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LOTRO players please read..


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It took me a while, but I think I have figured out why this game isnt pulling me and many others in,, and keeping us in. Our guild in SWTOR is dying ,,and I mean fast. And I find myself flying in circles around the fleet way to often waitng for the big huttball match.


But yesterday, I found the problem. And any of you that have played LOTRO will kniow what I mean.

I played LOTRO for several years, and I understand that the game has had time to polish up,,and offer a bit more for each play style, but.... Yesterday our guild ran an easrly morning ops. We were trying the palace on h/m for the the first time. We cleared the early mobs,,and eventually made it to the first boss, the epic rancor. For me , I was excited to hit this sucker with a missile or 2,, and was hoping as a group we would blow him back to hutta. But the sheer might of the rancor, and the fact that some in our group were light weights, gave him the advantage. And he picked us off 1 by 1. And it was great, we learned a bit, and now know we need to be better prepared for the next encounter. But something was missing. For some reason I felt detached from the fight. Something wasnt drawing me into the game.

So last night, I logged back into my LOTRO account, to see if I could put a finger on what kept me coming back for over 4 yrs. And I think I found it right away.Firstly, I must say , it was a tad bit sad to see so many players had left the game. Many of which have come here I assume.But beyond that, I hopped on my mount, and went to moria, the most epic dungeon ever created,imo. I found the hidden cave where the dreaded balrog lie dead,, and stood there a moment , and panned my camera. Any of you who have played the game, know exactly where and what I am talking about. This is one of the most desolate places on the map. But even just sitting there, the environment comes to life. The music and the wind,, the blinding snow,, it felt so alive...

When my guild and I were preparing to fight the rancor, there was no sound, just footsteps... No music,,, no dungeon feeling,, just silence.. When we engaged the beast, the only sounds were blasters and sabres. There was no epic music that led us to believe we were this close to defeating the beast....

Some of you may not agree with what I just said,, and perhaps others will... But for any of you lotro players out there,, one last time,, go to the balrog in Moria,, and sit there and listen.. the game was alive,, and very immersive.. and I dont get the same feeling from SWTOR....

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Hi mate, played lotro for a while and got same feeling. When I start compare raid Rift in Angmar with EV or KP, it is really sux in SWTOR. Atmosphere in raid is really plastic, no amazing sound, creepy music etc etc, just pull bos, dps it and cya ... :mad:
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Hi mate, played lotro for a while and got same feeling. When I start compare raid Rift in Angmar with EV or KP, it is really sux in SWTOR. Atmosphere in raid is really plastic, no amazing sound, creepy music etc etc, just pull bos, dps it and cya ... :mad:


Thanks for the reply,, im trying really really hard to find the nich that keeps me logging in here,, but man,, lotro has such a different feel..

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I tired LOTRO on 2 different occassions and I couldnt get into it.


After lotro became free 2 play,, it changed the dynamics,,some of us old schoolers would give an arm and a leg to have it back the way it was... much like some old school swg fans thought this game might compare,, but its not even close..

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I agree, they could've put more working into creating ambience and promote that feeling of immersion and action people love from other games.


Don't get me wrong, I love a good "Pewpewpewpew-BZZZM-BZZZM-PEWPEWPEW!" as much as everyone else, but some stuff could of course be improved ;)

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When I'm in an FP or Heroic and the epic Star Wars music plays in the background during a visceral fight, I am engrossed.


Good thing for you that LOTR Online is F2P. You can keep playing until the servers shut down. Sorry SWTOR doesn't do it for you like it does for me. :)

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When I'm in an FP or Heroic and the epic Star Wars music plays in the background during a visceral fight, I am engrossed.


Good thing for you that LOTR Online is F2P. You can keep playing until the servers shut down. Sorry SWTOR doesn't do it for you like it does for me. :)


Thanks for your comment,, and Im sure some have the draw feeling for this game. But I tend to agree with the other poster that sai " it feels plasticy" but thats just my opinion..

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LOTRO could've been amazing, but gameplay, combat and animations made it virtually unplayable.

SWTOR, for all its problems, has amazingly fun combat. LOTRO never had that. All it had was lore. Lore just isn't enough.

Spot on


While visiting all the areas from the books was amazing the quests and combat was just so lacking

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Its unfortunate that so many people are leaving SWTOR, and I can't really blame them, end game content is non-existant, trying to get a group for hard modes going is a daunting task with the current state of poplulation on my server. Now that being said, this game has unlimited potential, and can only get better with time, this game is new, and for hard core MMO players who are not known for thier patients: CHILL BROS, CHILL.
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While I never played Lotro for huge stints of time, and overall if I had to make the choice between which I'd rather play it would be swtor, it is true about the atmosphere... More so its the "detached" feeling as you say.


The world just feels dead outside the story and cut-scene moments, no matter where I seem to be. Its kind of like theres a haze between me and the game or right now, stopping me from really getting into it. (Well that and a lack of content, though thats another story)

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Spot on


While visiting all the areas from the books was amazing the quests and combat was just so lacking


I agree to a point. I play a merc bh,, and for me the combat sucks,, its laggy,, and offers very little movement,, the cinematics are poor for this class, and the boss fights are often so glitchy, that I dont even see my missile going off. And for the record, I play on a top notch gaming comp.. so its not on my end...

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Its unfortunate that so many people are leaving SWTOR, and I can't really blame them, end game content is non-existant, trying to get a group for hard modes going is a daunting task with the current state of poplulation on my server. Now that being said, this game has unlimited potential, and can only get better with time, this game is new, and for hard core MMO players who are not known for thier patients: CHILL BROS, CHILL.


I agree,, the potential is there. But with so many fixes in the works.. do u think they will find the time to make the environment feel real... That would be one heck of a patch,, and I doubt the effort would be put into it... but as you say,, maybe patience is all that is needed..

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I agree to a point. I play a merc bh,, and for me the combat sucks,, its laggy,, and offers very little movement,, the cinematics are poor for this class, and the boss fights are often so glitchy, that I dont even see my missile going off. And for the record, I play on a top notch gaming comp.. so its not on my end...

For what it's worth my arsenal merc is stuck at lvl 34ish, just can't get into it


Rerolled an OP and had a blast to 50, then made a sith assassin and had a blast to 50

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LOTRO may be the most immersive MMO in history. The sounds; the visuals -- I mean, Jesus, remember the day/night cycles? They were absolutely breathtaking.


Frankly, I am toying with going back.


Do I ever,,, as I said,,, going back kind of took my breath away.. I am going back,,if for nothing else, until this game patches up.. I will be on windfolla ,,,if your going back...lol

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LOTRO's world is still static, and they've done some things rather wrong (Bree), but overall LOTRO has created an incredibly real and spectacular looking world and done it rather well to Tolkien's work.



(things like weather and views both help and have been done incredibly well - some of the views, inside and out, in LOTRO are incredible - better than most RL views :eek:)

Edited by Goretzu
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It's not as many as you think. It's only the few who do leave like to make big dramatic forum displays about it as a cry for attention.


In my guild alone, we had over 30 active daily members,, we are now down to about 11, and on our guild web site, the ones who left explained why. If my guild is the only one suffering from number loss, I would be surprised.. But maybe other servers are different

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In my guild alone, we had over 30 active daily members,, we are now down to about 11, and on our guild web site, the ones who left explained why. If my guild is the only one suffering from number loss, I would be surprised.. But maybe other servers are different


19 players? Oh no, Bioware had better shut the servers down soon to recoup their losses.

Edited by xCyberpunkx
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