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When epic was truly epic

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the only place i've ever seen the cult of purplz spin out of control was WoW

Funnily, this "need to have purplix or ****" started happening around the time when WoW began handing out epics left and right for everyone. Go figure.

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I for one prefer this. After spending weeks, months, years~ to complete things in FFXI a change was needed and right now SWTOR is a good balance for people with major life commitments. Some people can get things faster who have more time to devote to the game but at the same token it's not going to take until content is outdated by a LONG time before others can enjoy it. Hardcores will always get the new content done first and show it off but in the end it's about everyone enjoying the game and having tangible rewards for their hard work.
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This might be beating the dead horse but i really miss the times when having "epic gear" ment something. I know the termonology have just changed abit but i still miss those days and long for them to come back.


When gearing up didnt take 2 weeks(missing 2 rakata on my alt after 2 weeks...), when we actually had to work to achieve things ingame. I know the "grind" era is long gone, and us oldtime gamers are a dying breed. But i can still dream and long for those glorious days to return.


Who else remembers that having good gear in an mmo actually required you to make an effort?


I know ur feeling...

I posted something like this



its pretty sad...

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This might be beating the dead horse but i really miss the times when having "epic gear" ment something. I know the termonology have just changed abit but i still miss those days and long for them to come back.


When gearing up didnt take 2 weeks(missing 2 rakata on my alt after 2 weeks...), when we actually had to work to achieve things ingame. I know the "grind" era is long gone, and us oldtime gamers are a dying breed. But i can still dream and long for those glorious days to return.


Who else remembers that having good gear in an mmo actually required you to make an effort?


Yes, you are beating a dead horse, for the love of god let it die already.

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Vanilla was just tedious and actually getting gear was *********** annoying, that's why it felt like you achieved something. You shouldn't have to do something tedious and ****** in a video game just to feel accomplished, that entirely negates the purpose of video games.


This. I work all day already, I don't want to work in a game.

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all games eventuly break down and make it easier in some way or another unless your playing games with like koreans or other aisan games who love the grind fest styles, which are fun in thier own way. it just depends on the time you have to put into it some do most dont and you cant make everyone happy
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Vanilla wasn't hard or epic at all, go play on a vanilla server for a while and that nostalgia will go away real quick. Bosses had pretty much no mechanics and when they actually did, the mechanics were horrible (like only being able to kill the slime boss by using frost damage). 40 man raids were only difficult because it's hard to get 40 people to stop playing with their ***** long enough to kill a boss.


Vanilla was just tedious and actually getting gear was *********** annoying, that's why it felt like you achieved something. You shouldn't have to do something tedious and ****** in a video game just to feel accomplished, that entirely negates the purpose of video games.


You sir, I agree with.

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You mean like how it took me 2 years to get my Dynamis Weapon in FFXI(one of the rarest items in the game)? Or several months to get the black belt for my monk? Or how it took me 5 years to get maats cap only to watch SE raise the level to past 75? =P


^This (But XI had too much grind! 'til you hit 75 that is :D)

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Because your status in a game should come from your ability to play.


Not from the amount of free time you can spare.


And the quickest way to differentiate this is to make gear easy and attainable, but load a character down with 50 thousand abilities that each have their own niche.


Seriously. WTB Coverbar 2 for sniper.

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