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true lol.maybe tor will head in a very good direction in the next couple of years and we can all be elders.


That is what I cling on to for hope...

That some day, I will be sitting on Tython watching nubs come & go...

That one day we will forget about the sadness that filled hearts when the final days of SWG.


I salute those un thanked NPCs. That sat there day after day, rain or sunshine.

I salute the hard working men & women of SOE... (well most of them.)

I just wish I could have one final run of Tansari Station.


SWG, we will never forget you. :sul_frown:

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wow did a lot of you people fall out of bed this morning. Swg was the bomb it was the best mmo game i have ever played. i been a star wars fan since 1980 and i still believe that swtor sucks the crafting,companions dont have good enough skill to really help out in battles,the game over all has a lot of thing not there like a sto/swg style of space,no on planet housing with harvesters to collect your meterals no player cities and so on. when i compare swg to swtor i rate swtor a 3 out of 10 a grade D swg a 9 out of 10 and a grade A. just face it swtor is not going to kill anyone and is not ever going to replace swg which was the best in over all game play. the last thing about swtor and swg is i had no issues playing swg no lag and the graphics were perfect and every thing in swg nge was perfect the precu was just as broken as the swtor game is now swg had no support from the player and thats why it died. Lmao to a comment i read give swtor a shot you might like it that also should apply to the swg nge if you all would have tried it you might have liked it. i guess you all nge whinny cry babies killed that game to play this game swtor which cant be played on all computers and swg you could. i have a **** load of problems playing swtor. you all that like this game have fun with this horible nightmare of a game,also remember the swg that you nge haters killed. oh and you nge haters dont hate this game cause it will end like swg
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SWG2 is never coming out, forget about that game. It wasn't good and that's why it isn't alive anymore.


Just because you personally enjoy a style of game, doesn't mean the vast majority of mmo players do.


You just have to accept that a sandbox MMO doesn't work, especially when the vast majority of players started with World of Warcraft.


it may not come out but Swg was by far better than this royal nightmare of a game swtor has came out with. the crafting and the over all game play of swg is and will always be better than this mess of a system that bioware has made. The precu mess that came out on swg was not complete soe saw that and fixed it with the nge update. precu was broken just like swtor is broken now. Swg died not because of the nge it died because of the nge hating whining cry babies left the game and gave it no support. Lmao i heard people saying give swtor a chance and you might like it but that also should have been the same for swg nge if the ones that cried and the whining ones just tried the game we might not be here right now on this topic. all in all swtor will not ever be as good as swg further more will never put any other game out of business. I hope that some day another game like swg will come along and i guess i will either find another game or stick with this mess or nightmare i guess time will tell all of us players that played swg we will remember that it was a great run and it is a whole lot better than what swtor can bring to the table

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Is there a rule that diehard SWG fans aren't allowed to use punctuation or something? Just wondering.


Lol. You have to love how anything in the world, on a forum, can so easily turn into a grammar trolled subject. :D


Now, let us rabble on to a thousand posts so Bioware can listen, & appease, the SWG vets.

Edited by Aedey
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For the most part, the biggest challenge in swg was becoming a jedi pre-pub 9, other than that, there wasn't much challenge. Your really splitting hairs, you realize that? What you mention can be done in this game in somewhat of a similar manner, its not exactly the same, but pretty close. The only you mentioned that this game does need to add is player housing that all the closet home interior decorators have something to do, and player bounties. For the most part player bounties became better in the nge, so i can let that pass for now.


Ever went 1 on 1 with a Jedi, (not as a stacker) that sure as hell was a challenge, Had to time your food properly, spice (im not the biggest star wars fan but shouldnt that be available in the game) Drinks, proper states. I only states here are root and armor reduction.

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To each thier own, i played on and off for 8 years....guess my 1st prof, go on guess....and the 3 things you listed were 3 of the 4 things i had zero intrest in, the 4th being space.




So did you just go unbuffed on your rancor hunts? because if you had no interest in the social aspects you could not be buffed. Nor could you buy armor because that was from other players as well.

