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I dislike the appearance of Nar Shaddaa and Corellia in SWTOR


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First Nar Shaddaa. I really loved the appearance of Nar Shadda in Jedi Knight 2 and KOTOR2. It was very dark with nothing but black and grey tones. In SWTOR there is this "rusty" brown tone and tons of lights of different colours at every corner. I hate that.


Then Corellia. I loved how Corellia looked in SWG, especially the sky. IN SWTOR it is quite significantly different. Well there is a lot of smoke from the war but still the sky is completely different.


Anyone else feel the same?

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The thing about Nar Shadda is that in KOTOR 2 you are in the refugee sector, which is the most run down and horrible part of the planet/moon.


In SWTOR you are running about some of the better sectors specially given to the Republic/Empire by the Hutts and some close connected sectors.


They supposed to look different.

Edited by AngelousWang
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t's also 300 years later than KOTOR... things change in 300 years.
Well, Jedi Knight 2 happens 3,000 years after KOTOR and yet Nar Shaddaa has the same feel. So this isn't a good reason at all.


The thing about Nar Shadda is that in KOTOR 2 you are in the refugee sector, which is the most run down and horrible part of the planet/moon.
That might be an excuse for Promenade. But according to codex, Duros sector is one of the poorest sectors on Nar Shaddaa and yet it has the same rusty brown tone and tons of colourful lights. Edited by Path-x
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The fact of the matter is that both Nar Shaddaa and Corellia are perfectly represented in TOR. Their depictions in this game line up with the Expanded Universe and greater Star Wars lore.


Galaxies depiction of Corellian cities (Coronet and Tyrena in particular) was piss poor even if the environment outside of those cities was appropriately rendered.


TOR hits the mark for both.

Edited by Yukondoit
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The fact of the matter is that both Nar Shaddaa and Corellia are perfectly represented in TOR. Their depictions in this game line up with the Expanded Universe and greater Star Wars lore.


Perfectly according to what exactly? Could you please provide some sources to back it up (visual sources of course). Since I (and many others) consider Dark Forces series and KOTOR2 quite a significant EU sources, to which TOR contradicts, I am curious what you actually had in mind.


Galaxies depiction of Corellian cities (Coronet and Tyrena in particular) was piss poor even if the environment outside of those cities was appropriately rendered.


I wasn't clear enough. It is not the city itself that bothers me. It is the sky. The TOR Corellia has a lot different sky than SWG had. What's your take on that?

Edited by Path-x
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Perfectly according to what exactly? Could you please provide some sources to back it up (visual sources of course). Since I (and many others) consider Dark Forces series and KOTOR2 quite a significant EU sources, to which TOR contradicts, I am curious what you actually had in mind.


TOR doesn't contradict anything. The Dark Forces series is set 3600 years in the future. Things change. Furthermore, KOTOR 2 and Dark Forces' depiction of Nar Shaddaa take place in an entirely different area of the planet.


Your complaint more or less boils down to a complaint that Baghdad (Nar Shaddaa in KOTOR 2) doesn't look like the Upper West Side in Manhattan (Nar Shaddaa in TOR). Of course they don't!


And if you want significant EU sources that describe Coronet City, I'll refer you to the following:


  • X-wing: Rogue Leader 1 (comic)
  • X-wing: Rogue Leader 2 (comic)
  • The Paradise Snare (novel)
  • I, Jedi (novel)
  • Ambush at Corellia (novel)
  • Legacy of the Force: Betrayal (novel)
  • Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines (novel)
  • Legacy of the Force: Exile (novel)


All of them paint Coronet in the way that TOR depicts Coronet. Galaxies sucked.


I wasn't clear enough. It is not the city itself that bothers me. It is the sky. The TOR Corellia has a lot different sky than SWG had. What's your take on that?


That's because Star Wars Galaxies couldn't render more than two skyscrapers. The "sky" in TOR is taken up by the Coronet skyline effused with the tell-tale marks of war between the Sith Empire and the Republic.

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Thanks for the sources on Corellia.


Your complaint more or less boils down to a complaint that Baghdad (Nar Shaddaa in KOTOR 2) doesn't look like the Upper West Side in Manhattan (Nar Shaddaa in TOR). Of course they don't!


Now that's an extremely bad example. As I stated in one of my previous posts, TOR for example features Duros sector which is according to the codex one of the poorest sectors on the planet so it really shouldn't be much different than the sectors we see in JK2 and KOTOR2.


That's because Star Wars Galaxies couldn't render more than two skyscrapers. The "sky" in TOR is taken up by the Coronet skyline effused with the tell-tale marks of war between the Sith Empire and the Republic.


Uh-oh, we might not understand each other again. I don't have problems with the buildings and the city. By "sky" I did not mean Coronet's skyline or skyscrapers. I meant the sky as the planets atmosphere. There is a lot of smoke but the few clear spots of sky are completely different from SWG.

Edited by Path-x
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Thanks for the sources on Corellia.




Now that's an extremely bad example. As I stated in one of my previous posts, TOR for example features Duros sector which is according to the codex one of the poorest sectors on the planet so it really shouldn't be much different than the sectors we see in JK2 and KOTOR2.




Uh-oh, we didn't understand each other again. I don't have problems with the buildings and the city. By "sky" I did not mean Coronet's skyline or skyscrapers. I meant the sky as the planets atmosphere.


There are no day/night cycles in SWTOR as there was in SWG (which i will admit, i wish there were).


Perhaps it is that time of day when the sky turns that color. I could honestly care less.


I have no problem with Nar Shadda, one of my favorite planets (or moon...) it looks how it should look imo.

