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Why didn't they just include a crap ton of playable races?


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Cutscenes are integral to this game and adding new races requires incremental work in the cutscenes.


Expect it therefore in expansions or major uplift patches, as they plan and complete the development work.


The other species use the same body; only the head is different. Armor is based on body type, not species. So the high-res armor models already exist.

Most of the head models already exist also, since they are used by the NPCs in cutscenes.


The limited races is more a design decision than technical limitation.

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If they were smart they would have created a micro-transaction area so they could sell more races, crystals, outfits, weapon models, and vehicles (fluff).


I will easily spend 100 a month, more if there is a lot I am interested in.


no, thats not smart. Microtransactions are hated my many mmo players, myself included. I wouldn't play the game at all if they had them in just on principle.

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Even though it should have been, this is not Warcraft, species do not = faction)


Ever played the Empire? Very few aliens are allowed anywhere near positions of power. There currently aren't any "inferior" alien races allowed to be Sith Warriors. The biggest departure from humans are the Sith Purebloods.


So, yes, species can be a very good indicator of faction. Especially if you're a Chiss or a Ratattaki.

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What movie were mirialan in? Did Han temporarily transform into one when he couldnt see post carbonite lol?


Master Luminara Unduli can be seen in Episode II, I think. She's with the other Jedi Masters in Palpatine's office. She is, in fact, a Mirialan.

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Ever played the Empire? Very few aliens are allowed anywhere near positions of power. There currently aren't any "inferior" alien races allowed to be Sith Warriors. The biggest departure from humans are the Sith Purebloods.


So, yes, species can be a very good indicator of faction. Especially if you're a Chiss or a Ratattaki.


Which is why it will be stupid if they hand out these races to opposing factions for the Legacy system. They need to either roll out new races or hold off entirely on the Legacy race thing because having Chiss and Purebloods on Republic will make a mockery of the game and the lore, same for some of the Republic races being Empire side.

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All they need to model is the head though. They use the same skeleton, so the animations would be the same. Togruta even uses the human face with the equivalent of added hair, so its probably about the easiest




Sorry, if they dont have the ability, despite sharing the same core animation skeleton, the coders should lose their job. And you and I know that's not the case. The game is built around interacting with the same 4 body types over, and over, and over. Given how many cut scenes Ashara, Gus, Qyzen, whatever the trooper cathar companion is, etc appear in, they should be about good to go.


Why would the coders be doing any of the animation? They work on the coding. And there are only some basic heads done. And by basic, I mean three. There are three Nautolans in the game, three Cathar heads, and three Togruat heads. Yes, there are some customizations for Aric and Azshara, but not nearly that many compared actual players.


Would it be hard to do? Doubt it. Would it cost money that BioWare didn't have to spend at the time, probably.

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No anti-lore races?


Please lets break away from Lucas ******, and get something fresh and new into this franchise.


It's not about "fresh and new". I'm all for including new ides from the EU and other sources. It's about not making the game a mockery of the source material it came from.


The role of Ithorians in anything "heroic" is extremely rare in the Star Wars universe. So far as I know, there were only a handful that took on any sort of action-based role. While there were Ithorian Jedi, they weren't the sort that leaped about, fighting off Sith with lightsabers.


I'd have no problem adding them, so long as they stayed true to lore. That' means they are largely slow moving pacifists. Somehow, I doubt that is what people have in mind when they are asking to play them.

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There are also a lot of clipping issues with the Races that aren't already in the game. Twi'lek either horribly clip, or just can't wear most hats. Also, one of the other reasons is that an eligible race must have is the ability to speak Common during cut scenes. This likely means No Rhodians, Jawa or Wookies.


Also, they must have a Humanoid face for ease of facial animations. We just have to hope that Bioware has a set of employees somewhere trying to figure out the clippage issues so we can have more races. I personally would include:





Sarkhai (Nadia Grell)


Kaleesh (need to fix the chin clip)



There are countless others, but that list alone would cover a lot of people's desires for new characters. I for one would race change my Smuggler from a Twi'lek (I don't do repeat races so it was that was left) to a Cathar in the blink of an eye.


yeah about Jawas and Rodians not speaking Basic........there are examples of both speaking Basic (Clone Wars for Rodians in fact, as for the Jawas had a Jawa who spoke basic without a accent, and Jedi in fact, named Akial)

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The other species use the same body; only the head is different. Armor is based on body type, not species. So the high-res armor models already exist.

Most of the head models already exist also, since they are used by the NPCs in cutscenes.


The limited races is more a design decision than technical limitation.


Most of the head models do not exist. With the exception of the playable species, there aren't many models. Every Jawa, even the one female, look the same. Trandoshans look the same. Cathar males all look the same. Cathar females all look the same. There are two Togruta male styles. There is one togruta female.


That's not counting companions, of course. Fact is there still a lot of work left to do. Work that costs money, that they're still probably trying to get back.

