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1.1.5 - death of rarity and achievements?!


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guys chill, when all PVE raiders moaned loud so BW made them gear up in PVP epics in a day. Why shouldn't we NONE PVE raiders get ur stuff in a day to?


A fresh 50 doesnt have a chance with some1 in full rakata, They should lower the gap. gear should not matter anyway. Only skill. A rakata should not perform that mutch better in a RAID or PVP. The skill factor should matter ONLY. I mean, ding 50, and cant get into 16mans becouse they choose guys with better gear first., why? Gear should meen less, and skill should be taken over the gear.


In that case fine.




That way we can measure the skill of any player fast and pick the cream of the crop while ditching the deadweight.


But that's not something you really want or support, is it?

Edited by Sejia
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No worries mate. You want proof to deny a rumor. Not usually how things work but I can't offer proof until the patch goes live and your fear mongering shows itself to be just that.


All I can do is hope you don't feel silly come this tuesday and you lose any credibility on these forums.


P.S. Fully agree with you regarding effort/reward though. I just have tested long enough on other games to know this is how new high-in-demand items are added to test servers...for the sole purpose of testing. Bah, nvm.


The number of things that have been in the patch notes, and then haven't gone live the next week, could be counted on one hand.


you're deluding yourself if you think this wont be live on wednesday or tuesday.

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In that case fine.




That way we can measure the skill of any player fast and pick the cream of the crop while ditching the deadweight.


But that's not something you really want or support, is it?


Sorry but I am still laughing...ever heard of Rumpelstiltskin ? :)

Edited by Sejia
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In that case fine.




That way we can measure the skill of any player fast and pick the cream of the crop while ditching the deadweight.


But that's not something you really want or support, is it?


I'd be fine with segregated servers if they included segregated forums :9.

Edited by Sejia
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this will only bother people with mentality like this: "i've got it the hard way so noone else should have it easier"


if anything - it should matter only to you that you got it the hard way, leave the rest alone


The hard way ? lol


No it's the way MMOs should be, certain crap should require groups to aquire, it is an online multiplayer afterall, what's the point in grouping if u can get everything solo.


I'm already hugely upset with the direction this game is going, it's sad to see it go worse, I really wanted this game to be a success.

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this will only bother people with mentality like this: "i've got it the hard way so noone else should have it easier"


if anything - it should matter only to you that you got it the hard way, leave the rest alone




One's accomplishments (be they real or in a game) are not rendered null and void because one cannot wave about a symbol of the accomplishment(s). For me, anyway, the thrill is in the achieving, not in the "lookee, lookee what I have and you don't...neeee nurrr".

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The hard way ? lol


No it's the way MMOs should be, certain crap should require groups to aquire, it is an online multiplayer afterall, what's the point in grouping if u can get everything solo.


I'm already hugely upset with the direction this game is going, it's sad to see it go worse, I really wanted this game to be a success.


You seem to imply it's not a success if you don't like something when plenty of other people have expressed support for these changes. By all means, vote with your wallet, but don't delude yourself into thinking this game isn't already a success.

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You seem to imply it's not a success if you don't like something when plenty of other people have expressed support for these changes. By all means, vote with your wallet, but don't delude yourself into thinking this game isn't already a success.


I guess if you have low expectations, it's a success. If it wasn't for the Star Wars title, this game would be nothing.


Don't delude yourself into thinking this game is a huge success, because it isn't and never will be.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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You people act as if clearing raids actually requires effort in the first place.


In fact, I'm fairly sure that finding a vendor, clicking him, and buying something is much more complicated than the boss mechanics in the TOR's ops.


If the vendor imprisons you in a permanent phase you have to fleet pass to to get out of, teleports you so you're stuck in the floor and can't move just out of click range, or that he spawns a chest on the ground once you buy the item that you have to loot it out of (good luck with that btw) you might be right =p

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-Hey thats a really cool looking sparkly twinkly saber you got there. How did you get it?


I crafted it


-How did you craft it?


Like normal, you know, send your companions on missions and stuff


-Oh so you send your companions on missions to stack up on rare crit mats then travel several worlds to get the rest of ingredients to perform the secret steps of the dark ritual to spawn the master of worldkilling, defeat him and take his chipped tooth and medidate at an altar with 8 other people and hope to be the chosen one to be blessed with the knowledge of the cool looking sparkly twinkly saber?


Nah u crazy? Who would wanna do that? Just send your companions on mission and sell the mats. They go like hot bagels for the default price on GTN. In about two days when you have enough credits go to the vendor across the hall here. He has piles of sparkly twinkly sabers. Cool speeders too.


-Sounds kinda coo-... that actually sounds kinda f***** up.


U mad?



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If the vendor imprisons you in a permanent phase you have to fleet pass to to get out of, teleports you so you're stuck in the floor and can't move just out of click range, or that he spawns a chest on the ground once you buy the item that you have to loot it out of (good luck with that btw) you might be right =p


Hey! I said mechanics... though I guess you could count bugs as mechanics in this game.


