time around I'm much more focused on finding all of the datacons and working on my crafting as well. I've gotten all the datacrons on Korriban and Dromund Kaas. While there are certain quests that are shared between all classes I still didn't rush through them.


I happen to be enjoying the side quests almost as much as the main story quests.

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24 Sith Assassin.



I'd be 30+ if i had gotten into the first day of access.



I kind of find it funny how many people who say they feel bad for the ones leveling fast. It's their choice and this is a game, some people just enjoy leveling quick and getting ahead of the curve. Get over it

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I kind of find it funny how many people who say they feel bad for the ones leveling fast. It's their choice and this is a game, some people just enjoy leveling quick and getting ahead of the curve. Get over it


But you don't get anything special by being level 50 ahead of everyone else except for empty zones and maybe some cool looking armor that eventually everyone else will catch up and get too. *shrug* I get what you are saying though, to each his own.

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In since day 1 and only 14 on my bounty hunter and 6 on my SI. Hubby was just able to play last night (ton of holiday family activities in the evenings) so we had fun playing our SW/SI combo for the first time.


I'm making a concerted effort to play the game slowly and not neglect some of my normal routines like going to the gym, doing my holiday shopping, etc. This weekend, we will play a bit more but still have tons of holiday stuff to do. Very busy time of the year for me.

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37. Just under 2 days /played.

Even nearly empty, Taris is broken. :mad:


Empire side? I just went through on Republic side and only had one glitchy issue which I later resolved by abandoning the quest (get infected, it showed time because it kept reseting when I logged out or zoned but had expired so I couldn't actually get infected).

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As the subject says, what level are you? (for players who have had a chance to play.) I was in the second wave of day one, i'm level 30. What about you?


I'm 25 after 2 days...but I stopped playing that toon so I could level my IA for a bit before the madness of launch day...only got that one 8.


When the servers come back up, I'll back to my level 25...

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