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SPOLIER: Jaxo whats the point?


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It's the dark-side choice for a reason. You chose to save one soldier, who you may have been sleeping with, as opposed to the POWs.


It's a moral dilemma and you picked the selfish choice.



When you have the droid companion out, he actually says that it's actually more beneficial for the Republic as a whole to keep Jaxo alive since her training and rank are worth more than those of 300 random soldiers. And I'd say the droid is pretty patriotic.


So from a certain point of view, saving Jaxo isn't in any way selfish.


Edited by gibmachine
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Yeh when i got upto that part i sat there for like 5 minutes pondering what to do, on one hand 300 outweigh 1 but on there other she was epic, but there was no long term romance option or anything so i decided to save the 300 and i walked away with a happy companion, 300 thankful people and 100-150 light side points.
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Eh, once I learned that Dorne was the romanceable character, it's not even close. Jaxo was a fun time but Elara's the real prize.



That being said, ****** situation but that's one of the aspects of this game that are so good. Creating epic and dramatic moments that make you sit and ponder your choices before you make them.

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