The bugs are more complicated to figure out than the bosses actual "mechanics". Soa is the only fight with some semblance of phases/structure. Everything else is just the same 10-30 second pattern repeated for 5 minutes.

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This game takes casual gaming to a whole new level. In 1.2 you get a mail with 'best in slot' gear when you log in for the first time or what?


Nah bro.


In 1.2 when you enter a dungeon you can press the "I'm a noob and just like story" button and it shows you the EPIC Bioware crafted story of the raid.


i.e. "Karaga has a funny hat, kill him and take it!"


and "Some dude in prison has been practicing throwing statues at platforms for 20,000 years, he must be stopped before the Empire's platform reserves are attacked".


EPIC *********** STORY

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I guess if you have low expectations, it's a success. If it wasn't for the Star Wars title, this game would be nothing.


Don't delude yourself into thinking this game is a huge success, because it isn't and never will be.


Can I have your crystalball ?

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Can I have your crystalball ?


Sorry but let me sum up what you got with this game:


- 8 funny, linear story lines


- a ton of side quests


- 7 "hardmode" flashpoints


- 2 operations


- crafting which can be maxed out in a matter of 3 days



Currently it is fun but as soon as I'm done with beating all of this amazing amount of content I leave if they don't add anything new.

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I don't know. Personally, this seems like a lot of drama over nothing. But I've come to realize that not many people (at least not many -vocal- ones) have the same kind of outlook that I do. I don't really -care- about all your awards and achievements. I don't play to get a shiny, I play to HAVE FUN. And the reward is NOT the fun. The fun is in the doing.


You can hang whatever uber-powerful, mega-rare thing you want out there, but if the -gameplay- to attain it isn't FUN, then I'm not going to want to do it. (It's just a bunch of pixels and data -- who cares?) On the flip side, as long as I'm having fun as I play, I don't really care that much what I get at the end. I just want the fun to continue. It really is all about the journey, IMO, not the destination.

Edited by Ayradyss
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Nah bro.


In 1.2 when you enter a dungeon you can press the "I'm a noob and just like story" button and it shows you the EPIC Bioware crafted story of the raid.


i.e. "Karaga has a funny hat, kill him and take it!"


and "Some dude in prison has been practicing throwing statues at platforms for 20,000 years, he must be stopped before the Empire's platform reserves are attacked".


EPIC *********** STORY


I see, that is how it feels like when you ignore 95% of the game and focus on just a tiny bit that is played by a small percentage of the community.


If story in SW:TOR was a surprise for you....I am sorry, that was indeed unexpected :p

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I guess if you have low expectations, it's a success. If it wasn't for the Star Wars title, this game would be nothing.


Don't delude yourself into thinking this game is a huge success, because it isn't and never will be.


Well, look at it this way...having "low expectations" and fun. As opposed to "high expectations" and not having fun. I'll stick with my oh-so-horrid "low expectations" and enjoy myself. :p


And, I think you're a bit bitter or something to try to say the game isn't a success. It is. And if BW can keep plugging away at content, fixes etc. it'll be one of the top 3. If not, it'll settle with the rest of the mid-stream ones and those are financially (which is the point of these games for the producers) viable.


And no, not a fanboi either. I'm here for the stories. When they run out, I'll probably wander off back to one of the other MMOs I play. I wasn't even expecting to like this one what with all the sci-fi business. Actually surprised me.

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I see, that is how it feels like when you ignore 95% of the game and focus on just a tiny bit that is played by a small percentage of the community.


If story in SW:TOR was a surprise for you....I am sorry, that was indeed unexpected :p


I didn't ignore anything. The end game "story" is a complete joke in a game that is supposed to be about story. Why are there only 2 flashpoints that really have any amount of story in them in the entire game? It's a "story based MMO BRO", remember?



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I guess if you have low expectations, it's a success. If it wasn't for the Star Wars title, this game would be nothing.


Don't delude yourself into thinking this game is a huge success, because it isn't and never will be.


Who are you trying to convince, me or yourself? At this point they're relatively close or have surpassed the point where they needed to break even on the game. And the momentum they have isn't stopping. It's not groundbreaking based on a the numbers other games get that have been out for years, but it's a hell of a good start.


And the thing about it being Star Wars is kinda funny because I'm not a huge fan of the Star Wars world. I'm playing this game because of friends, it's Bioware and I'm a fan of many of their other games, and because it has a lot of features that other mmo's I have played don't have, and it's also lacks things that I didn't enjoy about other games. Sure, that helped sell the game but that's not what's keeping it going. By all means, vote with your wallet. That's your prerogative.


And low expectations and a measure of success has nothing to do with the topic at hand, aside from you not being able to differentiate your opinion from claims of success or measure of said expectation.

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