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Sadly, thats something I i highly doubt, i wish they could though.


EMU still works fine. The human graphics are a big buggered up though. Have a look on Google there are a few EMUs opening soon. But they won't be as good as the original IMO.

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EMU still works fine. The human graphics are a big buggered up though. Have a look on Google there are a few EMUs opening soon. But they won't be as good as the original IMO.


Yea i was one of the people that was around when the emu first started the guys are from my server. and we had the most populous emu server (spraticnet) until we got tired of waiting, I hear the emu is very glitchy still, if that fixes i will happily go back

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Lol, I hate that games with great ideas and promise get left to the hands of incompetents.


It took some initiative on the player's part to get the most out of SWG. I will probably never try another SOE game after how they pillaged SWG's players and milked what remaining players were left for years after they did their best to screw over the majority. I can forgive some of the limitations with having an old game with a dated engine, but much of SWG's problem was having every single update half-assed.


Most probably thought the crafting or space game were "mind numbing", but those were complex side games that took some dedication and collaboration with other players to make fun. You couldn't play for 30 minutes and have a solid grasp on how everything was going to play (like TOR). The only thing that kept the game going was the community, so when they were burned enough by SOE, there wasn't any more content.


There were no PvE raids (Just the eventual heroics that were only mildly entertaining)... yet PvP fights could sometimes last for days across a server. TOR just does not have a layout that supports open world pvp on a similar scale. You can fight across some planets, but Bioware has done their best to keep factions separate outside of Ilum and warzones. It's inconvenient to travel between planets, so when one side gives up, it's a pain to find another world fight.


Age of Conan had a nice active combat system, but they never did anything with the game besides break things and add pretty landscapes. I didn't even think it was possible to be screwed over more in an MMO after dealing with SOE, but Funcom pretty much closed up shop after milking the expansion for as much as possible...


Hopefully Bioware will add some substance to their game in the next few months; at least they have some form of reputation to live up. However, the bar is set pretty low. Thus far, their business model is aimed at people with the mental capacity of a goldfish.

Edited by fisheggs
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Which of the two do you like more and why? Personally i don't understand how you can go from KOTOR 1 and 2 to this, (from what i hear there are some devs that worked on KOTOR on the SWTOR team) i understand those were single player games, but a 2012 MMO to feel like a 2005 MMO or whatever is just plain embarassing, it's the year 2012, get with the times "Bioware" or whoever you are.


With that being said, i would like it if this game was more sandbox style like SWG and had populated worlds where NPC's would roam around, the KOTOR games felt rich with life, this game just feel completely dead, everything in this game looks like an abandoned movie set. Makes me sad, I feel like in the hands of another company this game probably would have been better in at least one aspect.


well we all are entitled to our opinions. Personally, i coudlnt disagree more.

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SWTOR handsdown. I have played SWG for 6 years, but when I look at it in an honest way, the game was really poor (to put it gently). The comminity was awesome. I mean, my number of logins was strongly influenced by the activity of IG friends.


But Pvp was very boring. Only one real pvp area and BHing.

Content was way too easy.

Planets where filled with emptyness and ugly cities.

No eye for details,

Grinding was aweful,

Great imbalances and the resulting fast switching FOTM's.

Bugs, bugs, bugs. Even in it's best period, pre cu, it contained more bugs then SWTOR at release. Add to thar that some bugs ehere not solved for years and years...

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I played SWG from publish3 all the way thru the NGE, and even then I stuck around for awhile after I lost all my friends due to the NGE. Kept my account active long after the NGE and would log in at times for the hell of it. I endured the hologrind to unlock my Jedi (unlocked on my 31 profession mastery a day before pub9 which stopped the hologrind) and was also a 9 time ace (3 rep 3 Imperlai 3 neutral). With that being said, I played the HECK out of SWG and I enjoyed pretty much every moment of it. I loved the free roam style you had, and the control you had. Mixing professions along the way, the countless hours spend on crafting, the countless hours doing nothing but visiting the player run and built towns etc. It was so easy to get immersed in doing...nothing and having fun doing it. Theres another thread about swg vs this in terms of crafting somewhere also that I replied to and also posted on.


