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(PVP) Dps Help!!


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Hi Marauders,


I have been looking around at youtube videos and at the end of warzone and have noticed a lot of marauders doing 200k+ dps, I was wondering if there is any hints/tips to help me get to that sort of Damage,


I have started doing around 100k+ Sometimes a little low depending on the game and focusing more on winning, I have also hit the 180k mark a few times recently.


this is my spec at the mo




I have started using Cloak of pain whenever its off cooldown, berserk and Bloodthirst When I can, I use the usual skills to build rage and bleeds when I can, I did notice I die a lot and have tried to work harder in fixing that using force camouflage, Saber ward and undying rage,


If you need anymore information on the skills I use when and were just say,


Thanks for any response, I don't class myself as a good player but I don't want this class to beat me lol,


I love marauders and will play it for a long time no matter if its with skill or not I would love it to be with skill though,


Also this is for pvp only I dont pve

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Four bits needed for champion gear, Head and legs from main set, think its ear and implant also,


I also Have the Relic you make for yourself from the yellow matrix shards, not sure if i should change it or not


Make sure to use your AOE mez when you can, to get some health back and stay alive longer stack your bleeds> pop berserk > choke, >obfuscate< use it on sins, juggs, other maras, ops (and their mirrors). If you feel you're getting focused cloak out and LOS if you can. Don't open with your charge, as much as possible try to run up to the person and battering assault first and maybe rupture or assault and wait for the knock back. Use your interrupt, it will save you tons.



My build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRMcGzZhMMZo.1

Edited by Xerain
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You might also consider giving this spec a try.


http ://w ww.torhead. com/skill-calc#100bIbRroM fGzZhMbZh.1


You'll have to remove the spaces in there as the forums keep trying to censor it and it screws up the link. Which is hilarious that the link has o m f g in it.


Obsfucate and Disruption are on plenty short cooldowns as it stands. You do need to interrupt a LOT, but being able to Force Charge from point blank is a better way to do that than to use Disruption owing to the fact that not only does Charge disrupt, but it also gives rage AND does a small amount of damage.


So ultimately, I think you're under-utilizing Charge. I think that's probably, aside from rotation and gear, your only real issue.

Edited by Yescek
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You might also consider giving this spec a try.





You'll have to remove the space in there as the forums keep trying to censor it and it screws up the link. Which is hilarious that the link has om-fg in it.


Obsfucate and Disruption are on plenty short cooldowns as it stands. You do need to interrupt a LOT, but being able to Force Charge from point blank is a better way to do that than to use Disruption owing to the fact that not only does Charge disrupt, but it also gives rage AND does a small amount of damage.


So ultimately, I think you're under-utilizing Charge. I think that's probably, aside from rotation and gear, your only real issue.


i'm sorry but subjugation is just far too good to pass up in PvP. Being able to pressure a healer, grav round, or pebble spam that well is just far too valuable to set aside and being able to slow them down is a big deal.



But yeah he should def get close quarters.

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Make sure to use your AOE mez when you can, to get some health back and stay alive longer stack your bleeds> pop berserk > choke, >obfuscate< use it on sins, juggs, other maras, ops (and their mirrors). If you feel you're getting focused cloak out and LOS if you can. Don't open with your charge, as much as possible try to run up to the person and battering assault first and maybe rupture or assault and wait for the knock back. Use your interrupt, it will save you tons.



My build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrRMcGzZhMMZo.1


Not 100% sure what all the abbreviations were but what was MEZ?


Thanks for the response

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Not 100% sure what all the abbreviations were but what was MEZ?


Thanks for the response


the aoe stun that breaks on damage that we have... i can't remember the name of it off the top of my head, thing has helped me in so many 2+v1's

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i'm sorry but subjugation is just far too good to pass up in PvP. Being able to pressure a healer, grav round, or pebble spam that well is just far too valuable to set aside and being able to slow them down is a big deal.



But yeah he should def get close quarters.


I never had an issue staying on target is the thing, people die too fast. I wanna be a slippery ninja, I go Carnage. But like I said, you really don't NEED to have the lower CD. Between the lower CD of Charge, the less range, Choke, and regular Disruption, you should have no issue pressuring cast-spammers anyways. Hell, I can do that well enough to end someone as Carnage. The slow doesn't matter due to less need of ToT, plus you still have Crippling Slash which does NOT stack with the rupture slow. Or if it does, I'm bugged or something cause it never stacks for me. Which, actually, wouldn't surprise me but that's a thread on it's own.


The point is that Disruption isn't our only interrupt. Swapping this one box for his current build will effectively make Charge a viable way to interrupt without exiting melee range. Aside from that, I had no issue with his build to begin with. He's already drowning in Fury, this will allow him to drown in rage as well. He'll be able to charge point-blank as a rage builder and can much more liberally apply Vicious Slash. The slow won't matter if he can simply root them for a second with a point blank charge and immediately use CS.


I know I repeated myself a few times in there, but it's 2:38PM on a Sunday and I'm still stuck at work. XP

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Not 100% sure what all the abbreviations were but what was MEZ?