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Thanks for the sources on Corellia.




Now that's an extremely bad example. As I stated in one of my previous posts, TOR for example features Duros sector which is according to the codex one of the poorest sectors on the planet so it really shouldn't be much different than the sectors we see in JK2 and KOTOR2.




Uh-oh, we might not understand each other again. I don't have problems with the buildings and the city. By "sky" I did not mean Coronet's skyline or skyscrapers. I meant the sky as the planets atmosphere. There is a lot of smoke but the few clear spots of sky are completely different from SWG.


I dont mean to offend, but it seems to me like all your arguments boil down to swg. SWG is 3700 years in the future. Thinks change in that long. Imagine earth in 3700 years, you dont think the sky would look more polluted (assuming the whole echo friendly thing didnt work out) Especially if there was a MASSIVE war going on, i mean the sith empire vs republic is probably alot bigger war than empire vs rebellion...

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Uh-oh, we might not understand each other again. I don't have problems with the buildings and the city. By "sky" I did not mean Coronet's skyline or skyscrapers. I meant the sky as the planets atmosphere. There is a lot of smoke but the few clear spots of sky are completely different from SWG.


SWTOR is under no obligation to copy the look of SWG, especially since there is several thousand years between the time lines of both games.

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SWTOR is under no obligation to copy the look of SWG,


Well but it is expected to keep some sort of continuity to other previously established sources. According to your statement one could say "SWTOR is under no obligation to copy the look of Star Wars films. They could make Tatooine a snow planet" which ridiculous. :p


especially since there is several thousand years between the time lines of both games.


Planet's sky/atmosphere doesn't change in a matter of thousand years. :rolleyes:

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Planet's sky/atmosphere doesn't change in a matter of thousand years. :rolleyes:


...and I suppose you've been alive for a 1000 years here on earth to tell us that? Atmosphere and skies can vary greatly in look, even on earth in the present day depending on any number of factors.

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First Nar Shaddaa. I really loved the appearance of Nar Shadda in Jedi Knight 2 and KOTOR2. It was very dark with nothing but black and grey tones. In SWTOR there is this "rusty" brown tone and tons of lights of different colours at every corner. I hate that.


Then Corellia. I loved how Corellia looked in SWG, especially the sky. IN SWTOR it is quite significantly different. Well there is a lot of smoke from the war but still the sky is completely different.


Anyone else feel the same?


you liked the way anything looked in SWG, your comments are now invalid. thanks for playing.

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Now that's an extremely bad example. As I stated in one of my previous posts, TOR for example features Duros sector which is according to the codex one of the poorest sectors on the planet so it really shouldn't be much different than the sectors we see in JK2 and KOTOR2.


Think of it this way; they said it was one of the poorest; there are more like it, some could be even poorer. They could haev even built over the other sectors in teh gap of KOTOR (wouldn't know, never played them). I just love the look because it reminds me of Las Vegas (now if they only had an Opera house playing something similar to a certain Opera I love....). But that's just me, my personal prefrence. The sky would be cooler if it was black with grey clouds, but no complaints here.

Edited by Kikilicious
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Not that it makes a huge difference, but the appearance of a planet also depends on which faction you're playing... The difference on Taris is literally night and day depending on whether you're Imperial or Republic.
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Think of it this way; they said it was one of the poorest; there are more like it, some could be even poorer. They could haev even built over the other sectors in teh gap of KOTOR (wouldn't know, never played them). I just love the look because it reminds me of Las Vegas


Well according to the previously established EU, Nar Shaddaa is generally very filthy, wretched and extremely poor planet in the first place. The idea of parallel with Las Vegas only came now from SWTOR. I don't like it at all.


If at least there wasn't for this brown colour tone everywhere and rather a proper black-grey tone like in other EU sources then I wouldn't complain.

Edited by Path-x
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Well according to the previously established EU, Nar Shaddaa is generally very filthy, wretched and extremely poor planet in the first place. The idea of parallel with Las Vegas only came now from SWTOR. I don't like it at all.


If at least there wasn't for this brown colour tone everywhere and rather a proper black-grey tone like in other EU sources then I wouldn't complain.



I would disagree,


Like others that have posted, the Jedi Exile was in the refugee sector of Nar Shaddaa. Furthermore Nar Shadaa always seemed to have a "Las Vegas-y" vibe to it. Bright lights, big money in some areas, but destitute in others.

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For the love of, Nar Shaddaa is a MOON not a Planet. Nar Shaddaa is the Moon of Nal Hutta.


Not that it makes a huge difference, but the appearance of a planet also depends on which faction you're playing... The difference on Taris is literally night and day depending on whether you're Imperial or Republic.


Either way, TOR's Taris reminds me of Midgar from the Final Fantasy 7 Series for some reason ;)

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Well but it is expected to keep some sort of continuity to other previously established sources. According to your statement one could say "SWTOR is under no obligation to copy the look of Star Wars films. They could make Tatooine a snow planet" which ridiculous. :p




Planet's sky/atmosphere doesn't change in a matter of thousand years. :rolleyes:


Firstly, it's expected to maintain a certain amount of continuity because it belong to an IP. Do you expect every Tylenol bottle to look exactly the same? Does it? No, there are certain features that are shared but it is by no means necessary to look uniform.


And yes, a planet's sky and atmosphere would change in thousands of years. Pollution levels, for one. How much of the planet's atmospheric levels are intact would change the colour of the sky. Orbital drift, which shifts the position and location of stars and other celestial bodies. There is a reason why archaeologists have to account for time, when trying to decipher the astrological calendars of ancient civilizations.


Expecting nothing to change over several millenia is what is ridiculous.

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