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I'm not quitting and here's why: I have never played WoW. I came into this game without having expectations which come from playing an 8 year old game. I was expecting a slightly different playstyle then any of the other games I played (which themselves were all different) and that was what I got. The relatively few problems I've seen do not concern me as I am satisfied to see the biweekly patches which address an average of 10 new issues each.


As for my character, I've only just hit 50 with an alt around 20 but I have a pretty amazing guild that is running ops and HMs daily. It will take me a week to get geared to run with them and I am glad about that. They are 3 weeks ahead of me gear wise and if there was an extended end game gear system I wouldn't be as optimistic as catching up. I know I won't be able to take out most of my guild for a while but I'll be able to hold my own in flashpoints and ops.


In addition to this, the amount of game content I haven't experienced is still high. Besides the endgame I haven't seen I have 7 more class stories. If I get sick of the Republic side quests I will play an imp or two. I'm looking at switching 2 republic than 2 imps than back to republic so I don't burn out off side quests. By the time I have 8 50's in semi-decent gear there will be more end game content (it will probably take me until patch 1.4 or later to have 8 max level toons) at which point I expect plenty more endgame content plus I'll have any class to run it with.


I can see myself sticking around until after the first level cap increase at which point there will be more story (best part od the game) and endgame. Until then I'm sticking around and perhaps after. The problems that exist today will be gone tomorrow and as long as I can avoid the problem du jour I will continue to play.


TL,DR: I'm not quitting.

Edited by Idejon
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Really, who cares if you quit or not? Nobody here either in-game or in-forums is actually significant at all.


Post away as much as you want but the "i'm quitting" and the "i'm not quitting" posts just make your reputation trivial, even if you were to become significant at some point.




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It does! It tells me that some people cannot bear to leave a positively intended thread alone and must dribble all over it with negativity.


Hmm, you mean like how you people have to jump into legit complaint threads all the time???


We got some nice numbers here in this thread, the servers must have been empty while you none quitters were posting :D (joke/kinda lol)

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Tried rolling some alts on Sunday. Have barely played at all in the last few weeks.


Still not quitting but I'm certainly not enamored with the game by any means.


Out of all the classes I have tried thus far I still like Sorc/Heal the most - try it if u didn't


Been playing since release. My highest toon is around lvl 37 or so. Have a 28 and a bunch of whatevers. No 50's. I don't play enough I guess.


Melee could sure use an /autostick button - or do I mean an /easy button? I'll stick to my lightning fingers

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