ToR itself, if a pretty fun game. Took me a week to get to 50 from first wave of early release, and im also Legacy level 34 (yes I have alot of time on my hands at the moment). ToR in itself is part of the new "age" of Mmos, similiar to WoW. Kill x amount of this and that, and basically you have to follow a story line where as SWG was pretty much "do whatever you want, use your imagination, create your own story", which I loved and will miss dearly. There is NO comparison between this and SWG. This is a modern wow. Gamers now a days do not like to spend countless hours crafting or getting good at something, they like the instant gratification that games like this and WoW bring. In SWG you actually had to work hard at something and spend those countless hours/days/weeks to get good at your profession. Sure you had to level up by taking missions from the terminals but once you mastered what YOU wanted to, the game was wide open for you to do anything you want (unlike this where you hit 50, run flashpoints and ops) then what? Ops can be cleared in 2 days maybe 3, and the other 4?


SWG relied on the player to make the game fun for himself. How many people here who played SWG can honestly tell me that one thing they dont miss..is the social aspect that SWG had like the special events in towns (player coordinated), and all that?


SWG catered to people who like to do what they want, when they want, and left it WIDE open for people to create their own stories. WoW and Tor seem to cater to those gamers with ADD who dont like hard work and want purples NOW NOW NOW, but they also cater to the super casual gamers...parents and so on, who do not have the time or patience to spend those countless hours needed to master something.


Exactly Tower. I LOVED SWG--ESPECIALLY the crafting system, because it wasn't complicated enough! The argument that you couldn't get resources that I saw on this thread, was apparently from someone who never played the game, since before its violation, new resources spawned daily and, at times, hourly. BECAUSE of the formulas involved in the crafting it allowed you to differentiate yourself from the average 13 year old WoW player with D+ 8th grade math skills who STILL wants that mind-numbing lack of detail and ease of play due to the inability to multiply. AVERAGE high school math skills allowed you to EASILY master the formulas involved in order to create some of the best armor, weapons and--just before the SWG cataclysm--ships in the universe.


EXCELLENCE, INNOVATION, CREATIVITY and INITIATIVE were not only REWARDED, but encouraged in SWG, NOT just mindless hours of untalented drudgery--JUST LIKE IN REAL life.


It was precisely this ONE fact that brought the most devoted following to the original game--despite a smaller overall base--and would be the reason I would pay 3 times what I am paying now for this new game if they brought it back in its original form.

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Your kidding, right?

Swg was entirely for maxed levels. No voices, and if you wanted to level up you needed to do some dumb "legacy" thing. The wandering npcs where boring, as they had no explanation for them. Everyone was a Jedi or sith (not to mention the to many dark Jedi)

It was boring. SWTOR dominates on story.

Just my opinion. No offense meant.

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Sorry I know alot of you SWG dudes had a lot of time on your hands because that's what you needed for that game, working 40 hours a week and being a father and a husband I prefer the less time strenuous SWTOR, and you guys complaining about a lack of endgame you have to realize this game is still young sheesh.
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I'll say that I've never played SW:G right off. But I'll say that the absolute lack of anything after level 50 is going to bore most players right off the system. There's nothing really to do past 50, except, (yay.) more leveling. Except this time, it's Valor leveling.


So, your choices are basically just play with the same eight to sixteen players indefinitely playing the same three warzones, and/or collect warheads on Ilum.


What. The. ****.


Granted, the game is new. But the crafting system is almost a joke, and almost completely useless to you after you hit that level 50. There's nothing to create, no storyline you can follow. You can't really make your own story, since you've been guided on rails for fifty levels, your character is set. You're literally stuck running in circles.


I love the idea of the game. I think it's got a lot of potential. But it's got a lot of work if it wants to keep players around.


More sandboxing would be <3.

Edited by Hoeya
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