Thanks for the response


mez is short for mesmerize, its a throwback to EQ (maybe earlier, idk) its basically a stun that breaks on damage, the term has generally disappeared in the post-WoW era, but some people still use it


the aoe stun that breaks on damage that we have... i can't remember the name of it off the top of my head, thing has helped me in so many 2+v1's


intimidating roar

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I never had an issue staying on target is the thing, people die too fast. I wanna be a slippery ninja, I go Carnage. But like I said, you really don't NEED to have the lower CD. Between the lower CD of Charge, the less range, Choke, and regular Disruption, you should have no issue pressuring cast-spammers anyways. Hell, I can do that well enough to end someone as Carnage. The slow doesn't matter due to less need of ToT, plus you still have Crippling Slash which does NOT stack with the rupture slow. Or if it does, I'm bugged or something cause it never stacks for me. Which, actually, wouldn't surprise me but that's a thread on it's own.


The point is that Disruption isn't our only interrupt. Swapping this one box for his current build will effectively make Charge a viable way to interrupt without exiting melee range. Aside from that, I had no issue with his build to begin with. He's already drowning in Fury, this will allow him to drown in rage as well. He'll be able to charge point-blank as a rage builder and can much more liberally apply Vicious Slash. The slow won't matter if he can simply root them for a second with a point blank charge and immediately use CS.


I know I repeated myself a few times in there, but it's 2:38PM on a Sunday and I'm still stuck at work. XP



Sometimes healers get away and like to LOS or pillar hump and you can just hit every heal they throw out with the reduced CD. The only time i use charge for an interrupt at point blank is against Merc healers because their knock back is on such a long CD.


The benifit of getting the slow is 1 less global and saves 2 points that you can spend to VS instead which might just reset rupture. Also saves a bar space for something else.

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first my dps doubled when i switched from carnage to anni, second, its completly gear dependant. It seems at 20 and 40 when i was newly geared in pvp gear I did great, 50 with no lvl 50 gear was MISERABLE. Playing the same style, i went from last to first as my pvp gear improved from none to BM. Be patient and wait for some good gear.
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Annihilation is really our only viable spec (sadly) and it's EXTREMELY gear-dependent. As I don't have a full set up BM gear (I cannot wait until 1.2 and the whole gear bags deal goes out the window), I've been running full Rakata in WZs and I usually do between 300-500k damage with between 80-100k healing. Just work on your rotation and use Annihilate when possible to take Rupture off cooldown and DOT 'em up.



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Well it sounds like your biggest problem to high dps is that you die a lot. Be patient about picking your targets. Don't just jump immediately into the fray. Huttball for example I never go mid at the beginning, I just go around the side and run straight to the sorc up top who doesn't ever see me. There is always at least one there. Knocks me off then I just force leap right back to him and melt him. Then pick another target that is already engaged on someone else on my team. They never see me coming either. Basically what Im saying is be patient and pick your targets smartly. Disengage if you think your not gonna win. Undying rage + frenzy + bleeds is your friend.


Also, me personally I never use bloodthirst in pvp. Use frenzy right before you lay all your bleeds on em and they will go down in no time and your health will only go up.

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no, its really not


rage and carnage are perfectly viable, they just arent as good as annihilation


best spec =/= only viable spec


Carnage = Steady stream of decent damage with little utility.

Rage = Massive crits based around ONE ability with loads of down time and no group utility.

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Carnage = Steady stream of decent damage with little utility.

Rage = Massive crits based around ONE ability with loads of down time and no group utility.


that doesnt make them un-viable


it makes them not as good as annihilation


there is a difference

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To the OP, your spec seems ok, but I would put 2 points into Enraged Charge instead of Defensive Roll and I would take 2 points from Close Quarters and put them in Seeping Wound. It sounds like you might be having trouble being kited and Seeping Wounds will help keep you on your target. My Best advice though, is to tell you to take whatever Xerain says and throw it out the window. Anyone who doesnt put 3/3 in Malice deserves to have his Marauder taken from him. Im pretty sure Malice is one of the FEW abilities that Marauders will take 3/3 in, regardless of their spec. It is a staple for our class, yet he believes that there is a filler talent that is more important. Go figure. The other thing I see is that you probably just need to work on your rotation a little and understanding it more.


One of the problems I had initially was that I wasn't paying attention to Annihilate bringing Rupture off of cooldown. Let me tell you...this is HUGE. If you Rupture someone, followed by an Annihilate, and Annihilate brings Rupture off of CD, your DoT's still tick from Rupture on the target, but guess what? Your not waiting 9 seconds to refresh Rupture, your doing it as soon as the DoT's fall off. Doing this religiously will cause a huge increase in both damage and healing output.

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Carnage = Steady stream of decent damage with little utility.

Rage = Massive crits based around ONE ability with loads of down time and no group utility.


Annihilation = Bleed Dependent which can be Purged off. Easily Kited. An Low Defense Rating. If your going to display spec weaknesses you should display them all.


Also correction to the above.


Rage: Large Burst. Amazing AoE Damage. Best slow in the game. Highest Defense rating of the specs(you will have defense rating equal to heavy armor).

Edited by Furyofwar
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Annihilation = Bleed Dependent which can be Purged off. Easily Kited. An Low Defense Rating. If your going to display spec weaknesses you should display them all.


kiting is never a problem... i feel more easily kited as carnage or rage than annihilation.

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Anni definitely has the least mobility and if you miss that Rupture/Crippling Slash on your rotation, you're going to lose a good chunk of your HP while you're running after your target that's either DPS'ing you with ranged attacks or someone noticed you were chasing someone and they jump on you.


About putting 3 points into Malice, I don't think it's a requirement given as to how often Berserk is up which give your DoTs a 100% crit chance. You could put points into other talents which would give you more utility.

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