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Valor Ranks above 60...


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It's not just promises when they already said and have shown that there will be weekly tournaments, monthly tournaments, player created tournaments. These aren't ambiguous terms like what BW threw around for several years - these are actual additions to the game. You can't make it any more clear than "there are tournaments, 5v5, and here they are: *show it*". I don't see what's so intangible about that.


Just because you're ignorant of the actual progression of GW2s development doesn't mean everyone else is. And ignorant is not a derogatory term in this sense - I mean that you actually don't know.


And no, TOR doesn't have rankings. I don't think you know what rankings mean.

Edited by Vuldinlol
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I actually follow the development of GW2 and I would like it to succeed, don't get me wrong.


But just like it is with that infamous statement (BW: "We want group content to be more heroic than a bunch of players hitting on a single mob") - an intention, a promise, call it whatever you will, is not the same as the gameplay to be released later.


I just think it is wrong to compare a game, that is up and running to an unreleased game, based on something, that is essentially developer promises. Who knows how it's actually gonna be like?


And since you do not seem to follow SWTOR's development - it will have rankings come 1.2.


I do not only know what the meaning of 'rankings' is - I can even discern between 'will' and 'does'. You could get some lectures to catch up on that, if you're interested.

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I like to pvp on this game quite alot and even though there is no real reward apart from a title it's something nice for me to work for while pvping. It's not something i'm going to sit there and grind for 12+ hours a day but each valor rank is a nice little goal to aim for.
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I actually follow the development of GW2 and I would like it to succeed, don't get me wrong.


But just like it is with that infamous statement (BW: "We want group content to be more heroic than a bunch of players hitting on a single mob") - an intention, a promise, call it whatever you will, is not the same as the gameplay to be released later.


I just think it is wrong to compare a game, that is up and running to an unreleased game, based on something, that is essentially developer promises. Who knows how it's actually gonna be like?


And since you do not seem to follow SWTOR's development - it will have rankings come 1.2.


I do not only know what the meaning of 'rankings' is - I can even discern between 'will' and 'does'. You could get some lectures to catch up on that, if you're interested.


"5v5 monthly, weekly, player created tournaments" is not comparable to "we are going to make raids feel epic". One term is ambiguous, and one term is solid. It's like saying "I have two shoes" is comparable to "my shoes are epic." They're not the same - Arenanet is focusing on making GW2 an esport, and they've already shown screenshots of the tournament UI. They are ingame tournaments, and there are also custom made tournaments.


No, it won't. I'm not going to find the quote for you, but you can look up yourself. They're not going to have rankings in 1.2. They're going to group people up in the 50 bracket to play with those who are similar Valor rank, meaning if you're rank 65, you have a higher chance to play with other people who are close to your rank than people who are rank 10 or 20.


Those aren't rankings. While the name may imply they are, "Valor Ranks" are nothing more than PvP levels, and the mobs that you grind are warzones.

Edited by Vuldinlol
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You have a point there, but giving us the ability to already reach the next milestone(s) which will most likely be a requirement to start getting the future, new sets will make sure we won't have anything to do in the future either when new content is released.


Maybe the next point is beyond 100...

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I don't know if it's true but all the top leaders on my guild are saying they are releasing a new level of PVP gear and PVE gear in 1.2. Personally I think that's ludicrous because I play this game A LOT and I just dinged BM last week. There'd be no way to catch up at this rate




i dinged bm only about 10 days ago and i to have played ALOT.


i dont know about other servers, but on mine the reps are way behind in the gear/valor race and adding new gear at this point is probaly going to be the last straw for many of them.


i see tons of bms and quite a few war heros running around on the imp side already, so you know that as soon as the new gear hits a lot of imps will already have the required valor rank, where very few reps will.


i myself will probaly have it too. but im not looking forward to playing a wz as the only rep war hero against 8 on the imp side.

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Ozzone you're saying:


Dude 1: Constantly pvps and over the last 6 weeks hits rank 75 gets 2 Warhero tokens as well as a reset back to 70.


Dude 2: Is rank 65 has 30 BM tokens coz he's been lucky with BM commendation RNG trades them in and gets 3 Warhero tokens.





Dude 1 is already a WarHero. He gets 2 tokens for the 5 valor ranks he is losing. He can also convert all his centurion/champion/battlemaster commendations. Chances are he'll have quite a few. BM bags are dropping cent/champ comms like candy now and he isn't spending them. Also, since he's rank 75, he'll be unlocked to buy up to 75 level gear.


Dude 2 is only 65. So he gets 3 WH comms. He can't use them for 5 levels anyway. He's stuck with BM until he hits 70 but now he has some reason to play. Yes, he'll be adding more c/c comms every BM bag he opens, but he will still have to level valor to get more WH gear.


You obviously have focused on one thing and missed the big picture entirely. Here, maybe I should explain.


1. It gives all PvP'ers, especially high level ones, a goal. What goal do we have now again?


2. It will still require playing to get the gear. Rule #1 of an MMO is to keep players playing and many will if there is a reward. This game, unfortunately, is gear based and gear is what people want.


3. It will take some time to be fully equipped. Players will still have to PvP a lot to get the valor. Valor means nothing now past 60 except titles. Nothing more.


4. It gives BM players one reason to keep playing after they are fully geared. What reason do they have now again?


5. It isn't too easy and isn't too hard. Players will look forward to that valor ding. Maybe, just maybe, it might encourage more PvP. That will definitely mean more queue pops.


No, I suspect you laughed because all you saw is what you wanted to see. Somehow, some way a lower level 65 BM can end up with more WH tokens than a 75 WH was what you saw. Tell you what, if anything I would bet that the greatest number of tokens (proportionately per player) easily go to WH and not BH simply because they will, on average, have significantly more cent/champ/bm commendations to convert up.

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