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Did Mace Windu get dark side points for choosing to kill the Emperor?


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Luke: It looks like the sandpeople did it, all right. Look, there's gaffii sticks, bantha tracks, it's just, I never heard of them hitting anyhting this big before!


Ben Kenobi

1. Search your feelings Luke, and you will discover the truth. (50 LS)

2. It was the Empire. (50 DS)


3. You're right! Let's go kill some Sand People! (150 DS)


Ben: They didn't, but we are meant to THINK they did. These tracks are side by side. Sandpeople always ride single file to hide their strength and numbers. (+50 LS)


Luke: These are the same jawas who sold us Artoo and Threepio!


Ben Kenobi

1. We must honor their memory. (50 LS)


2. Only Stormtroopers can shoot this straight! [Lie]


3. Serves the snitches right! (50 DS)


Ben: And these blastpoints, too accurate for sandpeople. Only Imperial stormtroopers are this precise.


Luke: But, why would Imperial troops wanna slaughter jawas? If they traced the robots here, they'd know who they sold them to and that'd lead them back...home!


Ben Kenobi

1. Clear your mind, calm your emotions. (Affection: Luke +15)(50 LS)


2. Wait! Don't go! (Affection: Luke -2)


3. Wait! I'm coming too!


Ben: Wait, Luke! It's too dangerous!


Mission Complete: Investigate Sand Crawler

LS + 50, Luke Affection -2

Bonus Objective Updating...

New Bonus Objective: Collect 20 Jawa Corpses and bring to bonfire.


This made me lol for days. Good job sir.


Luke, Ben and 3PO and R2 walk in to Han's hangar. Luke examines the Millenium Falcon.


1.) What a piece of junk! (50 DS points -30 affection from Han)

2.) Nice ship (+15 affection from Han)

3.) Let's get going

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Luke: It looks like the sandpeople did it, all right. Look, there's gaffii sticks, bantha tracks, it's just, I never heard of them hitting anyhting this big before!


Ben Kenobi

1. Search your feelings Luke, and you will discover the truth. (50 LS)

2. It was the Empire. (50 DS)


3. You're right! Let's go kill some Sand People! (150 DS)


Ben: They didn't, but we are meant to THINK they did. These tracks are side by side. Sandpeople always ride single file to hide their strength and numbers. (+50 LS)


Luke: These are the same jawas who sold us Artoo and Threepio!


Ben Kenobi

1. We must honor their memory. (50 LS)


2. Only Stormtroopers can shoot this straight! [Lie]


3. Serves the snitches right! (50 DS)


Ben: And these blastpoints, too accurate for sandpeople. Only Imperial stormtroopers are this precise.


Luke: But, why would Imperial troops wanna slaughter jawas? If they traced the robots here, they'd know who they sold them to and that'd lead them back...home!


Ben Kenobi

1. Clear your mind, calm your emotions. (Affection: Luke +15)(50 LS)


2. Wait! Don't go! (Affection: Luke -2)


3. Wait! I'm coming too!


Ben: Wait, Luke! It's too dangerous!


Mission Complete: Investigate Sand Crawler

LS + 50, Luke Affection -2

Bonus Objective Updating...

New Bonus Objective: Collect 20 Jawa Corpses and bring to bonfire.


Ooo let me try! Ahem.



Darth Vader: Obi-Wan never told you, what happened to your father.


Luke: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!


Darth Vader


1. Thats a lie(+100 DS)


2. Yes I killed him.


3. No you got it all wrong(+100 LS)


Darth Vader: No Luke, I am your father.


Luke: No...thats not true! Thats impossible!


Darth Vader


1. Its true


2. Its a lie(+50 DS)


3. No Reply


Vader: Search your feelings, you know it to be true!


Luke: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!




1. Join me(+150 DS)


2. Going to die now(+150 DS)


3. Remember your training(+50 LS)


Vader: "Luke, you can destroy the Emperor he has forseen this! It is your destiny! Join me and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son!"


