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LOTRO players please read..


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19 players? Oh no, Bioware had better shut the servers down soon to recoup their losses.


Come on man.. Im just saying what my experience is, you dont have to defend your position with ignorance. If you and your guild dont feel something is missing,, thats fine, im trying to be a part of the solution, and trying really hard not to be di-respectful at the same time..

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SWTOR's lifeless and dead atmosphere, along with very little to no immersion is well noted.


these months passed and still hasn't suffered the same fate as warhammer and the game is still growing and selling more...sorry bud. Should take that sig off :p

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these months passed and still hasn't suffered the same fate as warhammer and the game is still growing and selling more...sorry bud. Should take that sig off :p


Please give me a link to a reliable source showing actual active server-population at this moment or your post is pointless.

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Please give me a link to a reliable source showing actual active server-population at this moment or your post is pointless.


lol you really want a prove SWTOR is doing better then Warhammer? That game lost about 80% of players after first month, it was mass exodus


Sure some people left SWTOR, todays generations of mmo players are mostly impatient people who jump from game to game every 3 months, and hype for another in the meantime, but also I\ve seen many new players just joined the game, I have plenty of them in my guild for example.


It will all stabilize soon, jumpers will leave and probably play Tera, as it's next mmo to hit, and people who like SWTOR like me will stay and have fun for years.

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Come on man.. Im just saying what my experience is, you dont have to defend your position with ignorance. If you and your guild dont feel something is missing,, thats fine, im trying to be a part of the solution, and trying really hard not to be di-respectful at the same time..


I'm sorry but suggesting they redesign the ambient world from the ground up isn't very helpful. You might think it is but it's not. You have said literally nothing that hasn't been said before. Though you have been quite respectful and it is much appreciated, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves as to the quality of the suggestions.


Secondly, if you are really intent on someone from Bioware reading that post, you totally need to redesign it. I tried reading the whole thing but I just couldn't get into it. It's just a huge wall of text that takes a huge effort to slug through. Not trying to be an *** here, just trying to help you out.

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I'm sorry but suggesting they redesign the ambient world from the ground up isn't very helpful. You might think it is but it's not. You have said literally nothing that hasn't been said before. Though you have been quite respectful and it is much appreciated, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves as to the quality of the suggestions.


Secondly, if you are really intent on someone from Bioware reading that post, you totally need to redesign it. I tried reading the whole thing but I just couldn't get into it. It's just a huge wall of text that takes a huge effort to slug through. Not trying to be an *** here, just trying to help you out.


Thank you for the advice.. I will do a better job next time..

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Why can't people just accept that different people have different tastes. For some Lotro is the better game for other SWTOR or WoW. It's good there are different games on the market, so we're not obliged to all play the same game.


Point taken,, thanks for the response

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Why can't people just accept that different people have different tastes. For some Lotro is the better game for other SWTOR or WoW. It's good there are different games on the market, so we're not obliged to all play the same game.




LOTRO is a beautiful game. No argument there. I personally couldn't get a character past level 20 and I tried no less than 5 times throughout the course of the games lifetime.


I can certainly understand how a person coming from such a beautifully crafted environment being a little put off by the design of SWTOR. I don't understand anybody being surprised by it though as all of this information was known months before release.


It's two different design decisions. The developers of this game decided to stick with a cinematic presentation of the game world so they could have total control of the story. They use actors, set pieces, and dialogue to move you through the game zones toward the end-game.


LOTRO used the same basic text quests we've all grown accustomed to over the years to tell the story and allows the player to engage the content in a world that has day and night cycles.


I personally wish they hadn't went the route of no day and night cycles and I was very vocal about it in the months leading up to release. Having said that, I do understand the design decision and it hasn't impacted my fun with the game as negatively as I thought it would prior to release.


As the poster above me said. It's a personal taste thing.

Edited by Sparklehorse
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