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Which is why it will be stupid if they hand out these races to opposing factions for the Legacy system. They need to either roll out new races or hold off entirely on the Legacy race thing because having Chiss and Purebloods on Republic will make a mockery of the game and the lore, same for some of the Republic races being Empire side.


A human off-shot, naturally Force sensitive race, like the Miraluka would be much more acceptable in the Empire. Mirialans, only if they were Inquisitors.

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What about Chiss and Purebloods Republic side though?


There are Chiss defectors. I'm not sure about Purebloods, though, as I'm not sure they could survive without the presence of the Dark Side. Literally.


Rattataki would work, escaped slaves or something a long those lines.

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Because it would require more work than simply changing skin color or adding something on top of the head.


Yes, in this day and age when customers are required to pay $60 for a product and then $15 a month for the right to play it, developers can't be required to go above and beyond to provide the customers what they want.


How often do almost all MMO's release new characters? At expansion time? Game has been out for two months? Quit QQ'ing its embarrassing.

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Most of the head models do not exist. With the exception of the playable species, there aren't many models. Every Jawa, even the one female, look the same. Trandoshans look the same. Cathar males all look the same. Cathar females all look the same. There are two Togruta male styles. There is one togruta female.


That's not counting companions, of course. Fact is there still a lot of work left to do. Work that costs money, that they're still probably trying to get back.


Every human female NPC that I see in a crowd are all the same. Every face, every body type, every hairstyle, every outfit the exact same. By your argument, there aren't many models of human females in the game.


The fact that you only see one type of face for the Togruta or Cathar is more indicative of Bioware's laziness or deliberate decision to limit the number of NPC "types" for performance purposes. The humanoid species with human-like faces are more than capable of being put into the game, because the faces already exist. Any difficulties in bringing in these different species is a matter of tweaking them, not designing them again from the ground up. The only species this argument can be used for are the more exotic humanoid species, such as Duros, Rodians, Nikto, etc.

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Ever played the Empire? Very few aliens are allowed anywhere near positions of power. There currently aren't any "inferior" alien races allowed to be Sith Warriors. The biggest departure from humans are the Sith Purebloods.


So, yes, species can be a very good indicator of faction. Especially if you're a Chiss or a Ratattaki.


So dont let them be sith warriors? /shrug Inquisitor's story is that its a slave race, so its pretty much a free for all. Same with Bounty Hunter. Imp Agent might be more limited, but 2 out of 4 classes Imp side have a wider choice. Besides, they need to offer republic something to get people to roll that.


I've encounterd several Nemoidians with high clearance, so I could see them allowed as agents.

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Most of the head models do not exist. With the exception of the playable species, there aren't many models. Every Jawa, even the one female, look the same. Trandoshans look the same. Cathar males all look the same. Cathar females all look the same. There are two Togruta male styles. There is one togruta female.


That's not counting companions, of course. Fact is there still a lot of work left to do. Work that costs money, that they're still probably trying to get back.



There's work to be sure, but the hand wringing Bioware apologists are acting like they have to start from square one. They're in the downhill stretch for the most part. Togruta use the existing face structure. They're basically twileks with modified lekku and different coloration.

Edited by NermalDetonator
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There are Chiss defectors. I'm not sure about Purebloods, though, as I'm not sure they could survive without the presence of the Dark Side. Literally.


Rattataki would work, escaped slaves or something a long those lines.


See that is kind of what I was thinking...Rattataki are the only ones that would even be semi plausible. I agree that there could be some Chiss defectors...however, allowing Republic to roll Chiss as legacy there would be far too many of them around to make sense. I play Republic BTW so I am not coming from the perspective of an Imp who just doesn't want Reps to have our races...I just think it would be incredibly silly if Bioware does this.

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Because you do realize that each race would then have to have been shaped or modeled to work with the armor already existent in the game. They also would have to create animations for certain abilities that some races don't have.


From there they also have to have these races, some of which never seem to speak basic, to speak basic in all the cutscenes. It's not an easy process, not at all.

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There's work to be sure, but the hand wringing Bioware apologists are acting like they have to start from square one. They're in the downhill stretch for the most part. Togruta use the existing face structure. They're basically twileks with modified lekku and different coloration.


There are technical problems that need to be addressed, too. For example, Togruta can't even wear helmets, and the Nautolan tentacle things would look ridiculous in a lot of areas. I'm not sure how difficult their coding is but, like I said, it's money that I don't think they can/want to spend right now.

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See that is kind of what I was thinking...Rattataki are the only ones that would even be semi plausible. I agree that there could be some Chiss defectors...however, allowing Republic to roll Chiss as legacy there would be far too many of them around to make sense. I play Republic BTW so I am not coming from the perspective of an Imp who just doesn't want Reps to have our races...I just think it would be incredibly silly if Bioware does this.


There's a bit of a work around with the Chiss. If you roll a Chiss BH, the description says that you're family was one of the ones that left the Ascendancy.

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