Luke looks down and then back to Vader




1. Come with me.


2. What?


3. Say Nothing.


Vader: "Come with me, it is the only way."


Vader watches Luke fall.




1. Say nothing.


2. What the?


3. My son!(+100 LS)



Mission Complete: Duel With Son


Rewards: +300 DS points


Bonus Objective Updating....


Bonus Objective: Capture the Falcon.

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For the warm up a little companion dialogue. ;)


Padme: We used to lie on the sand and let the sun dry us... and try to guess the names of the birds singing.


1. I don't like sand. [Kiss her.] (+17 affection)

2. Tell me about it. (+50 affection)

3. Did the gossip press write about it. (-2 affection)



But now the class story of another character.


Return of the Jedi, Final Duel Luke-Vader

Vader: You cannot hide forever, Son.


1. I will not fight. (50 LS)

2. [Remain silent.]

3. [Prepare to ambush him.] (100 DS)


(1) Luke: I will not fight you.


Vader: Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way you can save your friends.

Vader: Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for...

Vader: Sister!

Vader: So...you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her, too. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete.

Vader: If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will.


1. No! [Attack him.] (50 DS)

2. I trust her. (50 LS)

3. I can't allow this.


(1) Luke: Never! (attacks)

(2) Luke: She won't turn to the dark side. I know she would rather die.

(3) Luke: If I have to fight you to save her, I will.


-> Quest: Defeat Vader

-> Quest: Talk to Vader


Emperor: Good! Your hate has made you powerful. Now, fulfill your destiny and take your father's place at my side!


1. No. (500 LS)

2. [Kill him.] (500 DS)


(1) Luke: Never! I'll never turn to the dark side. You've failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.


(2) (Luke kills Vader)


(1) Emperor: So be it...Jedi.


(2) Emperor: Good. Good. (Luke kneels down before the Emperor) Rise, Darth [...no idea...] . We have to leave this station soon.


(This would need a defect faction function, though.)


Darth Joker!


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Leia: I love you.


1) I love you too. (LS: 100)

2) I know.

3) So long your worship (DS:50)




Leia: I love you.



1) Don't you forget it, and I love you too. - LS: 50 & +40 affection

2) I know. - +15 affection.

3) **** off. - DS 100 & -120 affection

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(Paraphrasing here)


Obi-Wan: "You must be quite proud of your army."


Jango: "I'm just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe."




1. Did you try to kill Senator Amidala? (+50 LS)

2.Ever reach Coruscant?

3. I'm arresting you (+50 DS)


Obi-Wan: "Ever make your way as far into the Core as Coruscant?"


Jango: "Possibly."




1. A wonderful place, isn't it? (+50 LS)

2. You hired the killer! (+50 DS)

3. Ever meet Sifo-Dyas?


Obi-Wan: "Then you must know Master Sifo-Dyas."


Jango: "Master who?"




1. You're a fraud! (+50 DS)

2. Sifo-Dyas didn't hire you?

3. Very well. Have a good day. (+50 LS)


Obi-Wan: "Weren't you hired by Master Sifo-Dyas?"


Jango: "I was hired by a man named Tyranus on the moons of Bogden."




1. I knew it! (+50 DS)

2. Very well.

3. Who is Tyranus? (+50 LS)


Obi-Wan: "I'm very impressed with your army."


Jango: "They'll do their job."


*Obi-Wan leaves*


As we can see, Obi-Wan is extremely neutral. :p

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In a Late-Game Bounty Hunter quest:


Piett: Bounty Hunters! We don't need their scum.


Boba Fett and Bossk are grouped for this mission pick-up. Boba Fett 78, Bossk 14


1. Hey! Bounty Hunters have feelings, too!


2. [say nothing.]


3. You talkin' to me?? Are you talkin' to me?


Officer: Yes, sir.


Piett: Those rebels won't escape us.


Boba Fett and Bossk. Boba Fett 102, Bossk 105


1. How rude!


2. Not if I catch them first!


3. Imperial officers, we don't need their scum! (50 DS)


Bossk: [i don't take very kindly to your attitude toward us, Admiral.]


Officer: Sir, we have a priority signal from the Star Destroyer Avenger.


Piett: Right.


Darth Vader: There will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millenium Falcon. You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive. No disintegrations!


Boba Fett and Bossk. Boba Fett 36, Bossk 29


1. Yes, sir.


2. I play by my own rules.


3. This task is beneath me. [Refuse Quest]


Boba Fett: As you wish.


Piett: Lord Vader! My lord, we have them.


New Mission: A Solo Endeavor

New Objective: Travel to Bespin.

Bonus Objective: Eliminate Rival Bounty Hunters 0/5

Edited by ObiWanBaikonur
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(-Sacrifice self by throwing master down shaft. 150 LSP.

*(-Cut distracted master down with lightsaber. 150 DSP.

(-It's time for the peculator. 1,000 DSP.


Luke: I love you father.


(-Succumb to your injuries & become redeemed Force Ghost. 1,000 LSP.

*(-Throw crippled son down shaft & begin reign of Emperor BAMF I. 1,000 DSP.


"Still the chosen one *****es."

Edited by Darth_Solrac
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Luke: It looks like the sandpeople did it, all right. Look, there's gaffii sticks, bantha tracks, it's just, I never heard of them hitting anyhting this big before!


Ben Kenobi

1. Search your feelings Luke, and you will discover the truth. (50 LS)

2. It was the Empire. (50 DS)


3. You're right! Let's go kill some Sand People! (150 DS)


Ben: They didn't, but we are meant to THINK they did. These tracks are side by side. Sandpeople always ride single file to hide their strength and numbers. (+50 LS)


Luke: These are the same jawas who sold us Artoo and Threepio!


Ben Kenobi

1. We must honor their memory. (50 LS)


2. Only Stormtroopers can shoot this straight! [Lie]


3. Serves the snitches right! (50 DS)


Ben: And these blastpoints, too accurate for sandpeople. Only Imperial stormtroopers are this precise.


Luke: But, why would Imperial troops wanna slaughter jawas? If they traced the robots here, they'd know who they sold them to and that'd lead them back...home!


Ben Kenobi

1. Clear your mind, calm your emotions. (Affection: Luke +15)(50 LS)


2. Wait! Don't go! (Affection: Luke -2)


3. Wait! I'm coming too!


Ben: Wait, Luke! It's too dangerous!


Mission Complete: Investigate Sand Crawler

LS + 50, Luke Affection -2

Bonus Objective Updating...

New Bonus Objective: Collect 20 Jawa Corpses and bring to bonfire.


I almost wet myself when I read the bonus objective.

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So I don't know if anyone would be interested in collaborating on this with me, but I think it would probably be really fun/interesting to go back through the movies and add conversation wheels to them throughout. It would probably take a lot of work and technical know-how, but if anyone wants to join me for this give a shout!


I've really enjoyed the conversation trees that I wrote up and thought it would be fun to expand on the concept. Any takers?

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R2-D2, on the way to Dagobah with Luke:


Luke: *Daydreaming about Leia, who just kissed him on Hoth*


1. Dude, Leia's your SISTER! [50 LS Points]

2. We're entering Dagobah's atmosphere

3. Tell Luke you have some holovids of Leia getting dressed [150 DS Points]


R2 falls into the swamp


1. Tell Luke you're all right and ask for help [50 LS Points]

2. Yell at Luke and tell him to get you out [50 DS Points]

3. Pretend that something's attacking you, and then fly out of the swamp at high speeds. [150 DS Points]


That's all I've got.

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Luke after witnessing his droid's motivator explode


1.) So what if it exploded, I didn't pay for it. (50 DS points)

2.) The motivator just blew up (50 LS points)

3.) (shoot Jawa for ripping you off) (150 DS points)


Uncle Owen! This droids got a bad motivator!


Quest Updated: Buy R2 series droid from cheap Jawa dealer.

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